Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 183: Xiao Wu's mother and Bibi Dong's gang are all here

  Chapter 183 Xiao Wu's mother and Bibi Dong's gang are here


   "Invincible Golden Body!"


   And the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand was about to smash down, and when Xiao Wu was dealt with, a figure instantly appeared in front of Xiao Wu, with golden light shining on his body.


   Tang Hao's attack landed on the opponent's invincible golden body and was completely blocked.


   Immediately afterwards, the person who came picked up Xiao Wu, took a few steps back and went out.

  But when she turned around and wanted to leave, she found that Yang Wudi and Niu Gao blocked her way back, and a strong killing intent also locked her in.


  Xiao Wu, who was desperately waiting to die, was extremely happy at this time, because the person who came was her mother.

"Who are you?"

   "Want to **** Lao Tzu's prey?"

   Tang Hao's murderous intent locked on Xiaowu's mother, and asked coldly.

   Tang Hao's expression was obviously very bad at this time, anyone who had their prey suddenly robbed would be unhappy.

  Especially a rare treasure like a hundred thousand year soul ring.

   It's just the woman in front of him, which makes Tang Hao a little afraid. The other party is actually a Titled Douluo.

The appearance is ordinary, and the temperament is also ordinary. If Tang Hao saw it in other places, he would only think that she was a village girl, but the nine soul rings displayed on the other party at this time told Tang Hao that the other party was a real girl. Title Douluo.

  He still needs to absorb the ninth spirit ring before he can be considered a Title Douluo.

  Now he is nothing more than a quasi-titled Douluo!

   "This soft bone rabbit is my pet!"

  Xiao Wu's mother looked at Tang Hao and the others warily, and said while holding Xiao Wu in her arms distressedly.

  Tang Hao and the others are afraid of Xiaowu's mother, and Xiaowu's mother is also very afraid of Tang Hao and the others.

   Tang Hao and the others almost killed her daughter Xiao Wu, so they also have the ability to kill her.

  She transformed into a human form and re-cultivated as a Title Douluo, but her strength is not much stronger than Xiao Wu, and now she is only a Level 91 Title Douluo.

  So Xiao Wu's mother can only call Xiao Wu her pet now, and let Tang Hao and the others give it up voluntarily.

   While talking, Xiao Wu's mother gently stroked Xiao Wu in her arms.

   And Xiao Wu also obeyed her mother's movements very cooperatively, without any resistance, which proved that what Xiao Wu's mother said was true.


   Tang Hao was dumbfounded when he saw this situation.

  If this 100,000-year soft bone rabbit is really the pet of the woman in front of him, then it is only natural for the other party to stop him. It is not justified for him to continue chasing the pet of the murderer.

   "The suzerain don't believe her words!"

   "How could a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast be willing to be a pet for someone!"

   "I've never heard of such a thing!"

   "Senior, if you want to grab it, just say so, why give such a ridiculous reason!"

  Tang Hao was hesitating, but Niu Gao stood up at this time and directly denied Xiao Wu's mother's words, anyway, he just didn't agree.

Xiao Wu is seriously injured now, and seeing that a hundred thousand year soul beast is about to be obtained, Tang Hao will not only be able to obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring, but also a hundred thousand year soul bone, Niu Gao does not want Tang Hao to miss this opportunity opportunity.

  So even if what Xiaowu's mother said was true, he would not admit it.

  Yang Wudi and Tang Hao both have the combat power to resist Title Douluo, and with him, it is not difficult to take down the opponent together, so Niu Gao dared to speak.

   "That's right, there has never been a 100,000-year-old soul beast willing to become a human pet. Senior, please return this 100,000-year-old soft bone rabbit to us!"

   After listening to Niu Gao's words, Yang Wudi also echoed by the side.

   One by one, no one is a fool.

  So even if they knew that what Xiao Wu's mother said might be true, they would not admit it.

  For a 100,000-year-old soul beast, it makes sense even if it doesn't make sense.

   "Do you think so too?"

  After Xiaowu's mother heard the words, she looked at Tang Hao with a cold expression.

   "That's right, I hope seniors can hand over this 100,000-year soft-bone rabbit!"

  Tang Hao struggled slightly when he heard Xiaowu's mother's words, but then he echoed what Yang Wudi and Niu Gao said.

  How could his subordinates help him, and how could he let them down?

  He must also have stronger strength in order to take revenge on Wuhundian and find Ah Yin.

  So he didn't want to miss the 100,000-year soft-bone rabbit in front of him.

   "Since this is the case, there is nothing to say!"

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

  When Xiaowu's mother heard this, her expression became colder, and she immediately displayed her seventh soul skill.

   "The Bone Rabbit!"

  When they saw the real body of Xiaowu's mother Wuhun, Tang Hao and the others were slightly taken aback. The Wuhun was actually the same as the pet she raised.

   It's no wonder that the other party keeps a soft bone rabbit as a pet, and it's no wonder that the 100,000-year-old soul beast is willing to be tamed. It must be because this woman's martial soul has the same reason as it.

   "You are not a human being, but you are a hundred thousand year old soul beast?"

On the contrary, after Niu Gao saw Xiao Wu's mother's spirit, he had a different idea from Tang Hao. He also suddenly thought of the former mistress, A Yin, so he suddenly thought of whether the woman in front of him might also be very happy. Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast Transformation?

   Such a guess is more reliable in his opinion.

  Because this can not only explain why the 100,000-year-old Soft Bone Rabbit who was injured by them at the beginning did not reject the woman in front of him, but also explain why the woman in front of him is obviously a title Douluo, and why her membership is unknown.

   On the Douluo Continent, they had never heard of such a titled Douluo.

   You must know that there are relatively few Title Douluo, and even fewer female Title Douluo, so if there is one, it is impossible for them not to have heard of it.

   After hearing Niu Gao's words, Xiao Wu's mother's expression also changed instantly.

   "You are also in the form of a hundred thousand year soul beast!"

  Seeing the change in Xiaowu's mother's expression, Tang Hao immediately understood, and looked at her in surprise.

   "Since you are also a 100,000-year-old soul beast, do you know Ah Yin? Do you know where she is?"

   "A Yin is my wife, and she is also transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, transformed into a human by the Blue Silver Emperor!"

  After knowing that Xiaowu's mother is also a 100,000-year-old soul beast, Tang Hao immediately put aside the matter of hunting the 100,000-year-old soul beast, but eagerly asked Xiaowu's mother about A Yin.

  In his opinion, there is nothing more important than finding Ah Yin. Compared with finding Ah Yin, a hundred thousand year soul ring can be dispensed with.

   "Blue Silver Emperor..."

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Xiaowu's mother, who was going to do her best, was also slightly taken aback.

  She didn't expect that the man and wife in front of her were also a soul beast that had transformed into a human being after a hundred thousand years.

   It just seems that the other party's wife has left.

   Seeing that the other party is so anxious, it is obvious that he also cares about his wife.

   "Blue Silver Emperor, I know!"

   "But that was before I took form, but I didn't expect that she would choose to take form later. I don't know where she went after that!"

  Xiaowu's mother looked at Tang Hao and answered.

  The opening of Xiaowu's mother is obviously a disguised admission of the fact that she is also a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

   Otherwise, if she doesn't admit it, unless she is killed, no one will be able to see her true identity after reaching her current level of soul power.

"Do not you know…"

  Hearing that Xiaowu's mother didn't have any news about A Yin, Tang Hao was naturally very disappointed, but it wasn't completely disappointed, at least the other party had really met A Yin.

   "Then may I know where you met Ah Yin before? Do you know where she inhabited before when she didn't have a transformation?"

  So Tang Hao continued to ask.

  If he can ask these questions clearly, it will definitely be more useful than his mindless search.

  Seeing Tang Hao's appearance, Xiaowu's mother was sure that the other party really cared about his wife very much.

  Mother Xiaowu looked at Tang Hao and said, "I can tell you where the Blue Silver Emperor has been, but you will let my daughter go!"

   "Since your wife is also a soul beast incarnation, then you should be able to understand that after we choose the incarnation, we are already considered human beings!"

   "Xiao Wu is my daughter, I hope you can let my daughter go for the sake of your wife and I are both 100,000-year-old soul beasts!"

  Xiao Wu's mother gently stroked Xiao Wu in her arms.

   "She turned out to be your daughter!"

  Tang Hao couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words.

   This is a relationship he didn't expect!

   Moreover, both mother and daughter are soul beasts of 100,000 years, which is even rarer.

  Those top soul beasts are fine, but the Soft Bone Rabbit is not a powerful soul beast.



   At this time, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao couldn't help but speak when they heard the conversation between Xiaowu's mother and Tang Hao.

   Looking at Tang Hao's appearance, they were clearly ready to agree, so they couldn't help but want to persuade Tang Hao.

   Ah Yin is Ah Yin, and the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast in front of them is not known to them, so it would be a pity to let them go!

  Including Xiao Wu who was seriously injured in Xiao Wu's mother's arms, that is two hundred thousand year soul beasts!

  As long as they are all killed, two hundred-thousand-year soul bones will surely explode.

  If Xiao Wu wasn't seriously injured, of course they wouldn't dare to think so, and it would be more dangerous for them to deal with two hundred thousand year spirit beasts at the same time.

   But now that Xiao Wu is seriously injured, she has almost no fighting power. They only need to defeat the woman in front of them, and it is not too difficult.

   And if it can't be dragged on any longer, it should take advantage of Xiao Wu's serious injury to act quickly.

   Otherwise, when the other party slows down, recovers, and join hands with her mother, it will be more difficult for them to do anything again!

   "Needless to say!"

   Tang Hao knew what Niu Gao and Yang Wudi wanted to say, so he interrupted them with a wave of his hand.

   Not to mention that Xiaowu's mother has met Ah Yin, even if she hasn't, the other party is also like his wife, a human being in the form of a hundred thousand year soul beast. Based on this alone, he doesn't want to take action against Xiaowu's mother.

  He can admit that Ah Yin is a human being, and of course he will admit that Xiao Wu’s mother is also a human being.

  Anyway, Tang Hao thinks so.

   "Tell me where Ah Yin has been, and I promise not to do anything to you again!"

  Afterwards, Tang Hao promised directly to Xiaowu's mother.

   While speaking, Tang Hao also put away the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and the Death God Domain on his body.

   to show sincerity.


   Seeing Tang Hao's choice, Niu Gao was very unwilling and wanted to persuade him again.

   "Needless to say, Ah Yin is a human being, so senior is also human, so we can't take action against senior!" Tang Hao said seriously.

   "Yes, Suzerain!"

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, although Niu Gao had no choice but to obey.

   Immediately Niu Gao reluctantly put away his martial soul.

   Seeing this, Yang Wudi could only put away the soul-breaking gun in his hand!

  Xiaowu's mother breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

  It seems that he and Xiao Wu should be fine.

  Mother Xiaowu can only be thankful that the enemy she met today is a soul master who has a sense of identity with the transformation of a hundred thousand year soul beast.

  If it were someone from Wuhundian, she and Xiao Wu would be in danger today.

   "Tang Hao, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so depraved, and you still choose to be with the soul beast!"

  However, just as Xiao Wu's mother relaxed, a man's voice suddenly sounded from above.

   "Chihiro Ji!"

  Tang Hao heard the other party's voice, his expression changed suddenly, and he looked into the air angrily.

   It turned out that Chihiro Ji's figure appeared above them at some unknown time.

   It's just that they never found out.


  After Chihiro Ji uttered his voice, he no longer hid himself, and all the soul rings on his body were unfolded, and the coercion of the soul power shocked the audience.

   "Pope Chihiro Chihiro of the Wuhun Temple!"

  Xiaowu's mother's expression paled instantly when she heard Tang Hao call out the other party's identity.

  She never expected that the Pope of Wuhundian would also appear!


  Xiao Wu, who was in Xiao Wu's mother's arms, was also very disturbed at this time.

   "I didn't expect, Tang Hao, you are so destined to be with a woman who has been transformed into a soul beast for 100,000 years. You met another one now!"

   "Unfortunately, you still made the same choice as before, willing to degenerate, and chose to be with the soul beast!"

  Qian Xunji's figure slowly descended, and after glancing at Xiao Wu's mother, she shook her head secretly in her heart, she was much worse than Ah Yin back then, both in figure, appearance and temperament.

   "Qian Xun Ji, where is Ah Yin? Has Ah Yin been arrested by your Wuhun Hall?"

  Tang Hao ignored Qian Xunji's words, but glared at Qian Xunji and asked what he had always wanted to ask Wuhundian.

   "Ayin? Are you talking about your soul beast wife?"

   "We wanted to catch her, but unfortunately she was snatched away by that idyll!"

   Chihiro Jiwen replied with a hint of pity.

   "Okay, I have kindly answered your question!"

   "Now you can take your people and leave. If you choose to let them go, our Spirit Hall will not be like you, willing to degenerate!"

   "To protect the Douluo Continent!"

   "But all soul beasts that have transformed into one hundred thousand years are existences that our Spirit Hall must get rid of!"

   Then Chihiro Ji waved his hand, and said directly to Tang Hao in a cold voice.

   "Bullshit, it's so nice to say, it's not because of the soul ring and the soul beast on the 100,000-year-old soul beast!"

  Tang Hao immediately angrily confronted Qian Xunji when he heard what Qian Xunji said.

   Regarding the culprit who caused his wife's disappearance, Tang Hao listed him as one of the targets of revenge.


  ps: Sorry, it’s a bit late, try to update sooner next time.

  (end of this chapter)

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