Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 292 Zhu Zhuqing’s Domain

"Miss Zhuqing, has your martial spirit evolved?"

Zhu Zhuqing broke through the blue silver grass cocoon to reveal her figure, and Phantom noticed at a glance that she was different from before.

The most obvious change is that the jagged claws possessed by Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit have now turned into a dark bone knife with a metallic texture.

Zhu Zhuqing raised his hand and looked at the sharp claws on his fingertips that had changed greatly. They were completely black and did not reflect any light. They looked like scimitars and were filled with cold air. There seemed to be energy flowing on the claw blades and was extremely sharp.

With a gentle wave, the air was cut open like paper, and an extremely subtle tearing sound was heard.

"It does seem to have become a lot stronger." Zhu Zhuqing was a little unsure.

Shen Jianxin thought: "It is sharper than before, the sound of breaking through the air is smaller when swung, and it no longer reflects light. It seems to be more suitable for sneak attacks."

"It should be the Netherworld White Tiger Soul Ring that gives you a metallic edge and strengthens your dark attribute characteristics. It is a complete forward evolution, which is a good thing."

"Feel it again and see if there are any other changes after absorbing the Netherworld White Tiger Soul Ring?"

Zhu Zhuqing closed his eyes and began to sense his physical condition: "The soul power seems to have reached level 73."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "It's normal. Rongrong and the others also absorb soul rings and upgrade them by two levels. In addition, the assessment rewards increase by one level. It's normal to increase them by three levels at once."

"The Netherworld White Tiger Soul Ring is extremely compatible with your martial spirit. Feel it again to see if there are any other benefits."

After carefully observing it for a moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly opened his eyes, with surprise beyond words: "Master, it is really beneficial, and it is also a huge benefit."

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's surprised look, Shen Jianxin knew that she seemed to have found a treasure this time as a blessing in disguise.

"Exercise it and see. The soul ring that was obtained after almost dying. If the benefits are not great, then it will be a big loss."

Zhu Zhuqing said with a smile, "I will definitely satisfy Master."

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing's seventh soul ring lit up, and a large amount of black mist spread from her body, covering her whole body in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, an extremely dull cat meow came from the black fog, and then a gray-black light wave spread from the black fog, immediately covering Shen Jianxin and Phantom not far away.

The black mist began to spread rapidly, the light began to dim, and all surrounding objects quickly disappeared from sight. Soon, Shen Jianxin even lost sight of the phantom beside him.

"It's interesting to be able to obscure the field of vision."

Shen Jianxin is very familiar with things like domains. If he adds the domains of Lan Yinsheng and Lan Yinxin, he has three domains himself.

Suddenly losing his vision and feeling the energy in his body being suppressed, Shen Jianxin immediately understood that this was the second benefit Zhu Zhuqing got after absorbing the Netherworld White Tiger Soul Ring.

"Master, can you comment on my field?"

In the darkness, Zhu Zhuqing's voice suddenly reached Shen Jianxin's ears.

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "It can block the vision. When enveloped by the domain, the body and internal power will be eroded to varying degrees. These two points are the biggest characteristics of the dark attribute."

"The initial suppression strength is not strong, only about 10%. It seems not suitable for frontal combat."

"I never heard the Phantom's voice from beginning to end. This means that you can control the sound propagation in the field and may even cause interference to the enemy's hearing."

"It's great to be able to affect two of the five senses. It's an area that's very suitable for sneak attacks or covering teammates. It has great potential for future development."


Suddenly, Shen Jianxin tilted his head to avoid the sharp claws piercing from the darkness, and reached out to grab Zhu Zhuqing's wrist.

"Zhuqing, you are too anxious. For a truly strong person, just losing two senses will not actually have that big an impact on the battle."

Suddenly, the wrist held in Shen Jianxin's hand turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated.

Shen Jianxin was stunned for a moment: "It's amazing. The mental perception is also wrong. It seems that your field can affect mental power to a certain extent."

"Zhuqing, use your full strength and let me see how much you have grown."

"Yes, Master, please be careful, Master."

With Shen Jianxin's approval, Zhu Zhuqing was like a ghost in the dark night, constantly attacking Shen Jianxin shrouded in the domain.

However, each time it was fleeting, most of the time it was a feint attack caused by the black mist. Only when the opportunity was right, Zhu Zhuqing would personally sneak over and attack.

With the third soul skill Shadow Escape and the self-created soul skill "Breathless" taught by Shen Jianxin to cooperate with the attack, Zhu Zhuqing firmly grasped the initiative in the battle.

Shen Jianxin lost his vision, hearing and mental perception in the field and was disturbed. Facing Zhu Zhuqing's attacks, he could only block them one by one.

"What is true is true, what is true is false, what is true is false, what is true is false, and you can escape thousands of miles without hitting the target. Zhuqing, this field is really suitable for you."

"That's me. If I were an ordinary Contra, I would have been too tired to deal with your attacks, and then there would be a defensive loophole, and I would be killed on the spot."

While fighting Zhu Zhuqing, Shen Jianxin still had time to comment on Zhu Zhuqing.

Obviously, Zhu Zhuqing's offensive method cannot give him enough pressure.

"Master, I have one last trick, please taste it."

"Come here and let me see your true strength now."

Suddenly, the realm shrouded in darkness became completely silent. The sharp claws that kept protruding from the darkness disappeared one after another. A cold feeling pressed towards Shen Jianxin from all directions, as if there was some terrifying predator hidden in the darkness.

That is murderous intent, that is death, that is human beings' instinctive fear of darkness and unknown things.

Shen Jianxin frowned slightly, feeling a chill for the first time in a long time, and goosebumps could not help but rise on his skin in this atmosphere.

"Hiss~" shivering, Shen Jianxin stretched out his hand to rub the goosebumps on his arms: "Zhuqing, that's amazing, attacking the heart first, I have to say, I was also affected."

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have seized this fleeting opportunity. The atmosphere in the darkness suddenly changed, and murderous intent suddenly emerged.

Suddenly, a pair of strange-colored vertical pupils lit up in the darkness behind Shen Jianxin, and the sharp claws that did not reflect the slightest luster silently explored Shen Jianxin's neck.


There was a harsh cutting sound, and Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws struck firmly on Shen Jianxin's neck. No, to be precise, he struck on the pale golden light shield on Shen Jianxin's body.

Oops, Zhu Zhuqing's pupils suddenly shrank, knowing that he had been fooled.

Shen Jianxin exposed the flaw just to lure her into taking the bait. In fact, he had already thought of a way to counter her.

Sure enough, just when Zhu Zhuqing was about to repeat his old trick and use Shadow Escape to escape the scene, a large amount of bloody mist had spread from Shen Jianxin's body, repelling the black mist in Zhu Zhuqing's domain and surrounding her.

Without the cover of the black mist, Zhu Zhuqing's Shadow Escape instantly lost its effect, and his elusive movement skills were naturally unable to be used.

"Master, I lost."

Easily caught by Shen Jianxin, Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head in shame.

Shen Jianxin withdrew the bloody mist, smiled and shook his head: "No, you didn't lose, I cheated."

"Dark field, silent assassination, ordinary titled Douluo may not be your opponent, it is amazing, I am proud of you."

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