Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 291 The Rise of the Blood God Cult

After Phantom's narration, Shen Jianxin gradually understood the rise of the Blood God Sect.

In short, after Phantom became a disciple of Bibi Dong, he used his authority to continuously provide cover for the Blood God Sect, while quietly contacting the Angel Empire and the Qibao Glazed Sect to transfuse blood for the Blood God Sect.

With the Shura mark left by Shen Jianxin as a token, Phantom easily gained the most basic trust of Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo.

It wasn't that Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo easily believed in the unclear person Phantom, but as long as they could hit Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi didn't care who Phantom was.

As long as there are a few tentative cooperations, as long as it has utilization value, Ning Fengzhi will naturally continue to increase investment.

It was just some money and supplies. The stable national conditions and productivity of the Angel Empire were not comparable to those of the chaotic Rakshasa Empire.

Use materials to support the resistance forces in the Rakshasa Empire, and let others do their own thing, why not?

If the phantom is fake, some supplies will be lost at worst. If the phantom is real, it will be a great thing for the Angel Empire and the Qibao Glazed Sect.

However, Phantom was Shen Jianxin's subordinate. The first cooperation and even subsequent cooperation brought considerable benefits to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

As cooperation deepened, the Blood God Cult also stood out among the rebel forces and began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the smart thing about Fendis is that he is not greedy. Just when the expansion of the Blood God Cult was about to touch Bibi Dong's bottom line, Fendis immediately stopped the expansion and spent a lot of money to bribe the officials of the Rakshasa Empire. , using a large amount of money in exchange for a stable territory.

After possessing his own territory, Fendis began to secretly win over the unsatisfactory soul master families in the Rakshasa Empire.

The first to be roped in were the Po clan and the Min clan, two of the four original single-attribute clans that had a blood feud with Wuhun Palace.

In their view, Bibi Dong was the pope of the original Wuhun Palace, and the Rakshasa Empire was transformed from the original Wuhun Palace, so the Rakshasa Empire was the product of the ambition of the Wuhun Palace.

It was Wuhundian who annexed the Star Luo Empire and established the Rakshasa Empire. Now she also wants to conquer the original Tiandou Empire and the current Angel Empire to dominate the world.

Although the Angel Empire seems to have an unclear relationship with Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong, the former Pope of Wuhun Palace, went even further, and the Po Clan and the Yu Clan were still in the chaotic Rakshasa Empire. Survival.

On the one hand, he had to avoid Bibi Dong's eyes and prevent him from discovering his existence, and on the other hand, he had to carefully fight against the constant harassment of the unscrupulous Rakshasa Empire's soul master legion.

One can imagine how bad their living environment is.

Now, a brand new force suddenly appeared, the Blood God Sect, and they also have a relatively stable territory for them to survive. Although it is located in a remote place, this is already a rare dream for the two families who have been desperate. I feel like I’m in my hometown.

With the addition of the Broken Clan and the Sensitive Clan, other families that have struggled to make a living will naturally be more likely to be drawn into the Blood God Sect and become a growing part of the Blood God Sect.

And Phantom also relies on his identity and authority to secretly provide information to Fendis and select high-quality customers.

Later, the City of Slaughter was destroyed and the King of Slaughter emerged. The Blood God Sect has become a stubborn disease in the Rakshasa Empire.

Especially when Bibi Dong and the King of Slaughter jointly launched a war against the Angel Empire and the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Blood God Sect broke out, like a sharp knife, piercing into Bibi Dong's heart.

It even once approached within 500 miles of the Rakshasa Imperial City.

Although Bibi Dong responded in time, he urgently transferred the banned warriors on the front line back to destroy the Blood God Cult.

But at this time, the Blood God Cult had already cut off its tail under the command of Fendis, and escaped from the dangerous place early by retaining the core part.

After this battle, Bibi Dong not only failed to expand the results on the front line, but also began to ignite raging fire in the rear.

The reason is that although the Blood God Sect has not succeeded in breaking into the Rakshasa Imperial City, it has successfully ignited the fire of resistance among the people in the Rakshasa Empire.

Especially those ordinary people and low-level soul masters who had no ambitions, when they learned that the leader of the Blood God Cult was actually an ordinary person without any soul power, it aroused the hot blood in their veins.

Fendis's deeds made them understand that ordinary people also have the ability to resist, and superior soul masters can also be killed by ordinary people.

At this point, the three characters of Blood God Cult have become Bibi Dong’s nightmare. The Rakshasa Empire is filled with resistance forces raising the banner of Blood God Cult. They are large and small, densely packed and endless. The Blood God Cult can’t fight at all. Not finished.

Even if Bibi Dong sends out all his 100,000 soul master legions, he still can't wipe out the bloody banner that keeps being raised.

In desperation, Bibi Dong focused on Poseidon Island, a treasure land full of soul masters.

One is that she wants to conquer Poseidon Island with absolute force, and then incorporate the soul masters on the island into her soul master army.

The second is the geographical location of Poseidon Island.

Using Poseidon Island as a springboard, they can gather an army of millions. Then Wan Fan can go south and penetrate directly into the back of the Angel Empire, and then attack from both front and back to capture the Angel Empire and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang made good calculations, but they did not expect that Shen Jianxin and others would conduct trials on Poseidon Island.

After learning the whole story from Phantom's mouth, Shen Jianxin couldn't help but feel scared.

If all the coincidences hadn't come together, and if Bibi Dong's plan succeeded, Shen Jianxin really couldn't imagine what the future would be like.

Fortunately, fate is still on Shen Jianxin's side, and nothing has happened yet. Since the conspiracy has been learned by him, Bibi Dong's conspiracy is destined to fail.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed. The topics that needed to be talked about had already been said, the information that needed to be heard had been reported, and there was not even a story left to tell.

Phantom and Shen Jianxin stood quietly in front of the large blue cocoon wrapping Zhu Zhuqing, waiting silently.

"Zhuqing succeeded!"

Suddenly, Shen Jianxin spoke and broke the peaceful atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, the big blue cocoon formed by the blue silver grass suddenly changed. Several sharp black bone knives poked out from the big blue cocoon, cutting through the big cocoon formed by the blue silver grass as easily as a hot knife cutting through butter.

Purple-black light shines through, and as the large cocoon of blue silver grass gradually falls to both sides, a black cloth wraps the bumpy body, and the heroic Zhu Zhuqing slowly reveals his figure.

Purple, purple, purple, purple, black, black, black, seven super-configured soul rings slowly rotated around her, emitting a strange light.

Slowly opening his eyes, Zhu Zhuqing showed a relaxed smile: "Master, I have made you worry."

Shen Jianxin shook his head and smiled: "Zhuqing, welcome back."

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