Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 221 What about the next three abuses? (First, please subscribe!)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The plague quickly swept the civilians, and tens of thousands of people complained.

Some people can't stand the torment of illness and pain, cut off their left ear, and find the person in charge of the Holy Spirit.

And a magical thing happened. Anyone who had their left ear cut off would eliminate the virus in their body overnight.

And will never get infected again!

The plague comes and goes fast, and more and more people are leaving the world because of the torment of illness.

But this is only a minority of the frail and sickly. There has been a precedent for the elimination of the virus. Most people have cut their left ears and are attached to the Holy Spirit.

They are more religious than the people who joined before, because they really appreciate it.

The power of the Lord!

However, the plague is only rampant among ordinary people, although some small sects are helpless.

However, some large sects had auxiliary spirit masters who could detoxify, and the plague and virus were quickly contained.

However, Chen Xiu's plan was also completed, and the civilians of the entire continent had no slipped fish, all being dragged into the Holy Spirit Sect.

And on this day, the creator of the plague, the plague holy spirit, was discovered!


This is a remote village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the vegetation is not lush. The villagers here have already joined the Holy Spirit Church.

Before, the plague, the Holy Spirit spread the plague.

It is to come to the water sources of every village to spread the virus out.

This is the last village, and the virus released by the plague holy spirit has recovered.

He was wearing bandages all over his body and wearing a white gold patterned teaching robe, he was about to leave this strange village.


A sharp sword was placed on his neck!

The bright green eyes of the plague holy spirit flashed with blood and was discovered?

Oops, it's troublesome, it seems I can only move my muscles and bones.

Soon, a righteous voice came, "You are the initiator of this plague, right?"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Since you have discovered it, there is no way, then you have to go and die." The corner of the plague holy spirit's mouth cracked, and a weird laughter appeared.

In an instant, the young man holding the sword had an ominous premonition!


The flesh and blood on the back of the plague holy spirit suddenly turned into countless thorns, which directly pierced the young man holding the sword!

Fortunately, the young man had already expected it, and quickly retracted his sword to get away from the plague holy spirit as quickly as possible!

However, even though he predicted countless ways of attack, he did not expect that the plague holy spirit would use his body as an attack!

His speed was fast enough, but he was still bruised by the spikes of the plague's blood and flesh.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"The moment your skin was stabbed by me, you already lost, and the virus has been implanted in your body!"

The plague holy spirit turned around fiercely, and the four purple spirit rings instantly suspended behind him!

"Fourth spirit ability, seven dead viruses!"

The words of the plague and the Holy Spirit fell, and the bruised parts of the youth began to turn black quickly!

The youth's pupils shrank, and he quickly took out a green pill from his waist.

He swallowed the pill in one mouthful, and the black bruise and virus in the wound instantly turned into a black gas and dissipated!

"What is that?" The plague holy spirit asked puzzledly.

The young man changed his posture and raised the long sword in his hand.

I saw the sword, which was three feet long, red as fire, and had a golden pattern of flames on it.

The hilt of the sword is like a dragon's head, and a layer of faint fire light is always hovering over the blade.

At the same time, five spirit rings lined up behind the young man at once.

The youth looks quite handsome, with sword eyebrows and stars, exuding a breath of dust.

"My name is Li Hong, my father Liming Douluo, no matter who you are, you have committed such a wicked deed, the crime is heinous, I, Li Hong, will be my father and kill you as a sinner!"

Hearing Li Hong's righteous speech, the eyes of the plague holy spirit shone with blood!

"What I hate the most is your hypocritical hypocrite!!"

"Since the virus is useless to you, then this trick!!"

The plague holy spirit roared, and the bandages on his arms split instantly!

His hands turned into huge black steel claws shining with cold light!

"Don't think that my spirit is a virus, so I don't have other combat capabilities!!"

bump!!2018 novel

The plague holy spirit was full of momentum, and the whole person, like a spring, rushed towards Li Hong with a touch!

Li Hong's pupils shrank, and the Dragon Flame Sword suddenly crossed his chest, "Fourth Soul Ability, Huo Wu!"

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Flame Sword began to spin quickly in front of Li Hong!

After that, it got faster and faster, until it turned into a whirlwind and slammed into the plague holy spirit!

Seeing the flame whirlwind hitting him, the plague holy spirit violently raised his claws and stretched them across his chest!

"It's just a broken sword, and I want to block me!"

The plague holy spirit instantly grabbed the high-speed spinning dragon flame sword, and his hands were cut into several segments in an instant!

But he didn't care at all.

I saw that his eliminated hands were like liquid spider silk, returning to the hands of the plague holy spirit.

And Li Hong's fourth soul skill, Fire Dance, was also cracked!

Li Hong wanted to collect the sword, but the plague holy spirit's chest suddenly turned into a giant crocodile of some kind of animal and instantly bit the dragon flame sword!

The plague holy spirit saw the right time, and his right hand instantly stretched into a whip hammer and threw it towards Li Hong!!

"What kind of monster is this guy!" Li Hong gritted his teeth and could only rush forward!

The charge can indeed resolve the whip hammer of the plague holy spirit, but the plague holy spirit has a left hand!

I saw his left hand suddenly turned into a huge black shield!

The right hand instantly retracted and turned into a black steel long knife!

The moment Li Hong was close to the plague holy spirit, he immediately activated his soul skills, fire dragon!

The dragon flame sword bit by the plague holy spirit's chest instantly turned into a fire dragon, directly breaking free of his control!

The plague holy spirit suddenly raised the black steel long knife in his right arm and slashed at Li Hong with the greatest strength!

I saw the fire dragon quickly flew back to Li Hong's hand, and the plague holy spirit fell with a single blow!

Li Hong gritted his teeth and waved the dragon flame sword in his hand to the black steel long knife of the plague holy spirit as quickly as possible!


This guy only has four rings, so it's so difficult!

He is a monster at all!

The plague holy spirit's methods are too weird, which makes Li Hong unable to guard against!

Moreover, the plague holy spirit is so powerful that Li Hong could not hold on to it!

"Fifth Soul Skill, Dragon Slash!"

Li Hong's eyes were furious, and the ten thousand years spirit ring behind him flickered instantly!

A flame instantly wrapped around the dragon flame sword in Li Hong's hand!

A fire burst out!

I saw a flash of light and shadow!

The plague holy spirit's long knife, and half of his body was instantly cut off!

make a prompt decision!

The plague holy spirit instantly abandoned his arms and directly repaired his body!

Then the whole person went directly under Li Hong's straddle!!


What kind of rogue move is this?

Li Hong had never seen such a shameless move, and actually got under someone else's crotch!

He didn't expect that the plague holy spirit could use this trick!

And now!

The plague holy spirit has already circled Li Hong's back, and it is too late for him to turn around now!!

The plague holy spirit pierced Li Hong's back instantly with his broken elbow and turned into a steel cone!

Everything happened in a flash!


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came.


Li Hong's pupils widened in an instant, and his whole body fell directly to the ground.

"You,...Xia Sanlan..."

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit of the Plague smiled contemptuously, "A rich young man like you, who has grown up in good clothes, knows how to understand us beggars who struggle to live everyday?

"This move, called the Gopher's Thirteen Moves, is the most nasty move and the most practical move!"

"A person like you will never understand, the pain of having to give up dignity for a touch of copper!"

"Forget it, enough said, then, please go to death."

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