Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 229 Agarwood

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, the Beastmaster was suspended in the air, and eight spirit rings were neatly arranged behind him.

Two yellow, two purple and four black.

"Sixth Soul Ability, Tiger Power!"

I saw the eagle wings behind the Beastmaster suddenly retracted, his arms suddenly swelled, and pale white hair gradually covered his arms.

At this time, looking at his hands, they have become a pair of tiger claws!

The Beastmaster let out a roar, and the whole person fell from the sky like a missile!


The sound of the wind whizzed past his ears, and the Beastmaster had cracked his big mouth and let out a wild laugh!

The white tiger was already seriously injured. Seeing a falcon in the sky, he wanted to use its talent to shake the falcon down and have a good meal.


The sky is not a falcon at all. Not only did his tiger roar pose no threat to the Beastmaster, it angered the Beastmaster!

In the eyes of the white tiger, the figure of the beast king is getting bigger and bigger!!


A loud noise!

Beastmaster's punch from the sky directly smashed the head of the white tiger!


"Little cat, why don't you bark? You keep barking, I'm right in front of you now, why don't you bark!" Beastmaster laughed wildly.

The white tiger had already died, his body fell to one side, and the black ten thousand years spirit ring floated out of the corpse.

The Beastmaster unceremoniously patted the white tiger, "You are not worthless, little cat, become the nutrient of my body, suck the soul!"

Visible to the naked eye, Bai Hu's body was shrinking, and the black spirit ring gradually turned purple.

But after a quarter of an hour, the purple thousand-year spirit ring turned white.

The Beast King stopped now, and suddenly, human voices gradually came from the soul beast forest!

"That white tiger ran here!"

"He is badly injured, he must not be able to run!"

"Son, don't worry, this white tiger can't run away, so choose him for your fifth spirit ring!"

"Father, I can't wait!"

"My elder, there are signs of fighting ahead!"

"Found White Tiger!!"

"Found a suspicious character, he seems to be absorbing Baihu's spirit ring!"

"How could it be possible that someone cut the beard?"

"Dare to snatch things from the White Tiger Sect, he is really tired of living!"

"Elder, we have surrounded him!"

"Father, absolutely can't spare him!"

"Son, don't worry, I feel robbed of my Baihuzong's things. Today, even if he is the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult, we have to make him unable to eat!"

Soon, a group of disciples of the White Tiger Sect dressed in white tiger stripes surrounded the Beastmaster!

The Beastmaster grinned, "Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be the infamous White Tiger Sect among the next four sects."


"Who are you, how dare you speak wild words here!"

"and many more!"


"He seems to be the Beastmaster!!"

"Beastmaster on the list of evil spirit masters!!"


"Everyone, run away!!!"

The elder of the White Tiger Sect is the soul sage cultivation base, the highest cultivation base and the most experienced person among this group of people.

He recognized it instantly, this was on the list of evil spirit masters, and there was a vicious evil spirit master, Beast King!

This elder was the first to run, and he took his son to run faster than anyone else!Doctor Novel Network

Seeing this, the Beastmaster grinned, "Since you have discovered it, you can't stay alive. Please, all go to death."

"The seventh spirit ability, the true body of the nine beasts!"

The Beastmaster let out a roar, and in an instant, eight huge beast shadows appeared behind him!

Ghost mink, emperor snake, dragon horse, wild eagle, ant lion, white tiger, monkey, golden bear!

The eight beast shadows hovered behind the Beastmaster, all grinning with endless fury!

Then, in the next instant, these beast shadows all entered the body of the beast king!

The body of the Beastmaster instantly changed, becoming a fusion of eight animals!

He was a hundred feet tall, with blue-faced fangs and wings on his back. The lower body became a horse body, and a poisonous snake became his tail.

And on his stomach, the giant jaws of the ant lion opened instantly!

This is the characteristic of the spirit of the nine beasts. As the spirit ring is absorbed, the real body of the spirit will also change!


"Elder, take us......!"

"Ah one by one!!!"


Tiandou Royal Academy.

Today, Yu Tianheng summoned everyone including Chen Xiu.

"The Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is about to start, I don't know how you are doing?" Yu Tianheng asked everyone.

"I'll start by throwing some ideas away, I'm Yu Tianheng, with a soul power of forty-eight, how about you?"

Yu Tianheng first talked about his spirit power, and for a while everyone also reported their spirit power.

Graphite: "I am forty-three."

Stone mill: "I am level forty-two."

The two brothers also reported their spirit power. Dugu Yan stared at Chen Xiu for a while and saw that he hadn't said anything. Only then did he report his spirit power, "I'm level 46."

Oslo leaned aside and said indifferently: "I recently broke through by chance, and my spirit power is forty-fourth level."

Chen Xiu also said her spirit power immediately, "Similarly, I am also at level 44."

People don't know Chen Xiu's age. They think Chen Xiu's age is second only to Yu Tianheng, so they are not too surprised.

At this time, everyone reported their spirit power, but Yu Feng (Bai Chenxiang) lowered his head and remained silent.

Facing everyone's gaze, Bai Chenxiang tremblingly replied: "I, soul power, level 38..."

Thirty-eight levels.

It has been almost half a year, and she has stayed at level 38 for almost half a year.

Everyone also realized what was wrong, but they did not expose Bai Chenxiang.

"Well, the Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition is about to start. In the next few days, everyone will work hard. We need to hone and cooperate." Yu Tianheng said to everyone.

"Good Captain." x6

Yu Tianheng has seen through Bai Chenxiang's secret, but he did not say that as the captain, he has to adjust the atmosphere of the team.

Soon, everyone began a series of combinatorial attempts.

Bai Chenxiang also gradually let go of the gap in his heart, and gradually merged into the team.

Because of the flaw of the Martial Spirit Pointy Swift, it is destined to not be able to absorb the spirit ring that increases the attack.

Once the attack spirit ring is added, she is doomed, she can only reach level 38, and she won't be able to make progress throughout her life!

Because of this defect, the Min clan wanted to find the descendant of Niu Tian Nifeng and marry with it to change the defect of Wuhun.

But Bai Chenxiang was not reconciled to such a fate, she risked staying at level 30 for a lifetime, and absorbed the spirit ring with attacking ability!

The reality is very cruel, she ultimately did not cross the 38th level.

Chen Xiu glanced, and then beckoned to Bai Chenxiang, "Yu Feng, can I trouble you with something?"

Bai Chenxiang smiled and responded to Chen Xiu, "If you need my help, you are welcome, just say it."

Chen Xiu suddenly approached Bai Chenxiang, he directly hooked Bai Chenxiang’s neck, pretending to be intimate: "Yufeng, my wristband is in the dormitory. You are the fastest here. Can you help me get it? This is the key. ."

If this action is between men, there is no problem, but if it is between men and women, it will be...

For a moment, Bai Chenxiang's face turned red, and she quickly pushed away Chen Xiu, "I, I know, I, I will go!"

Bai Chenxiang took the key in Chen Xiu's hand, turned and ran away.

Chen Xiu looked at Bai Chenxiang's back, recalling the faint fragrance just now, and for a moment a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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