You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Shrek Academy, on the wet trail, the lights were dim, and Chen Xiu's eyes flashed with cold light.

His own strength is so great that he can squeeze Ning Rongrong's throat with a slight force.

"Are you stubborn?" Chen Xiu looked at Ning Rongrong with cold eyes.

Ning Rongrong's throat was pinched by Chen Xiu, unable to speak a word for a long time.

Seeing that she would rather die than surrender, she still struggled even with tears streaming down her face.

"Ha ha."

"I changed my mind." Chen Xiu's mouth cracked, and his wicked smile appeared again.

"I always like to give people the opportunity to choose. Now I give you a choice. One, I will kill you, then strip your clothes off and hang you on the gate of Shrek Academy for people to watch."

In an instant, Ning Rongrong struggled more violently. It was not the first time that she had seen the cruelty of this demon!

"Of course, as a price to irritate me, the above are all cheaper for you, and for my fiancée, I don't want to do this."

"So, I give you the second choice. As long as you say, let me kill Oscar and exchange his life for yours, I will let you go immediately." Chen Xiu said and let go of Ning Rongrong. .

Ning Rongrong was pinched by Chen Xiu for a long time, and couldn't breathe for a while.

Chen Xiu said impatiently: "Say, as long as you say one thing to kill Oscar, I won't embarrass you anymore. Just a sentence can save my life. This is simply too cheap."

Ning Rongrong still did not speak, she stared at Chen Xiu like this, and then suddenly shouted:

"Help one by one!!"

Chen Xiu grinned, "Scream, no one will come to rescue you if you break your throat."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong suddenly raised his wrist!


Chen Xiu's eyesight was extraordinary, and he saw the Xiujian flying towards him in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu's body fell backwards suddenly.

Ning Rongrong was overjoyed and hit him!

But at this moment!

Chen Xiu's body that fell backward suddenly stopped!

His body was pulled back from a very unscientific angle!

Chen Xiu grinned and looked at Ning Rongrong again.

Ning Rongrong's pupils shrank in an instant, and she looked at Chen Xiu in disbelief!

how is this possible?

At this distance, even Grandpa Jian was recruited without knowing the hidden weapon!

How could this Jade Sky Jade!

Only now!

Chen Xiu's mouth was holding the sleeve arrow that Ning Rongrong had just launched!

Chen Xiu's teeth suddenly became sharp dragon teeth!


Chen Xiu swallowed Xiujian directly into her mouth and chewed it up!

Ning Rongrong had given up thinking at this time, what kind of monster is this?

Moreover, I heard from Tang San that their sleeve arrows were poisoned!

This Chen Xiu is not even afraid of poison!

After a while, Chen Xiu opened her mouth and spit out a small iron ball.

"It smells of pig iron, but the toxin is delicious, so what is your choice?" Chen Xiu smiled and looked at Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong did not speak, and Chen Xiu finally became impatient.

"That's right, children make a choice, I will kill you first, and then kill Oscar!" Chen Xiu suddenly gathered a golden light on his right arm!

This is the spirit power of the Golden Sacred Dragon, a solid and powerful force.


Chen Xiu smiled when he heard Oscar's voice, and finally came!

Let him wait so long.

The moment Ning Rongrong called for help, Oscar and Tang San heard it.

Due to the close proximity to the boys’ dormitory, the two of them had no time to put on their coats and hurried over!

Chen Xiu stretched his muscles and bones, making him wait for so long, it would be fun for a while.

However, some things seem a little unexpected and interesting!

Chen Xiu said nothing, the golden sacred dragon, possessed by Wuhun!

A dazzling golden light burst out!

The dragon wings and dragon tail grew out, and a layer of pale golden dragon scales instantly covered the whole body.

Four dark black spirit rings rose.90dy look at

Ten thousand years!

There are still four?

Before he was shocked, Tang San seemed to throw something out of his hands, but because the night was too dark, he couldn't see clearly.

However, Chen Xiu has the strengthening of the dragon pupil to see things like day in the dark!

"Ha ha."

Chen Xiu sneered, and the claws covering the dragon scale instantly grabbed the two sharp blades whistling towards her ears.

Yin and Yang poles.

"This kind of thing can't hurt me at all now." Chen Xiu said and directly smashed the yin and yang bipolar blade made of profound iron in his hand.

After Oscar went around, he quickly took Ning Rongrong away.

Chen Xiu didn't care, his eyes were full of joking in Tang San's eyes.

"Tang San, it's been a long time since I saw you, my fiancée and I made each other, maybe you two outsiders come, isn't it okay?" Chen Xiuxiao asked.

"You!!" Oscar clenched his fists aside.

Chen Xiu looked back at Oscar directly!

At that moment!

Chen Xiu in Oscar's eyes has changed!

The appearance of Chen Xiu in his eyes has gradually become hideous, unreachable, and tall as a god!

And his eyes are a huge vertical heart dragon pupil.

When looking at yourself, it is like looking at a little ant!

Oscar felt a sense of smallness!

Why am I so weak?

I can't resist him at all, can I?

Can he crush me to death with a little finger?

Why is he so strong?

What can I protect Rongrong?

In front of him, I'm just an ant!

Oscar trembled, his face was horrified, no one knew how he felt now.

His beliefs collapsed in an instant.

Just because of that look!

In Chen Xiu's eyes, there is not only the Eye of the Spirit Emperor, but also a pair of dragon pupils who are born to despise everything.

Tang San didn't know what Chen Xiu did to Oscar.

He released the blue silver grass instantly!

The first spirit ability, entangle, activate!

The blue silver grass appeared more hidden in the dark night, and Chen Xiu didn't bother to avoid it and was directly tied up by him.

Tang San released inflammation poison instantly!

A burst of red light erupted on Chen Xiu.

"Tang San, have you forgotten, the octagonal black ice grass, but I refined it." Chen Xiu smiled.

Inflammation toxin and cold toxin grow and restrain each other and cancel each other out.

Chen Xiu's Xuan Mingshen couldn't hurt Tang San.

In the same way, Tang San's inflammation and poison could not harm Chen Xiu.

Tang San naturally knew this, and he didn't expect to win Chen Xiu by this!

Tang San connected his hands, and instantly took out two iron balls from the moonlit night of the twenty-four bridges!

The mother and son chase their souls!

Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes. If he insisted on this thing, even if he didn't die, he would lose the ability to fight in an instant!

Tang San refining this was also within Chen Xiu's expectation.

The son and mother are desperate for their lives and are divided into two iron balls. Once they are strongly squeezed or hit, they will immediately explode and release the ecstasy poison mist!

If Chen Xiu does not pick up, then the guts will catch up with the mother guts, and the two guts will still explode in front of Chen Xiu when they collide!

And this poisonous fog, ordinary people, even if it absorbs a little, it will take ten days to sleep.

With Chen Xiu's current spirit power, even though he has the ability to resist poison, the poisonous mist will also make him lose the ability to move within a moment.

And after the two guts collided, the hundred bone-forming needles inside would burst out!

Specially break the body protection gas, extremely poisonous!

As long as one is stabbed, the toxin will spread quickly, and it will become bones wherever it goes!

Although Chen Xiu's own strength is strong, his defense is lacking. I am afraid that the dragon scales alone will not be able to withstand the Bone Transforming Needle!

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