Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 243-The Color of Flanders

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this time, a large number of people were crowded in Tiandou City, occupying one-third of Tiandou City.

Now, all hotels are full, and the total population of the city has surged by 50%.

For this competition, Tiandou City mobilized a total of five thousand city defense troops to maintain order.

This managed to stabilize the crowd without much disturbance.

"Wow, so many people!" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Among the crowd, Oscar followed Ning Rongrong, acting as a flower protector.

But he kept his head down as much as possible, as if he was afraid that others would see him.

Among the Shrek Seven Devils, most of them are in the same state as Oscar.

Today is a bit special. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, there are also some other people mixed up.

There are a total of four students, all of whom were trained by Liu Erlong to prepare for the Soul Master Competition.

Now they are gloriously becoming Shrek's substitutes.

However, like everyone in Shrek, they also hung their heads and dared not raise their heads.

The reason is simple, it is because of their bright school uniforms.

The school uniform of Shrek Academy was drawn by Flander himself, and the color is also a special environmentally friendly green.

It is not ordinary green, but a color between yellow and green.

Simply put, it is shit green.

Flander seemed satisfied with his masterpiece, and nodded repeatedly.

The shit is green, but on the back of this school uniform, it says, "Recruiting the title advertisement, with six characters."

And under these six big characters, there is this row of small characters.

For advertising costs, please talk to Flander, Dean of Shrek Academy.

For this competition costume, the Shrek Seven Devils once fought back.

But in the end, he was suppressed by Flanders' lewdness.

Because of this shit-green school uniform, Tang San and the others also caught their eyes.

They lowered their heads one by one, for fear of meeting acquaintances.

It would be shameful to let acquaintances see it like this.

"What academy is that?"

"Did they crawl out of the pit? Why are they green?"

"Let me go, what is the pattern on their chest?"

"It's green, it looks cute, who knows what it is, how can it be sold? Give me the whole one!"


"Pets are absolutely suitable!"

"Otherwise, you ask them to go?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid of rubbing my shit."

"Hahaha one by one!!" xN

If there are cracks on the ground now, then the Shrek Seven Devils will definitely scramble to get in.

It can't go on like this!

Tang San's complexion condensed, and instantly took out a green Shrek mask to cover his face.

"It's okay, we cover our faces, and then we will be ashamed and we won't know who we are."

"Good idea!" x10

Putting on the mask, everyone instantly regained their confidence.

Anyway, they wear masks, and others can't see their faces.

In Tang San's words, our faces were covered, and he didn't know who was ashamed.

Dean Flander walked ahead with a whistle, walking very fast, and distanced himself from Tang San and the others.

The meaning is obvious, it just says "I don't know these people anymore" on his face.

Seeing the students from various Soul Master Colleges walk by, the uniforms were gold, silver, red, white, and various delicate patterns and decorations.

Under the background of these school uniforms, each of the students straightened up and walked very arrogantly.Ranwenba

After seeing Shrek, everyone was very envious.

But if it is the most exquisite school uniform of the Tiandou Empire, it must be the uniform of the Tiandou Imperial Academy.

The crowd squeezed into Soto's battlefield.

As soon as he entered the arena, Ma Hongjun took off his mask instantly, "No more, I can't bear it, I will definitely take off this school uniform for a while, it's damaging my image!"

Fortunately, today is the opening ceremony and they don't have to compete.

And the only match today was an exhibition match conducted by the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Chen Xiu is a member of the home team and has nothing to do with this matter.

But he still came!

I saw that somewhere in the shadow, Chen Xiu slowly walked out of the shadow.

I saw Chen Xiu twisting her neck and stretching her waist.


"this is......."

Chen Xiu turned her head and looked, it turned out to be the group of Shrek Academy!

How could they nest here in such a horny place?

Chen Xiu took a closer look, heh, good taste!

This shit is green, so eye-catching, no wonder it's nestled here.

At this time, Chen Xiu had a little bit of evil in her heart.

Chen Xiu grinned and approached everyone in Shrek gracefully and calmly.

"Oh, it's fate that we met here, I have to say, your taste is really good."

"This shit-yellow school uniform is very suitable for you. I don't know which genius designed it?" Chen Xiudan smiled.

Seeing Chen Xiu's arrival, everyone instantly felt ashamed.

I am really afraid of what comes, Chen Xiu and the others are not friends, and even said they have hatred!

Now, hearing Chen Xiu's sarcasm, everyone's already depressed heart exploded in an instant!

"Yeah, how nice your school uniform is, do you want to take it off and let us wear it?"

Tyrone was the first to rush out.

Isn't it familiar? This famous person who had been beaten by his grandfather was also the candidate Liu Erlong trained to participate in the Soul Master Competition.

Chen Xiu sighed helplessly when he heard Tyrone's words: "It's a pity, my school uniform is for people. You look like a gorilla. Can you wear it?"


Tailong's face was angry, and he went up to do something, but was held back by Tang San.

Tang San shook his head at Tai Long, "You can't do anything here, he might be deliberately irritating us."

Tyrone nodded and stepped aside.

Chen Xiu smiled lightly, walked directly to Ning Rongrong, and gave Oscar a look.

Oscar's pupils tightened for a moment, and he quickly sat down on the next seat.

Chen Xiu sat beside Ning Rongrong unceremoniously, and grabbed Ning Rongrong's waist.

Ning Rongrong wanted to resist, but Chen Xiu was so powerful that she couldn't resist.

"I came to see my fiancée, do things get in your way too?" Chen Xiukan asked everyone.

At this time!


Tang San grabbed Chen Xiu's hand on Ning Rongrong's waist.

He was so powerful that he pulled Chen Xiu's hand over!

"Don't touch our people." Tang San said coldly.

Seeing this, Chen Xiu smiled unremittingly, and instantly stood up and looked at Tang San.

"Heh, Tang San, you don't seem to be a nosy person, do you?"

"Do you know that the last person who dared to talk to me like this is already seven feet tall!" Chen Xiu said, her eyes flashing with killing intent.

"How does the grass grow so high?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Chen Xiu's complexion suddenly froze, "Am I telling you about the issue of grass?"

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