Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator

Chapter 184: Mother Xiaowu sacrifices

  Chapter 184 Xiao Wu's mother sacrifice

   "Don't you kill soul beasts yourself?"

   "It's you who is hypocritical!"

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Qian Xunji looked disdainful, which soul master on the mainland does not need to hunt and kill soul beasts?

   "Our Spirit Hall is different from your sects. While hunting and killing soul beasts, we will also protect them and prevent them from being killed indiscriminately!"

   "And what did your sects do?"

   "There is nothing, and it is ridiculous to dare to accuse us here now!"

   "Get out, if you get in the way here again, don't blame me for taking you down!"

   "Anyway, collusion with soul beasts is enough for me to blame you!"

  Qian Xunji finally looked at Tang Hao coldly, and issued an ultimatum.

   That is, the two elders Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo have not arrived yet, otherwise he wouldn't be talking nonsense with Tang Hao.

  Hearing Qian Xunji's words, Tang Hao's face was very ugly.

He wanted to refute Qian Xunji's words, but in terms of protecting soul beasts, Wuhundian did a good job. Other sects, including Haotianzong, the former No. 1 sect in the world, never thought of protecting soul beasts. Don't let soul beasts be killed indiscriminately.

   And Qian Xunji questioned him, and he couldn't refute it. The purpose of his coming to the Star Dou Forest this time was to hunt and kill soul beasts.

  He was just unwilling to attack the 100,000-year-old soul beast that had turned into a human because of Ah Yin.

   But it is of course impossible for him to leave like this.

  Not to mention that he hasn’t gotten information about A Yin from Xiao Wu’s mother, and he doesn’t want to see the enemy catch Xiao Wu’s mother and daughter.

   These are two 100,000-year-old soul beasts. If they fall into the hands of Chihiro Ji, it will only make their enemies stronger.

   "Sorry, both of them are my prey, I can't let you!"

   "According to the rules of the soul master world, we were the ones who discovered them first, so they belong to us!"

   Immediately, Tang Hao snarled at Qian Xun Ji.

  Anyway, it is impossible for him to watch Xiao Wu's mother and daughter fall into Chihiro Ji's hands!


   After saying that, Tang Hao summoned his Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer again.



  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao's expressions were a little dignified. This is going to be hard steel with the Pope of Wuhun Temple!

  However, they also knew why Tang Hao was so hostile to Wuhundian, and they all opened their mouths in the end, and didn't say any words of persuasion, but silently summoned their respective Wuhuns.

   "It's ridiculous, do you believe what you say?"

   Chihiro Ji sneered.

   "You go first!"

   Tang Hao saw that he could not use the method used by his elder brother, so he could only stand in front of Qian Xun Ji himself, and then spoke to Xiao Wu's mother behind him.


  Xiaowu's mother took a serious look at Tang Hao's back and nodded slightly.


   Immediately, Xiao Wu's mother flickered holding Xiao Wu's figure, ready to leave.

   "Tang Hao, how dare you!"

  Seeing this, Qian Xunji was immediately furious, and he didn't expect Tang Hao to do this.

   "If you want to catch them, ask Laozi!"

   "Haotian Jiujue · Swinging Word Art!"

  Tang Hao didn't care about Qian Xun Ji's anger, the angrier Qian Xun Ji was, the happier he was, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand directly blasted towards Qian Xun Ji.


   Seeing this situation, Xiao Wu's mother stopped hesitating, and left with Xiao Wu in her arms in a flash.

   "Fifth Soul Ability Black Shadow Terran Hand!"

   It's just that before Xiao Wu's mother successfully left with Xiao Wu, a black shadow appeared in the direction they were leaving, and quickly intercepted them.

  A black shadow emerged from the ground in front of Xiaowu's mother, as if a ghost hand was about to grab Xiaowu's mother.



   At the critical moment, Xiao Wu's mother took Xiao Wu to teleport away.

  Mother Xiaowu, who just managed to escape, looked very ugly, because she knew that she had encountered another powerful enemy.

   "It's actually another Titled Douluo!"

  When a group of black shadows condensed and Ghost Douluo appeared in front of her, Xiao Wu's mother's heart sank.

   "His Holiness, here I come!"

   After successfully stopping Xiao Wu's mother and daughter, Ghost Douluo spoke to Qian Xun Ji.

   "Haha, good, just in time!"

   After Qian Xunji blocked Tang Hao's attack, he immediately laughed when he saw it.

   "His Holiness, I'm here too!"


   Immediately afterwards, as a golden chrysanthemum bloomed, Chrysanthemum Douluo also rushed over.

   "One hundred thousand year soul beast!"

  Afterwards, he saw Xiao Wu in Xiao Wu's mother's arms, his eyes lit up, and he immediately understood the situation at the scene. It turned out that he had discovered a hundred thousand year spirit beast.

   Just looking at the scene, it seems that Tang Hao discovered it first.

   "Pay attention, that woman is also transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, you two together, take them down for me!"

   "Leave Tang Hao to me!"

   "Let him run away last time, this time I will see who else can save him!"

  But when Chihiro Ji's words came, Ju Douluo realized that there was more than one hundred thousand year soul beast.

   "Yes, Your Holiness the Pope!"

  Ju Douluo looked at Xiaowu's mother in shock, but she didn't expect that the other party was also a hundred thousand year soul beast, and she was also a hundred thousand year soul beast that had re-cultivated to the title of Douluo.

   "Yes, Your Holiness the Pope!"

  As surprised as Chrysanthemum Douluo, there was also Ghost Douluo.

  He also just came here, and when he saw Xiao Wu's mother fleeing, he stopped her. He didn't know that the other party was a titled Douluo in the form of a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

   "Damn it, there are actually two Titled Douluo!"

   At this time, Tang Hao's expression completely changed after seeing two more Titled Douluo coming to the Wuhun Hall.

  If he is the Title Douluo who absorbed the ninth spirit ring at this time, he is confident that he still has the ability to fight, but he is not now!



  Yang Wudi and Niu Gao were also a little panicked at this time, they didn't expect that there would be as many as three Titled Douluo from the Wuhun Hall.

   "Tang Hao, you are willing to associate with spirit beasts, and you still hinder our Wuhun Hall from enforcing the law. I will declare you guilty now!"

   "And sentence you guys to death!"

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Angel Light Blade!"

   At this time, Qian Xunji had already started to move, and after casting the martial soul avatar, he condensed a large number of light blades and attacked Tang Hao.

   After Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo stopped Xiao Wu's mother and daughter, he believed that the two elders would definitely be able to catch them, so he didn't worry about it, and put his mind directly on Tang Hao.

   He failed to kill Tang Hao last time, and this time he has no intention of letting Tang Hao go.

   Once or twice, they are associated with spirit beasts, and such people should be sentenced to death.

  And Tang Hao this time has already been expelled from the sect by Haotianzong, so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Haotian Jiujue · Zhenzi Jue!"

  Seeing this, Tang Hao didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily cast out his martial soul avatar, and then swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand to meet it.

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   "Seventh Soul Skill Martial Soul Avatar!"

   Seeing Tang Hao being attacked by Qian Xun Ji, Niu Gao and Yang Wudi rushed to support him, otherwise Tang Hao alone would not be Qian Xun Ji's opponent.

They also knew that Tang Hao had repelled Qian Xun Ji before, but that was when Tang Hao used the Great Sumeru Hammer to explode the ring, and it was only temporarily repelling Qian Xun Ji. escaped from the hands of Xunji.

  Although Tang Hao has broken through to level 90, he has not yet absorbed the ninth soul ring. Without using the ring explosion, it is even more impossible for him to be Qian Xunji's opponent.

  Boom boom boom—

  The fact is the same, even with the support of two powerful Contras, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, Tang Hao is still in danger in the hands of Qian Xunji, and is constantly being repelled.

   "Invincible Golden Body!"



  As for Xiaowu's mother, under the joint attack of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, she had to dodge and it was difficult to fight back.

  Continuing on like this, it is only a matter of time before Xiao Wu's mother and Xiao Wu are caught by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo together.


  The seriously injured Xiao Wu was very anxious in the arms of Xiao Wu's mother. She wanted to break free from her mother's embrace and come out to help her mother fight the enemy together, but Xiao Wu's mother hugged her tightly and refused to let her do anything.

   "Mom, let me do it together, it won't work if you continue like this..."

  Xiao Wu said anxiously in her mother's arms.

   "No, your current state is not suitable for shooting at all!"

  Xiao Wu's mother refused, and directly refused.

  With Xiao Wu's current state, it would be too dangerous to make another move. If one is not good, he may be killed.

   "So what do we do now?"

  Xiao Wu was very anxious. If she knew she would not call her mother, her mother would not fall into the current desperate situation because of saving her.

   No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility for them to escape now!

  Xiao Wu took the opportunity to glance at Tang Hao's direction, and found that the other three were also being beaten by Qian Xunji, and she couldn't count on it.

   "Damn it!"

  Seeing how useless Tang Hao and the other three are, Xiao Wu felt great hatred in her heart.

  Even though Tang Hao and the others are helping them now, Xiao Wu is not grateful at all from the bottom of her heart.

  Because if Tang Hao and the others hadn't attacked her, the current situation wouldn't have happened!


   Facing her daughter's problem, Xiao Wu's mother had no way to do it at this time. The current situation, to them, was tantamount to a desperate situation.

   Unless Da Ming and Er Ming can come to support in time, but there is still a certain distance from the Jinghu Lake in the center of the Star Dou Forest, even if Da Ming and Er Ming find the movement, it may be too late.

  The reason why she arrived in such a timely manner was only because she was worried about Xiao Wu that she came out to look for Xiao Wu.

   It's just that she didn't expect that Xiao Wu really had an accident, and the enemies she encountered were stronger than each other.

   It was a long time ago that so many Title Douluo appeared in the Star Dou Forest last time!

"what to do?"

  Xiaowu's mother was also asking herself in her heart.

  Faced with this desperate situation, she no longer thought that she could escape. She was thinking about how to let her daughter Xiao Wu escape successfully!

  While dodging the attacks of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, Xiao Wu's mother put her peripheral vision on Tang Hao's body.

  The other party is only a Contra, but the strength displayed is not inferior to the Title Douluo at all.

  What if the opponent breaks through and becomes a Titled Douluo? Can you defeat the enemy?

  Mother Xiaowu, who is in a desperate situation, can't think of any other way.

  So Xiaowu's mother thought of sacrificing herself and making Tang Hao a Titled Douluo, maybe the other party has hope of defeating the enemy.

  If she was the only one, even if she couldn't blew herself up, she would choose to commit suicide, so that the enemy could not obtain her spirit ring and spirit bone.

  But she still has a daughter in her arms, so she can only choose the option that may allow Xiao Wu to live.

  Boom boom boom—

  Watching the battle between Tang Hao and the others, Xiaowu's mother was also hesitant.

   "The eighth soul skill: ghosts and sprites!"

   "Sixth soul skill Jinrui Flowing Clouds!"

  Just facing the joint attack of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, it became more and more difficult for her to support, and she was about to be unable to resist.


  When Xiao Wu's mother once again used the invincible golden body to block the attacks of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, Xiao Wu's mother's eyes showed a trace of sadness and determination.

   "Xiao Wu, promise mom, you must live!"

   After speaking to Xiao Wu in her arms, Xiao Wu's mother hugged Xiao Wu, not only did not continue to dodge and escape, but teleported towards Tang Hao.


   Immediately afterwards, a powerful barrier of soul power bloomed on her body, and Qian Xunji was ejected from her barrier.


  A gigantic phantom of soft-bone rabbit emerged from Xiaowu's mother.

   Then a powerful energy emerged from the phantom of the Soft Bone Rabbit, and quickly enveloped Tang Hao's body.

   Tang Hao's figure was frozen in an instant, unable to move at all.


  But at this time Tang Hao didn't panic, he just looked at Xiao Wu's mother in surprise, not knowing why Xiao Wu's mother did this.


  Xiao Wu cried out even more at this time, watching her mother making sacrifices in disbelief.

   "This is a sacrifice..."

   "Damn it!"

   Outside the sacrificial enchantment, Chihiro Ji also quickly understood what happened, and his expression instantly became extremely ugly.

   No wonder it can bounce him away, it turned out to be the sacrificial enchantment created when a hundred thousand year soul beast chose to sacrifice.

   "His Holiness the Pope!"

   "Is there no way to break this enchantment?"

  At this time, Ju Douluo also came to the knot interface annoyed, as if he wanted to force his hands.

   "It's useless. Before her sacrifice is completed, there is no way to break it with our strength!"

   Chihiro Ji said with an ugly expression.

   "His Holiness, blame us!"

   "We were careless..."

   Hearing Qian Xunji's words, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were even more annoyed.

   "Promise me, you must not let my daughter fall into the hands of Wuhundian!"

  Mother Xiaowu begged Tang Hao while offering sacrifices.

  Tang Hao was shocked when he heard the words, and only then did he realize why Xiaowu's mother chose to sacrifice herself. It turned out that it was for her daughter.

  He didn't know why Xiaowu's mother felt that after sacrificing herself, he would be able to fight against the Spirit Hall.

  But at this moment, Xiaowu's mother's choice did give him more possibilities.

  If there is no sacrifice from Xiaowu's mother, even if he chooses to explode the ring, he may not be able to escape from the hands of Wuhundian this time.

  Now with the sacrifice of Xiao Wu's mother, everything is different. He is even confident that he can defeat Chihiro Ji and others.

   "Don't worry, even if I die, I won't let her fall into the hands of Wuhundian!"

  So, Tang Hao made a promise to Xiaowu's mother very seriously.


  ps: Xiao Wu's mother's choice, not Xiao Wu's choice, Xiao Wu still regards Tang Hao as an enemy later on!

  (end of this chapter)

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