Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 182: Ah Yin, who is completely obedient

  Chapter 182 A Yin who is completely obedient

  After returning to the mainland, Mu Ge directly opened the wings of the evil killer whale, and quickly flew in the direction of the cliff village.

  Having reached the title of Douluo, and possessing three 100,000-year soul rings, Mu Ge already has enough soul power for him to squander.

  Muge is still anxious to see Ah Yin's mother and daughter.

   After all, Ah Yin is the first woman who gave birth to his daughter, so let’s meet Ah Yin and Xiao Ai first.

  As for other things, Muge doesn't plan to find out what happened in the mainland these years, for the time being, let's talk about it after I see my daughters!

  Two days later, Muge flew back to the sky above Kaoya Village.

  As soon as the Blue Silver Domain was opened, Muge could feel the breath of Ah Yin and Xiao Ai.

   "Blue Silver Domain..."

"He is back…"

  At this time, Ah Yin, who was accompanying Xiao Ai, immediately sensed the blue silver field of the pastoral, and her beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

   Looking up, Ah Yin saw a familiar figure landing down.


   As soon as Mu Ge landed, a petite figure rushed towards Mu Ge.

   "Xiao Ai!"

  The pastoral who landed smiled slightly, and hugged Xiao Ai who rushed over.

   "Hee hee, Dad is finally back!"

  Xiao Ai hugged Muge's neck tightly with both hands, and said with a giggle.

   "Yeah, Dad is back!"

  Mu Ge smiled slightly. Although she had hugged Xiao Ai and the others many times in the dream world, that feeling was still not as real as in reality.

  Holding Xiao Ai in reality, the intimacy of blood connection will be more obvious!

"I'm back!"

  Mu Ge hugged Xiao Ai while looking at A Yin, and said.

  It is like what a husband who returns from a trip says to his wife.


  Hearing Muge's words, Ah Yinmei's eyes trembled slightly.

  Mu Ge stretched out her hand, and embraced A Yin in her arms.

  Ayin did not refuse either, and obediently fell into Muge's arms.

   "You have been taking care of your daughter all these years, thank you for your hard work!"

   At this time, Pastoral said another sentence.

  Ayin, who was a little happy because of Muge's return, felt his heart tremble again after hearing Muge's words.

   These words made Ah Yin feel that the original decision was right.

  Although the way Muge got her was somewhat disgraceful, she was forced at first, and was even forced by Muge to agree to forget Tang Hao.

   "I don't work hard!"

  A Yin shook his head, and then put his head on the pastoral chest, feeling the breath of the pastoral.

  At this moment, she completely let Tang Hao go. Now she and Muge already have a daughter, and Muge also has the responsibility of being a father, caring about her and her daughter, which is enough for her.

  As for pastoral and other women's affairs, she doesn't want to worry about it.

  Anyway, as long as Mu Ge loves her daughter and is willing to leave a place for her in her heart, that's enough.

   "Follow me with peace of mind in the future, I will take care of you for the rest of your life!"

  Muge also seemed to be aware of A Yin's psychological changes, smiled slightly, and then made a soft promise in A Yin's ear.

  Who doesn't love such a gentle woman?

  If at the beginning it was only because of taking revenge on Tang Hao and taking over A Yin because of his penchant for beautiful beauties, then Muge gradually fell in love with this gentle woman!

  After returning to Kaoya Village, Muge didn't do anything for several days, but just stayed with A Yin and Xiao Ai.

  The lively and lovely Xiao Ai will take the pastoral song with her during the day, introduce to the pastoral song every plant and tree in Kaoya Village, tell her where it is more fun, and share everything she has done with the pastoral song.

  A Yin is still so gentle, silently following behind, watching the picture of Mu Ge and Xiao Ai's father and daughter getting along warmly, feels very satisfied.

  Of course, Xiao Ai will not forget her mother, and will take her to play with them.

   At night, after a few years, Mu Ge once again exercised his right to use Ah Yin.

  Mugge still loves Muge so much, Ayin, who has completely accepted Muge in his heart, obeys any request of Muge, and is sincere.

  Ayin, who is sincere and 100% obedient, made Mu Ge experience unprecedented happiness.

  The only thing Mu Ge regrets is that A Yin was weaned after Xiao Ai was one year old.

  So Muge also lost a ration when he came back this time.

   "Ayin, Xiao Ai is so cute, let's have another one!"

  For this reason, Muge is going to ask for another one from Ah Yin.


   Of course Ah Yin fully agreed, blushing and agreed.


   "Dad, Dad, when are we going to find Sister Coco and Sister Guoer?"

  A few days later, Xiaoai asked Mu Ge about cocoa and fruit.

   "Xiao Ai wants to find your two younger sisters together in reality?"

  Mu Ge pinched Xiao Ai Xiaoqiao's nose, and said with a smile.

   "Yes, yes, can Dad?"

  Xiao Ai nodded again and again, then stared at Muge with big eyes.

  That cute appearance makes people reluctant to refuse.


  Mu Ge immediately patted her daughter's head and agreed with a smile.

  Going to Tiandou Imperial Capital again this time, not only Xiao Ai, but also Ayin Muge are going to bring it with her.

  Of course, before going, Mu Ge asked Ah Yin to pretend.

  Muge still doesn't want to reveal Ah Yin's identity for the time being, and he will not reveal his own identity for the time being.

  That will definitely bring a lot of trouble.

   Idyll doesn't need to disguise at all, his appearance has changed, as long as he doesn't use the simulator martial soul, no one will guess that he is the former Idyll of the Fallen.

  Ayin's words are also very easy.

  According to the characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor that can beautify the skin, Muge also imitated and created a set of transfiguration techniques, which are only suitable for soul masters with the Blue Silver Emperor martial soul.

   Pastoral only needs to teach her to Ah Yin.

  In the final analysis, Muge's current strength is not enough to push everything horizontally, otherwise there is no need to pretend.


  Xiao Ai's eyes lit up when she heard Muge's words.


   Pastoral laughed.


   "I'm going to find Keke and Guoer!"

   "Mom, mom, we're going to find Keke and Guoer!"

  Hearing Mu Ge's confirmation, Xiao Ai jumped up for joy, and quickly shared the good news with her mother.


  Ayin heard that Muge was about to take Xiaoai away, so she couldn't help but look at Muge.

  She didn't want to be separated from her daughter, but she was also worried that if she entered human society again, especially a place like Tiandou Imperial Capital, it would cause trouble.

   "Don't worry, I will teach you a transfiguration technique!"

  Muge smiled slightly, and immediately taught Ah Yin the transformation technique he created.

   This was created by Muge based on the characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor. After listening to Muge's teaching, Ah Yin quickly learned it.

   Now Ah Yin is relieved, as long as it doesn't cause trouble to Mu Ge.

  When Muge took Ayin and Xiaoai away from Kaoya Village, Ayin's appearance changed.

   Except for the gentle temperament, which is still the same, everything else is different.

  The long blue hair has become the same black as the idyll.

  Although the appearance is not the same as before, she is still a stunning beauty. Ah Yin originally wanted to become a more ordinary appearance, so that it would not cause trouble to Mu Ge.

  But of course Pastoral disagreed.

  Ayin had no choice but to follow the request of Muge in the end.

   "Mom, Mom, why did you change your appearance?"

   "It looks weird, but it's still pretty!"

   "Mom, I want to change too!"


   After seeing the change in Ah Yin, Xiao Ai was of course very surprised and curious, and also excitedly wanted to change her appearance.

   "After Xiao Ai awakens her martial soul, Dad will teach you again!"

   "Now you don't have soul power, you can't change it!"

   Pastoral can only appease.

   Didn’t tell Xiao Ai that she had to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul before she could learn this transformation technique.

  However, Mu Ge thinks that the probability of Xiao Ai finally awakening the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul is still very high!


  Of course Xiaoai was disappointed when she found out, but she could only tell Mu Ge that she must teach her after awakening her martial soul.

  So Muge's family of three set off against the emperor!

   "That man is so handsome!"

   "That woman is also very beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful woman!"

   "And that little girl too, so cute and beautiful, I want to have such a beautiful daughter too!"


   Along the way, the pastoral family of three with super good looks has attracted the attention of countless people.

  Of course, Ah Yin's appearance caused some troubles in the end.

  But they were all easily cleaned up by Pastoral!

   Half a month later, Muge's family of three finally arrived at Tiandou Imperial Capital.


  Star Dou Great Forest.

  A cute soft-boned rabbit is constantly shuttling in the Star Dou Forest at a very fast speed.

   Just looking at its appearance, it is obviously very embarrassed, as if it is running away.

   "Over there, don't let it get away!"

   "Don't worry, it won't escape!"

  The fact is indeed the case. Behind this soft bone rabbit, there are three figures chasing each other constantly.

   And these three figures are exactly Tang Hao, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao.

  The Star Dou Forest is the place with the most wild soul beasts, and also the place with the most senior soul beasts. Tang Hao naturally chose to go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt his ninth soul ring.

   Just searched for almost a month, but Tang Hao couldn't find anything he was satisfied with.

   Who knew that today they encountered a hundred thousand year soul beast.

  Although they were a little surprised that a soft-bone rabbit had reached a hundred thousand years of cultivation, they were more of a surprise.

  The one who can obtain a hundred thousand year spirit ring as the ninth spirit ring must be the best choice!

  So after discovering this 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit, Tang Hao and the three immediately started to do it.

   At the beginning, the 100,000-year-old soul beast was disdainful when it found out that the enemy was only three Contras. After the actual fight, the 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit realized that something was wrong.

  The strength of two of them is ridiculously high, not at all the strength that Contra should have.

  Under the cooperation of the three of Tang Hao, the Hundred Thousand Years Soft Bone Rabbit found that he was no match at all.

  After discovering this, the 100,000-year soft bone rabbit immediately chose to escape.

   "Damn it!"

   "I didn't expect these three Contras to be so powerful!"

   "Especially those two with hammers and spears. If it weren't for my invincible golden body and teleportation, I might have been killed by them!"

   "No, I have to go back quickly!"

   "Let Da Ming, Er Ming and mother come and clean them up, how dare you kill me, Xiao Wu!"

  The one hundred thousand year soft-bone rabbit that is running away is Xiao Wu.

   However, it is Xiao Wu who has not yet been selected to become a human being.

  She was also bored and ran to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest today, and unexpectedly met Tang Hao and the other three.

  Xiao Wu was also anxious and angry at this time, anxious to escape, angry that she was hunted down.

   "Death God Realm!"


  Suddenly, a figure suddenly landed in front of her, blocking her way.

   After Tang Hao suddenly broke out, he stood in front of her.

   Immediately after the Killing God Domain opened, they used the murderous aura of the Killing God Domain to lock Xiao Wu firmly.

   "Little rabbit, you can't run away!"

   "Be obedient and become my ninth soul ring!"

  After the murderous aura from the Death God Domain targeted Xiao Wu, Tang Hao laughed when he saw Xiao Wu with flustered eyes.


  Seeing this, Xiao Wu was naturally a little panicked, but she wasn't afraid either, as soon as her figure flashed, she kicked towards Tang Hao.

  Despite her small size, her attack power is not weak at all. With a kick, the air is blasted.

   An extremely fierce attack came to Tang Hao in an instant.

   "Haotian Jiujue·Yuzi Jue!"


   Facing Xiao Wu's attack, Tang Hao didn't dare to neglect it at all. It was the attack of a hundred thousand year spirit beast anyway, so Tang Hao resisted it with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.


  Under the collision between the two sides, Tang Hao's figure was pushed back a few steps.

  However, it blocked Xiao Wu's attack intact.



   At this time, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao all caught up, and immediately attacked Xiao Wu with both hands.

   "You are courting death!"


  Faced with this situation, Xiao Wu could only fight back.

  Of course, Xiao Wu couldn't speak human words at this time, what she uttered was the angry scream of a rabbit.

  Xiao Wu has not yet transformed into a human being, but also possesses the strength of a hundred thousand year soul beast, which is equivalent to the strength of a Title Douluo.

  Tang Hao and the three teamed up. Although they were stronger than her and had the ability to hunt her down, they were not too strong.

  Boom boom boom—

  For a while, the three of Tang Hao fought fiercely with Xiao Wu again.

   Only this time, Tang Hao has been using the murderous aura of the Death God Domain to target Xiao Wu, making it impossible for Xiao Wu to escape.

   He was accidentally ran by Xiao Wu once before, of course he will not do it again this time.

  Boom boom boom—

  The battle continued, and the besieged Xiao Wu screamed angrily.

   "Mom, come and save me..."

   "Woooo, Da Ming and Er Ming, come and save me!"

   Tang Hao and the others just didn't know what Xiao Wu was screaming for, otherwise they would have known that Xiao Wu was begging for help.


  After fighting fiercely for a long time, Xiao Wu finally couldn't hold back, and was smashed into the air by Tang Hao with a hammer. After knocking down several big trees, she fell there covered in blood.

   "Sovereign, kill it quickly!"

  Seeing this, Niu Gao excitedly urged Tang Hao.

  A hundred thousand year soul beast, if Tang Hao kills it, he will have a hundred thousand year soul ring!


  Tang Hao was also very excited at this time, swung the Haotian Hammer in his hand, and ruthlessly smashed it at Xiao Wu who was lying on the ground.


  ps: The blind date failed, and my family members said all kinds of things, saying that I didn’t like this or that, hey, I’m not in a good mood.

  (end of this chapter)

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