The island was not that big. Shen Jianxin, who had just landed on the island, detected a faint fluctuation in the shadow of a tree with his mental power.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the Hundred Thousand Left Leg Bone Soul Skill was activated. Under the influence of Earth Escape, Shen Jianxin sank into the earth like a swimming fish.

"Zhuqing, what are you thinking about?"

Shen Jianxin's voice suddenly came, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was hiding in the shadows using his third soul skill Shadow Escape, suddenly trembled.


Zhu Zhuqing looked around as his figure emerged from the shadows, but did not find Shen Jianxin's figure.

"Didn't come? Did I hallucinate?"

"It's not that." Shen Jianxin's ghostly voice came from behind Zhu Zhuqing.

The hair on his hair stood up, and the soul power in Zhu Zhuqing's body suddenly exploded, leaping to the side like a black cat.

When he landed, Zhu Zhuqing had already assumed a fighting stance, with six soul rings of purple, purple, purple, purple, black, and black surrounding him. His jagged cat claws were already placed in front of him, ready to attack and defend at any time. Getting ready, the strange-colored vertical pupils full of murderous intent locked tightly on the sudden appearance of Shen Jianxin.

"Master? Is it really you?"

Seeing Shen Jianxin's face clearly, Zhu Zhuqing's murderous intent suddenly decreased, but the state of possession by the martial spirit was not lifted.

Shen Jianxin nodded slightly: "Zhuqing, long time no see. You have grown up and suffered."

From Zhu Zhuqing's murderous eyes, Shen Jianxin saw no less than dozens of lives. From the fact that Zhu Zhuqing didn't completely give up his guard when he saw her, Shen Jianxin immediately understood that her past few months had not been good, and it was even possible. I have also suffered a lot in terms of trust.

Come to think of it, a girl who has never experienced intrigues before and infiltrated into a group of pirates who do all kinds of evil and has no bottom line to explore information without professional training, how could she not stumble a few times.

Thanks to the fact that only Zhu Zhuqing was tested in this assessment, family reasons made her more cautious, and the pursuit of Zhu Zhuyun when she was a child also gave her enough experience.

If not, if this assessment is assigned to anyone in the team except Shen Jianxin, they will not be able to do better, and it is even a question of whether they can save their lives.

Eight soul rings, one purple, four black, two blue, gold and one red, emerged from Shen Jianxin's body one by one. Only then did Zhu Zhuqing completely let down his guard.

After all, only Shen Jianxin has such a unique soul ring configuration in the world, so it is impossible to fake it.

"Master, forgive me, I was rude."

After verifying his true identity, Zhu Zhuqing immediately released his martial spirit possession and bent down to salute Shen Jianxin respectfully.

Shen Jianxin raised his hand and released a soft soul power to support Zhu Zhuqing: "It doesn't have to be like this. I have experienced what you have experienced when I was in the killing city. It is better to be cautious when going out. After all, we only have one life."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were slightly red, and he saluted again: "Thank you, Master, for your teaching. I have learned from it."

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "Zhuqing, we don't have to be like this between master and disciple. We can just go as usual and speak more casually."

"After all, we are family members, right?"

"Master!" The grievance hidden in his heart completely exploded at this moment. Zhu Zhuqing suddenly rushed over, hugged Shen Jianxin, buried his head in his arms, and his tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Master, I have killed people, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many people have I killed? Wuwu"

"Men, women, old people, children, they don't even look like human beings at all. As long as I hold back for a moment, they will do whatever they can to kill me."

Shen Jianxin was slightly dazed, and slowly raised his arms to hug Zhu Zhuqing, patting her back gently, without saying a word, just listening to her quietly.

Shen Jianxin knew that this was something inevitable when living in a place without order or disorder.

When going in and out of the killing city, Shen Jianxin actually killed more people, and even cut down people with weak hands at one point.

To survive in such a chaotic place, you can only frighten those evil people by killing them. Only by being strong can you get a moment of stability. Only by establishing a firm foothold can you kill less, selectively, and even do it. do not kill.

And Zhu Zhuqing wanted to infiltrate the pirate group to gather information, and killing and being killed was actually the norm in a place of chaotic order.

In fact, Shen Jianxin also knew that Zhu Zhuqing was not crying for the evildoers who were killed, but for those who were controlled by the evildoers and launched suicide attacks on her.

As a girl, if her hands are stained with too much blood, there will always be cracks in her heart.

It would be fine if the blood stained on the hands are all evil people, but there are many tool people who cannot tell whether they are evil or not.

It is very likely that they are all innocent fishermen and sea traders, but they fell into the hands of pirates, were controlled by them, and eventually became disposable consumables that consumed the enemy soul master's soul power.

Just like taking prisoners and civilians to consume the enemy's arrows when attacking a city, it is also extremely common for pirates to take prisoners to consume the enemy soul master's soul power when they are fighting each other.

After a long time, Zhu Zhuqing slowly stopped crying and broke away from Shen Jianxin's arms with red cheeks.

When she saw the moisture on Shen Jianxin's chest, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned red to her neck. She lowered her head and said shyly, "Master, thank you, Master. I feel better after saying it."

Shen Jianxin smiled and rubbed her head: "Okay, that's enough. In fact, I killed many more people than you in the Killing City back then. Even like you now, I can't tell who is my real enemy. , can only kill all those who intend to get close to him indiscriminately."

"It wasn't until I killed them that I finally got a moment of peace."

"Actually, you don't have to feel guilty. Just remember that no snowflake is innocent under an avalanche. Also, you must protect yourself."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled and nodded heavily.

She has a home that she cannot return to, a foreign country, and now she only has Shen Jianxin as a relative.

Only by Shen Jianxin's side could she feel the long-lost love and warmth.

"By the way, I have developed your soul skill, and I named it - Breathless!"

As he spoke, Shen Jianxin's soul power fluctuations and aura began to quickly become restrained, and soon disappeared from Zhu Zhuqing's perception.

If Shen Jianxin wasn't still standing in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing would have thought that Shen Jianxin had left.

"This, this is."

Shen Jianxin nodded, took out the Vast Sea Universe Cover from the storage soul guide, and input soul power to activate it.

"Yes, this soul skill refers to some characteristics of the Vast Sea Universe Shield. However, my level is limited, and the soul skill I developed cannot cover the body shape. It can only slightly hide the breath and soul power fluctuations."

"Your third soul skill, Dark Silver Shield, can cover your figure and sneak silently. This breathlessness can cover your soul power fluctuations and body aura."

"I think that only when this soul skill is placed in your hands can it display its truest power."

"Master!" Zhu Zhuqing rushed forward, gave Shen Jianxin a big hug, put his arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek hard.

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