Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 67 Heading to the Killing City

Looking at the crowd surrounding him, Shen Jianxin scratched his head and said, "The fourth soul skill is quite powerful. I'll go over there and show it to you."

With that said, Shen Jianxin walked quickly to a place fifty meters away from everyone.

He looked around and saw that there were trees of moderate thickness all around. He estimated the maximum power of his fourth soul skill in his mind, and then nodded with satisfaction.


With a light breath, Shen Jianxin slowly squatted down and took a horse stance. The four yellow, purple, purple and black soul rings on his body appeared one by one.


After getting ready, Shen Jianxin shouted loudly, and the only black soul ring on his body suddenly glowed brightly. An extremely powerful shock wave erupted from his body, sweeping in all directions with Shen Jianxin as the center.

"Rumble, click, click~"

The roar was intertwined with the sound of a large number of trees breaking. With Shen Jianxin as the center, smoke and dust suddenly rose up within 20 meters. Broken trees and flying rocks exploded out, flying in all directions at extremely fast speeds.


Just when the flying debris was about to hit the crowd of onlookers, a dragon roar suddenly came from the crowd.

I saw a giant black-skeletal dragon flying out from the crowd and lying down right in front of the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Crackling, Ding Ling banging."

The flying rocks and trees hit the bone dragon's solid frame with bursts of explosions, but they still failed to break through the bone dragon's protection. Even the powerful shock wave did not affect the bone dragon. There was no crowd of spectators behind him.

"This, this is too powerful."

Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong, and Shen Jianxin's parents were already stunned when they saw this kind of movement that looked like demolition.

Only Dugu Bo had seen a little bit of the world, secretly smacked his tongue, and gave the final sigh.

Bone Douluo felt the force of the blow coming from the martial spirit and smiled slightly: "It's not that big. This is a 30,000-year-old spirit ring. This level of power is already considered small."

"Oh, by the way, Elder Dugu, which soul ring is yours 30,000 years old?"

Dugu Bo's old face turned red: "It's really not too big. I can achieve this kind of strength without using any soul skills."

Dugu Bo is obviously a tough talker now. He is a drug addict, but he has such explosive power?

Even if his ninth soul skill is released, it may not be as damaging as Shen Jianxin's to the terrain, unless he reveals his true martial soul and runs rampant in the woods.

Seeing that Dugu Bo was already blushing, Bone Douluo stopped teasing him.

Ignoring the daily teasing of the two old children, Ning Fengzhi said with a smile on his face and a scorching gaze: "But considering that Jian Xin is only a soul sect now, this kind of power is not much worse than the sixth soul skill of the general attack-type soul emperor. ”

Bone Douluo shook his head slightly: "The explosive power is indeed possible, but such an explosion, with the soul power reserves of his Soul Sect, may only have the power of one blow."

After hearing everyone's conversation, Shen Chengfeng came back to his senses and spoke excitedly: "Not bad, it's already very good. At least I can't block this kind of attack with my strength."

Everyone was shocked, shocked, and surprised. Only Sword Douluo stood there without saying a word, looking very worried.

After a while, the smoke dispersed, and a circular open area with a diameter of about 20 meters appeared in front of everyone.

All the trees within 20 meters were broken, and a layer of the ground seemed to have been scraped off, revealing the pure soil buried deep underground.

In the center of this 20-meter circular area, there is a large circular pit about one meter deep and five meters in diameter.

At this time, Shen Jianxin was pale and looked like he was exhausted. He fell into the pit and gasped for air.

[It’s fun to show off for a while, but it’s a crematorium afterwards. 】

Seeing Shen Jianxin's miserable state, a few people who couldn't eat the grapes and said the grapes were sour finally felt balanced.

During a soul skill demonstration, Shen Jianxin sat cross-legged in the pit and meditated for half an hour before he recovered.

Although his face is still pale, the soul power in his body has finally returned to above the warning line.

"Be careful brother, how do you feel?"

Seeing Shen Jianxin regaining consciousness and Ning Rongrong squatting beside the pit with his face in his hands, he teased with a smile.

Shen Jianxin nodded: "It's not bad, but I'm a little weak. If you run now, I won't be able to catch up with you."

"Jian Xin, the soul skill is quite powerful, but the soul power consumption is a bit high. Let's talk about your soul power."

Hearing the voice coming from behind, Shen Jianxin turned around and saw Sword Douluo with slightly complicated eyes.

Smiling slightly, Shen Jianxin said: "Master, I call this soul skill 'anger burst'."

"Actually, this soul skill is adjustable. The power of this soul skill can be adjusted according to the amount of soul power input."

"I just wanted to test its maximum power, so I input all my soul power."

"As for the effect, you have all seen it. It is to release a powerful soul power shock wave, instantly destroying all targets with weak defenses around it. Those that cannot be destroyed will also be pushed out by the shock wave, thereby achieving distance or interrupting the opponent's soul skills. Effect."

"If I release this soul skill at the same time as I release my own unique blood power, it is very likely to cause secondary damage to the enemy."

Sword Douluo nodded: "Yes, the effect is good."

"As for other incidental uses, let's study them after we go back."

Shen Jianxin's soul hunting was completed, and everyone witnessed the birth of the legend, and then the group embarked on the return journey while talking and laughing.

On the way, Shen Jianxin quietly tugged on Sword Douluo's clothes: "Master, I am level 43."

"Level 43?" Sword Douluo's face changed slightly: "Normally, the absorption limit for the fifth ring is about 12,000 years, the sixth ring is about 20,000 years, and the seventh ring is a stage of qualitative change of a soul master, so the absorption limit is 30,000 years Between years and 50,000 years, it is determined according to the different attributes of different soul masters."

"This soul ring of yours is close to 30,000 years old. Theoretically, it can only be absorbed by the seventh ring. It is normal for a soul sect like you to upgrade to three levels at once with such huge energy."

Shen Jianxin shook his head slightly: "Master, these are the basics. I already knew them when I was 6 years old."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about."

"Hey!" Sword Douluo sighed softly: "When do you plan to leave?"

Shen Jianxin smiled and said: "After one month."

One month later, after two years, Shen Jianxin took Dugu Bo on the journey north again.

"Boy Jian, you just ran away without saying a word?"

"Don't say goodbye to your parents, teachers, and your little fiancée?"

Shen Jianxin shook his head: "It's not necessary. In the past month, everything that needs to be said has been said, and they all understand what needs to be said."

"There's no need to make it so sad anymore. In fact, Rongrong is probably hiding in the room now and crying secretly."

As he said that, Shen Jianxin turned his head and looked behind him, with a wry smile on his lips, but his eyes were particularly firm.

[After this farewell, if you never come back, then leave and never come back! 】

[Xiao Rongrong, master, father, mother, goodbye! 】

The Killing City is the most dangerous and difficult dungeon in the entire Douluo Continent. Although Shen Jianxin said it was easy, in fact, he had no idea.

The reason why he wanted to stay for another month after hunting for the soul ring was not only to familiarize himself with the explosive increase in strength after acquiring the soul ring, but also to say a final farewell to his relatives.

Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong’s boudoir.

At this time, Ning Rongrong was already lying on the bed crying, and Dugu Yan, who was standing behind him, also had a sad look on his face. He was worried but still had no good solution.

"Rongrong, please stop crying. If you really can't let him go, let's go find him and ask him not to leave."

"Isn't it just a city of murder? Why not go there?"

Ning Rongrong covered her head in the quilt and sobbed: "I can't bear to let him go, but I can't stop his progress."

"The realm of the God of Death is the most suitable realm for him in the world."

"3 years, 5 years, 8 years. If he doesn't come back, I will wait for him for a day. If he doesn't come back for a lifetime, I will wait for him for a lifetime."

"He's my man and I trust him."

Tiandou Prince's Mansion.

"My lord, Shen Jianxin and Dugu Bo have already set off, do we want to?"

Qian Renxue stretched out her hand to stop She Long's next statement: "No need, the 11-year-old Soul Sect concealed it very well."

"Without rivals, wouldn't life be boring?"

"The world a few decades ago belonged to my grandfather and Tang Chen. They were both enemies and friends, and cherished each other. The world a few decades from now will be yours and mine."

"Shen Jianxin, I'm waiting for your return."

Saying that, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with a hint of cruelty: "She Long, let's start the plan to change the country!"

She Long's eyes were hot, he clasped his hands into his fists, and saluted excitedly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

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