Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 280 The assessment of going their separate ways

The reward for everyone in the Tidal Body Refining of the third Poseidon test is undoubtedly the biggest among the three tests.

Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Bai Chenxiang, and the four black-level assessors all had their soul powers increased by one level, and their soul ring lifespans also received an additional increase.

Especially Bai Chenxiang, who passed the fourth black level test, relied on his own efforts and persistence to raise his assessment to a new level, reaching the fifth black level test, which is the same as Dugu Yan.

Shen Jianxin, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun, the four top red examiners and above, were each rewarded with two levels of soul power, and the minimum life of their soul rings was increased by more than 2,000 years.

In addition to the rewards from the first two tests, the soul rings of the eight people have completely achieved the anti-pornography operation, and the lowest level is purple.

Continuously tempering the body under the tide, and constantly squeezing one's own soul power for protection. Over the past year, everyone's soul power cultivation has also been greatly improved.

The highest level one is still Shen Jianxin. Although the soul power in his body is sealed, he has never stopped cultivating his soul power under the erosion of the tide.

After one year, even in Contra, a high-level soul master level where training is already extremely difficult, he successfully improved by one level when his soul power was unsealed. In addition to the two levels as a reward for the divine test, he has improved in total in the past year. Level three.

Now he is an advanced attack type Soul Douluo up to level 86. Even with his soul power cultivation alone and the abnormal soul ring, Shen Jianxin is enough to deal with most of the powerful titled Douluo in the world.

Dugu Yan has also upgraded two levels in the past year. With the first level of the divine examination reward, he is now a level 75 control system soul saint powerhouse.

You must know that she is only 24 years old now, with a soul power level of 75. If external factors are not taken into account, Qian Renxue seems to be about the same age when she reaches this level.

After Xiao Wu came to this Poseidon Island, under the influence of everyone's hard work, her fun-loving personality also became much more restrained.

In the past year, I have also cultivated to the third level, plus the first level of assessment reward, and now I am a level 68 power attack type fighting spirit emperor.

Zhu Zhuqing has also been promoted to three levels, plus one level of assessment reward, and is now a level 66 agility system war soul emperor.

Because Bai Chenxiang focused on the assessment, in order to break through in exchange for higher rewards, she lagged behind in soul power cultivation and only improved by two levels.

Including the first level of assessment reward, he is now also a level 66 pure agility fighting soul emperor, the same as Zhu Zhuqing.

As a food-type soul master, Oscar's cultivation speed is the slowest, and his physical body is simply not comparable to other battle soul masters.

In order to complete his own red top seven exams, he had to make a choice and spend most of his energy on practicing the tidal body training method summarized by Shen Jianxin.

This also led to the fact that his soul power had only passively increased by one level during the tide of confrontation over the past year.

Fortunately, the divine examination rewarded him with two levels, allowing him to reach level 65, which was not too far behind the others.

Ning Rongrong was almost the same as him, devoting most of his energy to physical training in order to complete the assessment.

In the past year, his soul power has only increased by one level. After adding the two levels of the divine test reward, he has reached level 66, which is comparable to one level above Oscar, and is directly catching up with Zhu Zhuqing, Bai Chenxiang and other fighting soul masters.

Considering that Zhu Zhuqing was only in his 20s when Ning Rongrong was in his 40s, the gap has been leveled off step by step over the years, which is enough to show how difficult it is to become an auxiliary soul master.

However, Ning Rongrong didn't care too much about this. The days were still long, and the ultimate achievement that could be achieved in the end was the most powerful proof of a person's true potential.

If the improvement of others can be traced, or it can be said that it is a normal increase, then Ma Hongjun's improvement is particularly outstanding.

After being washed away by the waves for a year, in that place where the water element was extremely strong, his soul power cultivation increased like a pill. In this year, he actually improved his soul power to a terrifying fifth level.

Including the two levels of divine examination rewards, he has now reached the seventy-level mark. As long as he obtains another soul ring, he will become the third powerful soul saint in the team after Dugu Yan.

If he improved under the light of Poseidon, no one would be too surprised. After all, they have all experienced the effect of Poseidon's light, and the increase in soul power is like flying.

But now that he is a fire attribute soul master practicing in water, it is really incredible that he can get such a big improvement.

This kind of abnormality made Ning Rongrong and others confused. Even Bo Saixi, who was well-informed, couldn't explain what was going on.

On the other hand, Shen Jianxin was able to make some vague guesses based on the theory of Yin Yang and Five Elements in his previous life.

In order to better protect himself in the water and to resist the erosion of the water element, Ma Hongjun's body or martial spirit further stimulated his potential without his knowledge.

This means that the yin pole produces yang and the yang pole produces yin, or that water and fire are incompatible.

Either it becomes stronger through constant confrontation, or it gradually dies under the more powerful opposing attributes.

However, this kind of speculation can only be based on the situation that Ma Hongjun has enough potential. If the potential is insufficient, then there is no mention of stimulating potential.

Fortunately, in this life, Ma Hongjun met Shen Jianxin early, and for the love in his heart, he still practiced hard without forgetting his original intention after expelling the evil fire.

This explosive breakthrough is a reward for his five years of never forgetting his original intention. It is also the most powerful proof that he has completely got rid of the word "evil fire".

It’s okay not to live a ridiculous life in your childhood.

The phoenix was born as a noble phoenix, so how could it have the nameless evil fire?

After informing each other about the content of their assessment, everyone also realized that the separation was imminent.

Afterwards, everyone gathered on Poseidon Island for a few days, relaxed themselves in a lively manner, and adjusted themselves to their best condition.

A few days later, Bai Chenxiang was taken to the Thunderstorm Sea by Bo Saixi.

There is an unknowable place deep in the sea, where dark clouds never leave, winds blow, rain pours, and thunderstorms never end.

Only a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo like Bo Saixi could protect Bai Chenxiang, who was at level sixty-six, in that place.

Zhu Zhuqing was taken away by Xiaobai and has lived in the sea for many years. She is naturally very familiar with the pirates on the island.

However, she will only serve as a leader, and Zhu Zhuqing still has to handle all the difficulties encountered during the assessment.

Dugu Yan got into the library of Poseidon Island and started her own retreat.

She had long been familiar with the various poison-making materials on the mainland, taught by Dugu Boy's words and deeds, but with these alone, she could not create a new toxin that could kill a titled Douluo in a quarter of an hour.

Now referring to various unique materials in the sea is the fastest shortcut for her to complete the assessment.

Xiao Wu also turned into a hard-working little bee on this day, constantly hovering around the Seven Sacred Pillars, changing their tricks to increase their favorability.

Picking ingredients by yourself, constantly developing new recipes, hand-making various exquisite handicrafts, etc.

Xiao Wu was very busy improving her favorability and constantly asking others for advice. In the process, Xiao Wu was getting closer to a normal human being, and the traces of a soul beast on her body were gradually fading away.

Maybe this is the real reason why Poseidon specially imposed this test on her.

After all, only her body is human, but she is not a real human being. Only by integrating into the large group of humans can she truly complete her transformation.

Like Xiao Wu in the original work, she was just a humanoid soul beast in captivity. Apart from the Shrek Seven Devils, how many people in the world still recognized her human identity?

When she participated in the assessment, she was the tool used by Poseidon to inspire Tang San, ascended to the divine world, and was used as the scabbard of the Shura Divine Sword by God Shura. From the beginning to the end, she was nothing more than a tool.

Even if there are children in the future, none of them will inherit her martial arts spirit. It is really miserable.

Oscar also quickly started his own assessment, transforming into a sausage salesman on Poseidon Island, constantly honing his face and selling his sausages to everyone he met.

As for the effect? I can only say that I am getting thicker-skinned.

At Shen Jianxin's suggestion, Ning Rongrong infiltrated into the Soul Master Academy on Poseidon Island, or the Divine Religion Institute, a place used to train Poseidon believers.

She wanted to learn the combat experience of a battle soul master from the basics. Only these students who were still studying in school and were less than level 40 could give her enough training.

As for Ma Hongjun, he has turned into a Jingwei on Douluo Continent, but one is just a reclamation sea, and he is Fen Hai.

He keeps flying on the sea every day, opening his mouth and spitting out fireballs the size of basins, exploding at the sea without thinking.

At the end, Shen Jianxin had already begun to shut up. He already knew the characteristics of the seven teammates by heart. Now he could only use his imagination in seclusion, and then design the soul skills and let them try them one by one.

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