Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 228 Beast King

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Holy Spirit teaches.

Partial palace.

A beautiful woman with a plump body is sitting on the bed, her abdomen is slightly raised, and she is holding an unknown fruit in her hand.



The beautiful woman opened her mouth in spite of the image, and took a bite of the fruit in her hand.

Kacha, the sound of clicking echoed in the hall.

At this time, a woman in a white robe walked in quickly.

She snatched the fruit in the woman's hand, and then said slightly in her tone: "Guo'er, didn't you say that, I can only eat so much a day, and I have overdose today."

The beautiful woman saw that the fruit in her hand was taken away by the woman, and she was aggrieved for an instant, "I'm just eating this one, okay?"

With that, the beautiful woman was about to rush up, but the woman directly pressed her forehead.

"I said no, Guo'er, this is arranged by the judge, you have to be obedient." The woman said helplessly.

That's right, that beautiful woman is Zhu Guoer. In these days, her body began to grow, and now she has a normal female body shape.

It can be said that she completely got rid of her original loli figure.

After Zhu Guoer struggled for a while, she couldn't help but give up the girl's ruthless iron hand, and finally gave up the girl's Guoguo heartbroken.

The woman put the fruit in her hand on the white jade table next to her.

Immediately afterwards, the woman conjured up a gold silk handkerchief out of thin air, "It is full of mouthfuls, Guoer, you must pay attention to the image."

With that said, the woman took the handkerchief and began to gently wipe Zhu Guoer's red lips.

"Woo, Xiaojie, you are here~" Zhu Guoer smiled while enjoying the woman's service.

The woman's name is Bai Jie, the maid chosen by Zong Yang for Zhu Guoer.

Although there is only the second ring cultivation base, her martial arts spirit is very interesting.

The handkerchief we saw just now is actually her martial soul.

This is why Zong Yang chose her to take care of Zhu Guoer.

Handkerchiefs, practical items, everyone knows.

"Okay, Guoer, you are still pregnant, so don't mess around, I will stay with you here to prevent you from tossing again." Bai Jie said and sat directly beside Zhu Guoer's bed .

Zhu Guoer narrowed her eyes and leaned directly on Bai Jie, "Ajie~, you are the best, you are letting me eat Guoguo."

"No, you have eaten a lot of fruit today."

"Well, do you want more~"

"They are all grown-ups, and they still learn how to act like a baby, oh oh oh, don't get started, why can't you!"


Holy Spirit teaches.

Main hall.

A rough-looking man walked into the main hall in a stride.

However, after entering the main hall, the man suddenly twisted and walked in small steps, as if he was afraid of offending something.

Soon, a leisurely voice came from the main hall, "Beastmaster, what are you doing here again?"

Zong Yang put down the scroll in his hand, picked up his feather fan and fanned it gently.

The man called the Beast King was an elder of the Holy Spirit Cult, and his cultivation base of

That is to say, the fourth existence on the list of evil spirit masters.

He is currently a member of the elders of the Holy Spirit Sect. Chen Xiu personally upgraded his martial arts and turned him into nine beasts.

Nine beasts, top martial arts spirits, each time a spirit ring is attached, the power originally held by the spirit ring becomes his power.

In other words, the Beastmaster killed a Hundred Years Soul Beast and absorbed its soul ring.

Then he would gain 90% of the strength and defense of this soul beast.

The same is true of killing ten thousand year spirit beasts and turning them into spirit rings.

Today, the Beastmaster is a Soul Douluo cultivation base, with a total of eight soul rings on his body.

The eight spirit abilities are the abilities of the eight spirit beasts, and he himself inherited the power and defense of the eight spirit beasts at the same time.

On the list of evil spirit masters, his bounty is as high as 75 million gold soul coins.

This is the current price. It used to be cheaper.

And the elders of the Holy Spirit Sect, without exception, are all Contras.

Now that they are guarding one side, there is no major action for the time being, but they have been expanding quietly and quietly.

And the territory guarded by the Beastmaster is not the rudder, he must have something important to come today.

Seeing the Apocalypse Judgment here, the Beastmaster's serious face suddenly smiled, "Ahem, Apocalyptic Judgment, the one you gave me last time, the storybook of Teacher Cang He, is there the latest episode? "

Zong Yang smiled and shook his head, "I don't know what it is, but I do, I know where it is sold, as long as nine thousand gold soul coins, I can purchase for you."


The old face of the Beastmaster suddenly became serious, and he carefully took out a purse from behind, "Then this matter, I will bother Tianqi to judge."

As he said, the Beastmaster and Zong Yang met with a stare.

All understand, no need to explain.

Zong Yang accepted the purse without expression, "Well, don't talk about this kind of thing in the main hall, we are a formal organization."

"That's, that's, I hope you can do more for your convenience in the future." The Beastmaster said and handed over another money bag.


"What do you mean by giving me money? As the law enforcement of the Holy Spirit, I enforce the law impartially and never accept bribes." Zong Yang said solemnly.

The Beastmaster instantly pulled out a smile that everyone knew, "Apocalyptic ruling, where is the money, this is the love I contributed to the organization, but I don't know when the leader will come back?"

Zong Yang quietly took the money bag, and then silently stuffed it into his sleeve, "Ahem, that's the case, since it is the kindness of the Beastmaster Elder, I am here to replace the God Cult and thank the Beastmaster Elder."

"As for the leader, the whereabouts have always been unpredictable, and I can't get in touch at the moment."

The Beast King nodded, "So, the miscellaneous family understands, this will not disturb Tianqi's ruling, it's just the matter of the teacher Cang, and hope that Tianqi's ruling should not be forgotten.

After speaking, the Beastmaster turned around and left. It was obvious that he had come to bribe the Apocalypse to judge.

Zong Yang secretly didn't know how many bribes he received, the rich were very rich.

Especially, in his free time, he also published a private textbook with colors.

The harvest is richer.

At this time, the Beast King outside the hall glanced at the sun in the sky, and suddenly roared: "Martial soul possesses, fourth soul ability, eagle body!"

After that, a pair of huge eagle wings suddenly grew behind the Beastmaster!

The Beastmaster made a squat movement, followed by a gust of wind, flying into the sky like a falcon!

In the high altitude, the Beastmaster broke through the layers of wind, his speed was fast, but he flew out of the black mist forest in a quarter of an hour.

And when he arrived at another soul beast forest, a beast roar suddenly came from the ground!

The eyes of the Beastmaster did not know when they had turned into a pair of eagle eyes, and he looked down.

It was a white tiger about ten thousand years old. The Beastmaster grinned at this, "Little cat, are you provoking me?"

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