Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 220 The plague is rampant (third more, please subscribe!)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The young man's face could hardly be called a human being, Chen Xiu didn't know what to describe him.

Because it is not a human face, he is not any creature, does his face make people feel disgusting?

No, at least Chen Xiu thinks so.

His face seemed to be some kind of monster, and the skin all over his body was jet black, like some kind of armor and some kind of carapace.

But Chen Xiu is more inclined, this is a certain animal scale.

As soon as the bandages were loosened, the Plague Holy Spirit panicked instantly.

He was afraid that his ugly posture would cause discomfort to the adult in front of him.

Everyone who has seen his face, children will cry, adults will feel disgusted, no one can accept his appearance.

Therefore, he wrapped his body except his eyes and hair with a bandage.

But today!

He saw it, with unprecedented gaze, in which adult's eyes, it seemed that there was no disgust...

what is that?


The Plague Holy Spirit had a strange emotion in his heart, which he had never had since he was born.

"Your body is purely composed of viruses, with perfect proportions. Every part of your body can be used as an attack without a trace of burden. It is pure power aesthetics." Chen Xiu praised.

The plague holy spirit stayed.

How does it feel to have never received such admiration?

It was as if it was his own dark atrium, being lit by a beacon.

At that moment, he understood that the person in front of him was worthy of his life in return!

Just this sentence of approval, just no escaping gaze, is enough.

The plague holy spirit wore a pair of trousers all over his body, the bandage had been broken, and his demonic body was exposed in the holy hall.

It looks like the filth in the light, but he has not been abandoned by the light.

When he was young, he was a pickpocket at a street stall, and he did nothing to survive.

Because of his ugly appearance, he was disgusted and excluded by everyone.

Until the day he awakened his martial soul, he became even more ugly, his martial soul was a mouse.

Possess a poisonous mouse!

He used his highly toxic ability to make those who bullied and humiliated himself before, paid the price!

However, his method was eventually seen through.

He was hunted down, and in desperation he could only join an organization called the Holy Spirit Church.

He desperately desires power, more than anyone else!

He desperately practiced the blood burning technique in the Holy Spirit teaching, working harder than anyone else.

Until that day, he met the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord who made him feel unhappy, but gave himself the power he dreamed of!

Power made him even uglier, even discarding the human form.

But what does that matter?

People hate themselves, so even if they make their appearance a little uglier, why not?

His first spirit ability was called Black Light Virus, and this virus replaced his flesh and blood.

It can swallow other creatures with the black light virus, and use the power contained in their flesh and blood to strengthen itself.

Everything is developing for the better, and he has gained strength.

But his life is still dark.

Until he once again saw the Holy Lord who gave him power!

His dark life finally lit a lamp!Kiss novels

"Master, no matter what you ask me to do, I have no regrets!" The bright green eyes of the plague holy spirit flashed with firm eyes.

"Very good, then let me know about your soul skills." Chen Xiu smiled.

The Plague Holy Spirit nodded, his first spirit ring gleamed, and his right arm instantly turned into a giant python!

A black python with a big mouth open, trying to swallow some of it in front of you!

"This is my first soul ability, the black light virus. He reshaped my body. I can change any part of my body to swallow foreign objects to allow the virus to evolve."

The Plague Holy Spirit briefly introduced his soul abilities, but he did not demonstrate the remaining soul abilities.

"My second spirit ability, called virulent flu, is now at the level of a thousand years, and it can instantly spread the virus into water and food."

"And if it spreads to a person, even if he has a slight trauma, then the virus will spread to the person." The Holy Spirit of Plague continued to introduce.

These spirit abilities are too suitable for the next plan!

Is he a reward from heaven?

Ha ha.

However, Chen Xiu didn't believe in God, he believed that it was his own luck.

"If you raise your spirit ability to the ten thousand years level, then I think, as long as you spread the virus, you can still infect the virus even through your mouth and nose, and maybe the virus will get the characteristics of human-to-human transmission." Chen Xiu smiled.

When Chen Xiu said that, the Holy Spirit of Plague was also agitated. Everyone thought that his martial spirit was the third abuse, and they looked down upon themselves.

At this moment, his power was finally recognized!

Someone finally realized the power of the virus!

Sure enough, he didn't choose the wrong person!

"That's right! Master, coupled with my third spirit ability, the mad dog virus, makes people lose their minds, bites between relatives, and spreads the virus quickly, and you can easily disintegrate a sect!" The plague holy spirit said excitedly.

"My next plan of the Holy Spirit teaches to have you, it is just as powerful as a tiger." Chen Xiu grinned.

This kid is poisonous enough to have his appetite!

"Master, my fourth spirit ability is called Seven Death Viruses. Anyone with a lower spirit power than mine will cause the body to be corroded within seven days. Until the seventh day, the whole body will be corroded and necroticed by the virus. lethal!"

"And even if the spirit power is higher than mine, immortality will let him peel off!" The plague holy spirit grinned!

"It shouldn't be too late, the Apocalypse ruled. With the plague holy spirit, you directly start the next step and let those resistance forces collapse in an instant." Chen Xiu smiled.

Zong Yang held his hand aside, "Yes, the leader."

"Come on, show your value to your heart's content!" Chen Xiu's mouth split open, feeling unspeakably happy.


Three days later.

A plague began to run rampant, and this plague broke out on those forces opposed to the Holy Spirit.

The plague spread very quickly, like a locust crossing the border.

For a time, both the soul master and the poor people complained endlessly.

With the spread of the virus, rumors spread all at once!

The Holy Spirit teaching is the gift of the Lord to mortals and the kindness to mortals.

If they dare to oppose the Holy Spirit, then they will definitely be cursed by the Lord!

Within seven days, if they fail to recognize their evil deeds, then they will endure the wrath of the Lord!

Cut off the left ear and offer it to the Lord to make atonement for the Lord so that the Lord can forgive sinners.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one

Thank you for your rewards. Why don’t I write a thank you here afterwards, because some people say that I have a number of words...

So after that, I haven't been writing anything, but I want to say that I only have a lot more than 2000 words.

Let’s not talk too much nonsense. Thank you for your rewards. Thank you for your kindness. The starting point of this book is also for results. I hope everyone can collect a little bit and vote for one or two monthly tickets and recommendation votes.

The author clasped his fists here.

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