Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 281 The year when Shen Jianxin lost his hair

Time passed, and a week later Shen Jianxin walked out of the room for the first time and came to the temple.

When she saw Ning Rongrong, Shen Jianxin found that she was fighting with a female soul master from the agility department.

The fight was extremely fierce, with fists and kicks thrown at each other, and the steps were messy and unorganized. They relied entirely on their physical strength and soul power to grind the opponent to death.

Shaking his head helplessly, Shen Jianxin stopped Ning Rongrong's fight and taught her a self-created soul skill that he designed based on the imagination in the comics of his previous life.

When the soul power gathered in the palm of her hand and a coconut-sized rotating energy ball took shape in Shen Jianxin's hand, Ning Rongrong knew clearly that this was the most suitable self-created soul skill for her.

With the secret method of controlling distraction passed down from his family, Ning Rongrong learned the Rasengan modified by Shen Jian Xinmo very smoothly. He understood the essentials in just one day and was able to use it skillfully in three days.

As for whether this soul skill will be carried forward in the future, it depends on Ning Rongrong's own imagination and efforts.

After teaching Ning Rongrong, Shen Jianxin has completed one-seventh of the assessment. Next, he plans to design a self-created soul skill based on body movements.

First of all, Ning Rongrong's steps during the battle were too messy. Without the support of her identity, it was still very difficult for her to complete.

Secondly, Oscar is also an auxiliary soul master, and a good body technique can also ensure his safety. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, he can also use the Rasengan, an offensive soul skill, and the combination of the two greatly ensures his safety.

Fortunately, the plug-in that Shen Jianxin brought when he traveled through time, the strange kendo inheritance of 'I Xunsi' has many matching footwork.

Using these footwork movements as support, soul power as energy source, and comparison with his own years of training experience, Shen Jianxin gradually completed a movement-type soul skill through constant trial and error.

Shamelessly named it - Lingbo Weibu.

This is a masterpiece that integrates sudden advance, small-scale movement and long-distance attack.

It took Shen Jianxin five months to create this footwork.

Although it took a long time, this footwork was definitely worth the effort Shen Jianxin spent.

Because this footwork soul skill seems to be one, but in fact it can be combined in two to form three different soul skills.

For example, Ning Rongrong needs to fight to complete the assessment, so as long as she learns tossing and dashing in a small area, and cooperates with the explosion of the Rasengan, as long as she finds the right time, she can defeat 80% of the soul masters in the soul master world.

As for the remaining 20% ​​of the strong ones, just leave them to your teammates. After all, as an assistant, you can't ask for too much.

What Oscar needs to learn is to move around in a small area and run long distances. Delaying time and finding the right opportunity to escape are his top priorities.

After all, Ning Rongrong's soul skills can also provide him with boosts, but his logistical support soul skills can't really help him in battle.

Of course, if you have enough energy and high enough understanding, it would be better to learn all three.

Not only will it be stronger, but it will also have enough means to deal with emergencies. After all, using it in reverse direction is also an excellent way to distance yourself from the enemy.

After these five months of studying body movements, Shen Jianxin has already made a mental draft of Bai Chenxiang's self-created soul skill.

Transformation, a combination of space power and burst-like footwork, is performed continuously, leaving a long-lasting afterimage in the moving space.

The speed and convenience of sneak attacks, combined with Bai Chenxiang's burst of space cutting, can definitely help her get rid of the embarrassing status of pure sensitivity.

Dugu Yan's self-created soul skills are relatively simple. Although Shen Jianxin doesn't know how to use poison or control, he does know a little bit about throwing.

‘I Xunsi’ There are many throwing swordsmanship moves in the swordsmanship inheritance, which must be like the flying sword from the sky.

Although it is just a brainstorm and mostly guesswork, Shen Jianxin's understanding of the way of swordsmanship is probably second only to his master Sword Douluo and Angel Sword Sendo-ryu in the world.

Even Shen Jianxin, one of the seven major sects in the soul master world, the Fengjian Sect, could arrogantly say that it was nothing.

There is not even a titled Douluo in the sect, and the sect leader is just a Soul Douluo. To say that they have come a long way in the way of swordsmanship is like going to the grave and burning newspapers - they are fooling the devil.

Two and a half months later, Shen Jianxin gave Duguyan a technique of throwing flying needles and gave her the concept of hidden weapons.

Poison paired with hidden weapons will never go out of style.

Seven months have passed since they solved the self-created soul skills of Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Bai Chenxiang, and Dugu Yan.

After seven months of non-stop creation of four self-created soul skills, Shen Jianxin's white hair gradually became thinner.

Seeing other people's self-created soul skills taking off in Duliu, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu were also greedy. They themselves had no idea about brain-burning things like self-created soul skills, so they had to go to Shen Jianxin for advice.

Xiao Wu even used the method she had used to py others over the past six months to increase her favorability, and harassed Shen Jianxin in various ways.

The food is different every day, exquisite handicrafts are given away, and even exotic clothes are worn on the body every now and then.

Seeing Xiao Wu working so hard, Shen Jianxin couldn't continue to have sex for nothing, so he had to spend a month to develop Xiao Wu's own soul skills with his hair visible to the naked eye.

The modified version of the Insulating Claw uses unknown means to make Xiao Wu's invincible golden body only affect his hands, thus creating a pair of indestructible hands.

On the day he mastered it, he could block physical attacks with his bare hands and split energy attacks with his hands. As long as they were attacks below the god level, Xiao Wu's golden hands were just a breeze.

Logically speaking, this soul skill was not created by Shen Jianxin alone, but he provided the ideas and Xiao Wu realized it on his own.

However, the assessment content was only about designing a self-created soul skill for teammates and practicing it. Shen Jianxin only provided thinking assistance, which was not a violation.

After Xiao Wu was mastered, so was Ma Hongjun's self-created soul skill. Shen Jianxin provided ideas and he figured it out on his own.

After all, the fire attribute thing was a long-range attack, but it touched Shen Jianxin's knowledge blind spot.

Fortunately, Ma Hongjun's understanding was good enough, and Shen Jianxin handed him the set of handprints that had been verified many times by Lan Yinxin and Lan Yinsheng, and provided him with a lot of reference for thinking.

After stumbling and stumbling, Ma Hongjun also figured out the trick of spitting fireballs and spraying flames from his mouth without using the energy of the soul ring.

If he keeps practicing for a long time, maybe Ma Hongjun can get rid of the restrictions of the soul ring in the future and successfully control the flame by himself.

Seeing Ma Hongjun step by step towards the position of Vulcan, Shen Jianxin also showed a very satisfied smile.

At the end of September, after Shen Jianxin solved everyone's self-created soul skills, he went to sea under the leadership of the Demonic Great White Shark and set foot on an unknown island five hundred miles away from Poseidon Island.

All the self-created soul skills of other companions have been solved, and Shen Jianxin has to make a trip in person for Zhu Zhuqing, his direct disciple.

This unnamed island is the contact point that Shen Jianxin determined through Xiaobai and Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing's assessment mission is to lurk to find out information, so it is still necessary to be cautious.

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