Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 224: Sunset Forest Hunts Soul Beasts

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Time passed in a hurry, and everyone in Shrek had reached level 40 step by step.

Today, it was the day when they obtained the spirit ring. Liu Erlong stayed in the academy due to physical discomfort, so the only ones leading the team were Zao Wou-ki and Flander.


"Next, we immediately set off to the Sunset Forest. Let's say it first. This time we will rely on you to obtain the spirit ring. We will only help when necessary." Flander said.

"Understand!" x7

Everyone nodded, for the next Continent Senior Soul Master Competition, this was also a good opportunity for them to hone their strength.


As everyone left, night fell quietly.

A blond man with dragon horns instigated the scarlet golden dragon wings and slowly fell over Shrek Academy.

The moment he fell on the street, his body suddenly changed.

The original handsome face disappeared instantly and became ordinary, giving people a lazy and decadent feeling.

The short black hair is separated, with a little stubble hanging around his mouth.

Everyone in Shrek Academy knew this person.

Master, Yu Xiaogang!

The streets at night were empty, and the master quietly came to Liu Erlong's boudoir.

Bang bang bang.

Hearing the knock on the door, Liu Erlong, who was alone in the room, frowned.


Liu Erlong didn't rush to open the door, he still couldn't determine the identity of this person.

However, in the next second, Liu Erlong's heart suddenly mentioned.

"it's me."

Two simple words came from outside the door, the voice was too familiar, it was the voice Liu Erlong wanted to hear in his dreams.

Liu Erlong didn't hesitate, she couldn't wait to open the door.

In an instant, Liu Erlong's eyes seemed to flash a golden light.

Her dead lover, Yu Xiaogang, actually stood in front of her!

"Is this a dream, Xiaogang?" Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang excitedly and asked.

The master shook his head, and he gently poured the plump Liu Erlong into his arms.

"Erlong, I'm back." The master said softly.

For a moment, the tears in Liu Erlong's eyes could no longer stop, "Even if it is a dream, I am satisfied to see you once."

The master smiled, he directly picked up Liu Erlong and walked into the room.

Liu Erlong's complexion turned red. "Xiaogang, are you finally willing to accept me?"

The master smiled and nodded. He gently put Liu Erlong on the bed, moving very softly, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

The master stood up slightly, Liu Erlong stretched out her lotus root-like arms around the master's neck in an instant, his expression blurred:

"Xiaogang, don't leave me anymore, even in your dreams. This time, no one can take you away from me."

The master smiled, and he gently stroked Liu Erlong's face with his rough palm.

"Erlong, I won't leave you again." The master said softly.

The two were very close, Liu Erlong could even feel the master's breathing.

For a moment, Liu Erlong's blushing blushed like a ripe apple.

It looks appetizing.

"Xiaogang, this is the first time, so please be gentle." Liu Erlong's face flushed.

Seeing this, the master grinned, "Ah, I will definitely, gently..." New Schoolbag Network


Soon, dawn struck the night sky, and the earth was shrouded in light again.

Today's air is exceptionally fresh, with a faint fragrance of flowers always permeating the air.

In the boudoir, Liu Erlong woke up from a beautiful dream, everything was so real that she couldn't distinguish between reality and dream.

But soon, seeing the Yin Hong on the bed sheet, Liu Erlong couldn't help shaking.

Isn't that a dream?

But, if it's not a dream, where is Xiaogang?

Isn't Xiao Gang coming back?

Could it be that Xiaogang's ghost is back?

All kinds of speculations arose in Liu Erlong's mind, but unfortunately, no one could explain what happened last night...


Sunset over the forest.

Everyone in Shrek had arrived in the sunset forest at this time, and after a night of rest, they were going to continue hunting soul beasts.

It is worth mentioning that in the night, everyone encountered a 4,500-year-old king of the earth.

Later, with the cooperation of everyone in Shrek, the Lord of the Earth was finally defeated.

Then, gloriously became Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ring, his spirit ability was Phoenix Howl Skystrike.

The next day, everyone encountered another pink lady.

Then it was attacked by a group of people, the pink lady, suddenly.

After that, he became the fourth spirit ring of the Oscar, with a spirit ability, a passionate pink sausage.

The specific effect, as the name says, will make people enter a state of excitement, which lasts about five minutes.

And within five minutes, it will increase the spirit master's total attributes by 10%.

And just like that, two days passed, and two of the Shrek Seven Devils still failed to find a suitable spirit ring.

Xiao Wu and Tang San had both acquired spirit rings long ago, and then Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were left behind.

"It can't be delayed any longer. If you look for a few more days, I'm afraid it will be delayed until the start of the Soul Master Competition." Flender sighed.

And just at this moment of urgency, Tang San suddenly made a suggestion, "President Flanders, I actually have a way, but it's a bit dangerous."

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on Tang San.

"What way?" Flanders asked Tang San, looking at him.

Tang San said, "Do you still remember the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product that I used to resist the poisonous mist two days ago?"

"As an immortal grass, as long as it is placed outside, it can attract most soul beasts, but it is very likely that he will attract some powerful soul beasts. We can't deal with the powerful ones."

Hearing what Tang San said, Flender was suddenly surprised.

However, with this method, the danger is too great, and everyone will be wiped out if you are not careful!

Some thousand-year-old soul beasts can still be dealt with, but what if it provokes a hundred thousand-year soul beast like the Titan Great Ape?

The person with the highest spirit power here is Flander, who is only at level 70.

Even if he encounters a 90,000-year-old soul beast, Flanders may not be able to decide the outcome for a while.

Not to mention protecting these little monsters under the hands of the Hundred Thousand Years Soul Beast.

Xiaogang is not by his side, and Flander has to decide on some things himself.

"Little San, since you made this suggestion, you must have a way to deal with it, right?" Flander asked.

Tang San nodded, "Yes, do you remember Senior Dugu Bo's Beppu?"

"There is a poisonous formation left by Dugu Bo, as long as we hide in it, then attract the spirit beasts, and then cooperate with the flying claws, those spirit beasts can be said to be for us to choose."

After listening to Oscar, he clapped in an instant, "As expected to be a junior, he can still play like this, the first time I heard that spirit rings can still be selected."

That's because you didn't know that there was a person named Chen Xiu.

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