Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 66 Shen Jianxin’s fourth soul ring

After leaving the Min clan, Shen Jianxin couldn't wait to take the crystal blood dragon ginseng on the way back.

After refining, Shen Jianxin not only made up for the loss of vitality during the previous body refining, but also greatly improved his physical fitness.

According to Dugu Bo's personal investigation, it is estimated that the physical strength is comparable to that of a general attack-type soul emperor.

This also means that Shen Jianxin's fourth soul ring in the future can reach the configuration period of other soul masters' sixth rings, which is an astonishing around 20,000 years.

It is worth mentioning that although most of the medicinal effects of Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng were used by Shen Jianxin to refine his body, the very small part of the medicinal effects still gave him a small breakthrough in soul power, allowing him to grow from level 34 to level 35. class.

In addition, an episode also happened to the Min clan. After Shen Jianxin and others left, Bai He, who suddenly became rich, distributed hundreds of gold soul coins to every household in the clan.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

The soul masters of the Min clan, who had hardly seen what gold soul coins looked like in the past few years, as soon as they got the money, couldn't wait to go to the city to spend money together and buy some clothes for their wives and children at home. Purchase some daily necessities.

This also caused the consumption passion within the clan to explode instantly, and there was even serious retaliatory consumption. Not long after Bai He distributed the money, all the soul masters of the Min clan ran away like they were having fun. .

At this time, Bai He had not realized the seriousness of the matter, and was still very happy for the happiness of his clan members.

But what he doesn't know is that in the near future, most of the soul masters of his entire Sen clan will be corrupted by the sudden money, and secretly choose to join the sects of Prince Tiandou or Qibao Glazed Sect, becoming their elite sects. intelligence services.

As a result, their Min clan seemed to be growing stronger, but in fact it was completely divided into two factions, and he, the clan leader, almost became a puppet, only in name but not in reality.

But these are things for later, let’s not mention them for now.

At this time, Shen Jianxin and his party finally rushed back to the Qibao Glazed Sect after half a month of hard work.

As soon as she returned to the sect, Shen Jianxin heard two pieces of news.

One was about Xue Beng. It was reported that Xue Beng bullied the 14-year-old daughter of Viscount Tiandou. The girl could not bear the humiliation. During the struggle, she grabbed the bed scissors and accidentally stabbed her in the neck, causing her to bleed to death.

However, the Viscount and his family knew that their crime was unforgivable, so they fled in fear of the crime and disappeared without a trace.

Emperor Xue Ye was furious. He was angry that his avalanche had disgraced his family and caused the royal family to lose all face. He then ordered that his body should not be put into the imperial mausoleum.

After this symbolic anger, Emperor Xueye fell strangely silent, and tacitly adopted a three-no policy of no arrests, no revenge, and no regard for the Viscount and his family who committed manslaughter.

However, there are rumors that Prince Snow Star was so sad about Avalanche's death that he turned gray overnight.

Not only did they secretly hold a funeral for Xue Beng at home and bury him with royal standards, they also sent out an assassination team, claiming that the murderer must pay with blood.

The second is Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tiandou, who is wise and loving to the people and has made great contributions to the country. After negotiating with Wuhun Palace, he saved the empire millions of gold soul coins.

After learning about these two things, Shen Jianxin's intuition told him that these two things were related to Qian Renxue, and the other one was that he felt that the aristocratic circle was really chaotic.

Xue Beng's unexpected death also made Shen Jianxin realize that because of his frequent activities, the world has begun to undergo huge changes, and the future has gradually become blurred.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

In order to cope with the uncertain future, Shen Jianxin immediately made a practice plan for himself after returning and entered into intense practice.

Two years later, Sunset Forest.

Not long ago, when Shen Jianxin turned 11, her soul power finally reached level 40.

Because this time he has to complete the feat of the fourth ring of ten thousand years, Shen Jianxin’s parents Shen Chengfeng and Feng Lingling, teacher Sword Douluo Chenxin, father-in-law Ning Fengzhi, fiancée Ning Rongrong, protector Dugu Bo, close people Bone Douluo Gu Rong, Dugu Yan and other relatives rushed to the scene.

While cheering for him, I also wanted to witness this historic scene.

At this time, surrounded by people watching, Shen Jianxin was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his heart raised to the sky, using his soul power to pull a black soul ring around his body.

Not far from him, there was a huge wild boar carcass with a shoulder height of nearly 3 meters.

The black soul ring that Shen Jianxin was pulling obviously came from this huge wild boar.

If someone in the soul master world knew that Wang Yuxiaogang was here at this time, he would definitely exclaim that these people are crazy.

They actually let an 11-year-old level 40 soul master absorb a raging wild boar king that was nearly 30,000 years old and whose fighting power rivaled that of the Titan Giant Ape and the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

In fact, this is not because Shen Jianxin is arrogant, but after refining his body with Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, he has been able to absorb 20,000-year-old soul rings across the years.

In the past two years, he has never stopped refining his body with blood energy. Although there will no longer be crystal blood dragon ginseng supplements in the future, relying on ordinary hundred-year-old and thousand-year-old ginseng to refining his body has made him tired even after all the hard work. His physique has been greatly improved.

As for mental strength, Shen Jianxin spent an hour every day in Sword Douluo's Seven Kills field for two years. In addition to making his will stronger, it also actually allowed him to learn some tips on how to use killing intent.

This gave him a skill similar to the prototype of the field, killing intent fluctuation.

As long as Shen Jianxin concentrates and unleashes the strong killing intent contained in the Tiger Soul Sword, it will cause an uninterrupted impact of killing intent on everything twenty meters around him, thereby affecting the combat status of others.

After comprehending this skill, Shen Jianxin's own perception of murderous intent suddenly became much sharper. As long as someone has murderous intent within 200 meters around him, he can lock the position of that person with weak murderous intent without using his eyes. The target will be lost only when the person's murderous intention dissipates or exceeds the distance.

In fact, this skill also has various wonderful uses internally. It can control the killing intent just right to explode in the mind. It can not only resist the enemy's mental attack, but also impact the opponent's mental world in turn, causing extremely serious mental backlash to the attacker. .

This kind of attack is an extremely fatal blow to the soul beast's soul fragment hidden in the ten thousand year soul ring, which is like a rootless duckweed.

What's more, Sword Douluo once said that the strong killing intent contained in the martial soul will automatically protect the host and make the host immune to this so-called soul shock.

It was with these multiple guarantees that Shen Jianxin decided to absorb a nearly 30,000-year-old soul beast soul ring as his fourth soul ring.

There were no surprises in absorbing the soul ring this time. After a day and a night, Shen Jianxin slowly opened his eyes. A ray of light flashed through his eyes, and powerful soul power fluctuations burst out from his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Shen Jianxin had succeeded.

Upon seeing this, Ning Rongrong ran over excitedly, jumped up, and rushed straight into Shen Jianxin's arms.

Eight-year-old Ning Rongrong has grown a lot taller and is no longer that small one.

However, when the figure that looked like an airport threw itself into Shen Jianxin's arms, his bones suddenly made a "clicking" sound as his bones were overwhelmed by the weight.

"Hiss~" Taking in a breath of cold air, Ning Rongrong's face instantly distorted. She turned over and jumped out of Shen Jianxin's arms. After landing, she kept rubbing her chest with her hands.

"Be careful brother, are you trying so hard to strengthen your body just to kill your cute little Rongrong?"

Shen Jianxin rolled her eyes and thought to herself, isn't it because of you, Princess Taiping?

Ning Fengzhi took a few steps forward with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and rubbed Ning Rongrong's dog's head twice: "Jian Xin, what soul skills has the violent wild boar king of nearly 30,000 years acquired?"

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