Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 215 The Stormy Soul Master Realm

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!However, hidden weapon...

Secretly use to defeat the enemy, the side is a hidden weapon.

If the enemy knows that you want to use a hidden weapon, then he is not a hidden weapon, but a famous weapon!

Although the guts to chase the soul is powerful, you still have to hit the talent!

Chen Xiu instantly activated one or two soul abilities, and a golden light wrapped around his body.

The Blue Silver Grass was broken instantly!

But in a blink of an eye!

Chen Xiu caught Oscar in an instant, and directly put him in front of her!

Tang San's pupils shrank, and his body responded in an instant!

I saw him send out a steel needle with a strange gesture!

The steel needle is extremely fast, catching up with the mother gall and picking it aside.

However, Tang San moved his body and instantly controlled the crane to capture the dragon, and Zidan was directly caught in the air by him, unable to move.

Chen Xiu grinned, and instantly left the dull Oscar aside!

Then the wings shook, and the whole person instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Tang San!

Tang San took a step back and put on a posture of charging power!

"Tang San, this is a punishment for interrupting someone else's date!!"

Chen Xiu roared, and one and two spirit rings lighted up at the same time!

The first spirit ability, Mingshen, increases the power by 100%.

The second spirit ability, breaking the army, burst out three times the power instantly!


Chen Xiu's punch was as fast as a flash, Tang San's right arm instantly turned red, and the two punches collided instantly!!

A wave of soul power came!

Waves splashed in the air!!

Tang San gritted his teeth, this Chen Xiu's strength is not weaker than that of the Great King Tainuo!


With a loud explosion, Chen Xiu was directly shaken away!

Tang San was even more outrageous, and he was directly knocked out!

However, the eight spider spirit bones behind Tang San suddenly released and pierced firmly into the ground, which helped him stabilize his figure.

Chen Xiu stopped retreating instantly after a tumbling in the air. He looked at Tang San and thought in his heart: "As expected of the protagonist, even if I take the octagonal black ice grass, he will still get other opportunities."

Although Chen Xiu didn't use all his strength for the blow just now.

But it was really incredible that Tang San, a control system spirit master, could catch it.

If Chen Xiu's martial soul has not been upgraded to a golden holy dragon.

Then Chen Xiu can be 100% sure that he is no match for Tang San now!

And the golden sacred dragon martial soul brings more than just power!

What the Golden Sacred Dragon brings is an overall increase!

The defense is a little bit worse, but the speed, and power are absolutely crushing the same level, and even can leapfrog challenge!

Tang San didn't feel good with the blow just now, his right arm was trembling, and even his bones seemed to have a slight crack.

But what is amazing is that Tang San and Chen Xiu even put away their spirits after this punch.

Chen Xiu fell to the ground, and Tang San also took back the Blue Silver Grass and spirit bone.

"Tang San, I don't want to fight with you now. I just came to see my fiancée today. Do you want to intervene?"

"It's too nosy, right?" Chen Xiu asked with a cold expression.

Tang San couldn't think of a rebuttal, yes, Chen Xiuzhanli.

They didn't know how to refute Chen Xiu, and finally Tang San sighed, "Rong Rong hates you, I hope you won't trouble her."

"Ha ha."

"Joke, my fiancee, do you need to make irresponsible remarks? If you have any comments, you can go to my master Thunder Douluo Yuluo Mian to talk." Chen Xiu said.

Tang San was also excited at the time, and he would fight when they met.

Thinking about it now, although Chen Xiu was a little too much, he didn't seem to be doing anything, right?

Even if Chen Xiu really did to Ning Rongrong, they might not be able to control it.

There are elder marriages in Chen Xiu's place, and Tang San and others can only be regarded as classmates or friends of Ning Rongrong.

But don't know why, Tang San has a strange feeling about Chen Xiu.

That feeling made Tang San unwilling to kill Chen Xiu, or even to be an enemy of him.Seven Realms Novel Network

As if doing so, he would regret it.

Deep down in Tang San's heart, there seemed to be a kind of guilt that had been affecting him, and he didn't know why he felt this emotion towards Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu shook the dust on her clothes, "Forget it, you are bothered by your good mood, I'm leaving."

However, when Chen Xiu left, he glanced at Oscar.

Tang San was also very strange, what happened to Oscar?

Why doesn't he speak?

Usually the best thing to say is Oscar, but why is he so taciturn now?

No one noticed the Oscar changes.

Oscar first gave a weird smile, and then another smirk.

However, this is only a moment.

Soon Oscar returned to normal, and together they sent Ning Rongrong back to the dormitory and back to their dormitory.

Under the lighting of the night, Tang San walked under the bright light, and Oscar, who should have been leaning on Tang San, walked together.

But now, Oscar took the initiative to distance himself from Tang San, walking alone in the shadow of the house.


Tiandou Royal Academy.

Chen Xiu does not know why, but today is in a particularly good mood.

He smiled indifferently, poured himself a glass of red wine for himself, and then stood by the window watching the blood-red moonlight alone.

After a while, the fox girl in a maid costume respectfully brought Chen Xiu a glass of red wine.

Chen Xiu touched the fox girl's ears with some doting, "The plan has begun."


An undercurrent is surging.

The blood-red moonlight seemed to confirm some kind of ignorance, and people enjoyed a slightly peaceful life.

There is no dispute, no war, and the entire Douluo Continent is quiet and terrifying.

A shadow called the Holy Spirit Church has begun their actions.

On this plate called Douluo Continent, the shadow of the Holy Spirit Religion quickly covered it like a locust.

Their methods are weird and can directly arouse people's desires.

More and more people have joined the Holy Spirit Church.

They are unscrupulous, they do no evil, and most people who can't resist choose to join.

They are like locusts. They can't be killed without killing them. One wave will be wiped out and another.

Unconsciously, people have a new understanding of the Holy Spirit teaching.

This is the gift of the Lord. The Lord cherishes the poor in the world and gives everyone an opportunity in the world.

On the Douluo Continent, 90% of the population are poor.

And now, 80% of the population has joined the Holy Spirit.

They are like a plague, and the speed of their spread is horrific.

The cultivation methods out of it are even more regarded as evil!

But everyone said so on the surface, in fact, these evil arts have become the target of the soul master world!

They all practiced carefully, for fear of being discovered.

And some desperate soul masters, wicked men chased by various sects, all invested in this organization called the Holy Spirit Sect.

Time began to pass slowly. I don't know when it started, the name of the evil spirit master also began to spread widely...


A few days later, the Holy Spirit Church headquarters.

Chen Xiu's body was hidden under the sacred robe.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu extended three pairs of wings. This was a Seraphim Martial Spirit copied from Qian Renxue.

He vibrated his wings and flew to the highest place in an instant. Looking around, there are millions of followers on the earth!

Chen Xiu opened her arms, "We are the writer of history. I am a destiny, and a person who follows me is also following destiny."

"Holy Spirit, rise up like the sun hanging from the dome!"

Chen Xiu's eyes suddenly turned pale gold!

A golden light flashed across the earth!

That is the golden light in the eyes of all believers!!

Whether it is a powerful soul master or a thin commoner, they all possessed divine nature at that moment.

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