Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 223 Master's Suicide Note (third more, please subscribe!)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the main hall of the Holy Spirit, Zong Yang couldn't help frowning, and even the fan in his hand couldn't care about it.

The fragment he saw before seemed to be a battlefield, where the fire blazed into the sky and the sound of killing went straight into the sky.

In the picture, a group of warriors in bright armors, carrying broken flags, took the lead in leading the way.

Hope was ignited in the eyes of the hundreds of thousands of defeated soldiers, and they all followed this group of people.

Since the picture only disappeared in a flash, Zong Yang did not see their faces clearly.

Just when Zong Yang wanted to see the faces of these people.

In an instant, a piercing pain came from the sky on Zong Yang's forehead.

"Damn it, the more I want to see clearly, the more painful my heavenly eyes, the number and appearance of all I can't see clearly."

"But with their shadows reflected under the firelight, I can see swords, flowers, dragons, and no matter how many..."


The eyes on Zong Yang's head burst into tears of blood.

"No way, my soul power has been emptied, and I must inform the leader afterwards. This matter is not trivial."


Shrek Academy.

The crowd gathered together, "This time, our goal is to level 40!"

"The champion is definitely ours!" x7

When everyone in Shrek was chatting hotly, Dean Flander suddenly rushed in.

"Little San, here is a letter for you."

With that, Flender handed the letter in his hand to Tang San.


Tang San accepted the letter in doubt. There was no name on the letter, only the addressee Tang San was written.

"Who would write to me?" Tang San really couldn't think of anyone who would write to himself.

Ma Hongjun: "Third brother, take a look, maybe, which little girl's love letter is it, hehe."

Xiao Wu: "Love, love letter..."

Ma Hongjun: "Oh!"

Ma Hongjun: "Boss Dai, why are you hitting me?"

Dai Mubai: "Because you owe you a fight."

Oscar: "Okay, okay, you'll know if you don't, save you guys fighting here."

Tang San was puzzled for a few seconds, and finally opened the letter.

A folded piece of white paper was sandwiched in the letter, and Tang San slowly opened the white paper, entering the extremely neat handwriting.

"Little San, when you read this letter, it means that I am no longer there, and it is absolutely sudden."

Seeing this first paragraph, everyone trembled instantly, and the atmosphere of playfulness instantly cooled down.

"This turned out to be the teacher's suicide note." Tang San trembled.

Flender also saw the content of the letter, and for a while, his breathing was short, "It turns out that the reason why Xiaogang goes to the post office every half month is because of this reason."

Tang San continued to look down solemnly, looking very carefully, without leaving a word behind.

"At this time, I don't know the cause of my death, but I can imagine that after the last time Ye Lingling was killed, I had a hunch.

Since that person can blame you once, there will definitely be a second time, a third time, maybe I will be his next goal.

So, since then, I will write you a letter every half month and send it to the post office if I am still alive this month.

Then I will retrieve the previous letter and send the next letter to update my situation.

Xiaosan, you must have a lot of doubts, right?

The teacher cannot answer all of you, but now, I will tell you everything I know.

When you first came to Notting College, I accepted you as a disciple. That's because I liked your twin martial arts aptitude.

But I was not sure at the time that your other martial arts spirit was the Clear Sky Hammer.Qiankun Listening Book Network

Until one day, your father personally came to me and gave me a token.

That token is hidden in the third wooden brick at the foot of my bed."

Speaking of this, there are some things that coincide!

I remember that when'Tang San' killed the master, he mentioned that thing.

Is that thing actually a so-called token?

Flender understood it, and rushed out instantly, he went to find the token.

About a quarter of an hour later, Dean Flender came back, holding a pitch black token in his hand and handing it to Tang San.

"This is the highest badge of the Spirit Hall." Tang San said in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San continued to look down.

"When I saw this token, I knew the identity of your father.

He was the youngest Title Douluo who was well-known in the entire continent.

Tang Hao, titled Haotian.

And above the token, it is divided into two parts, one part is the three titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall.

The other part is now the three titled Douluo of the three sects on the seven major sects.

The sword above represents the sword Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, Chen Xin.

Dragon is my uncle, Thunder Douluo, Yu Luomian.

And the hammer is the Clear Sky Hammer, corresponding to your father, Clear Sky Douluo.

The chrysanthemum is the chrysanthemum Douluo of the Wuhun Palace.

The figure is Ghost Douluo of the Wuhun Palace.

And your father, only relying on the strength of the newly promoted Title Douluo, could defeat the two Douluo in the Spirit Palace in a row.

I don't know why they went to war, but your father went into seclusion after winning that battle.

Presumably you also have doubts, why didn't your father and I let you attach any spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

One is to cover up your Haotianzong identity.

Second, we all want you to be stronger.

The biggest advantage of twin spirits is that one spirit can be cultivated first, and the other spirit can also obtain spirit rings.

And when you reach the Title Douluo level, if you are lucky, your Clear Sky Hammer spirit can directly attach a 100,000 year spirit ring.

Of course, there are not so many hundred thousand year spirit beasts on the mainland to kill you, so we pin our hopes on the ten thousand year spirit ring.

If your Clear Sky Hammer's first spirit ring is ten thousand years, then how much a Clear Sky Hammer with nine 90 thousand year spirit rings attached.

This is the purpose of your father and me.

But we are not the only smart people.

In the history of the soul master, you are the third person to have a twin spirit.

The first soul master with twin martial souls was very miserable.

When he added a spirit ring to the second spirit ring, when it was increased to the third one, the two spirits clashed, and in the end, he died in violence.

But the second person with twin martial souls succeeded.

I asked you to exercise for this reason.

Each time a spirit ring is attached to the spirit ring, the physical attributes will be enhanced.

When it is strengthened to a certain level, when the body cannot bear it, it will explode and die.

So, your father and I came up with a way to transfer the power in your body to the soul bone.

Attach a few more soul bones to you, and let the soul bone share the power for you..."

After that, the master also left a message for Brand, Liu Erlong and others.

Simply put, Xiaosan will never kill me, so don't doubt him.

Then, the master left Tang San again some legacy, which were all ancient books he had collected and books written by himself.

And in the end, the master left a sentence to Tang San: "Little San, don't think of revenge for me, before you become a Title Douluo, never think of revenge!"

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