Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 244 I'll Help You

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chen Xiu seemed to have a strange disease, that is, whenever he saw Tang San, he couldn't help but want to go forward and'mouse' twice.


I don't know why, Chen Xiu can always harvest some emotions called pleasure in Tang San.

Over time, as long as Chen Xiu saw Tang San, he would go up and molested a few times.

I think at this time, there should be no plan in his mind, he just wants to be happy.

Well, Tang San is really a qualified toy.


Immediately after.

The colleges began to gradually enter the venue, and the staff led them into their respective districts.

A sound of notification continued, but there was no Shrek Academy.

They seem to have been forgotten.

And Chen Xiu had flirted with Tang San before and left.

He originally wanted to go to the arena to play, but it was an exhibition match, and finally thought about it.

Chen Xiu wanted to continue looking for the girl to complete the experiment of the character shadow Wuhun.

However, what Chen Xiu did not expect was that the girl found Chen Xiu on the initiative!

Chen Xiu looked back, "It's you, is there anything wrong with me?"

Seeing Chen Xiu turning his head, Mo Qingxuan instantly became nervous, and quickly lowered his head, thinking about how he shouted!

I was very scared for a while, without the courage I had before.

Chen Xiu sighed secretly, girl, you are still far behind.

If she is the only one, then Chen Xiu should consider giving up her.

However, the girl's martial spirit had already turned into a shadow when it merged with the shadow of the old ghost of Kong Jue.

Although only at the level of advanced martial arts, it is also a good experiment.

After Mo Qingxuan was nervous, he finally sighed, as if he was calming down her beating heart.

"I, I like you..." Mo Qingxuan said after some brewing.

Chen Xiu smiled lightly, "So what?"

"You, don't get me wrong!"

"I didn't mean that, I don't want to get anything, I just want you to know what I want!"

Seeing Mo Qingxuan's bewildered look, Chen Xiu smiled very gently.

He gently touched Mo Qingxuan's little head, "I have received your feelings. Thank you for liking me. We will see you again in the future."

After speaking, Chen Xiu turned around and left, leaving only Mo Qingxuan alone, but the whole person hadn't reacted yet.


On the way back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Suddenly a white-clothed man appeared in the shadow by the tree. The clothes he was wearing were the corsets that the Holy Spirit taught Tianling.

He had the unique golden pattern of the Holy Spirit Cult on his body, and he was wearing a mask on his face, with a simple big letter written on it.


Chen Xiu looked at him indifferently, the celestial spirit with'kill' printed on the mask, "The girl just now, I wanted her parents to die overnight, and I wanted to blame a rich man in the city."

The Tianling with the word killing on the mask nodded, then bowed to Chen Xiushen, and fled away in an instant.

Chen Xiu squinted her eyes slightly, "Heaven will give great responsibility to humans. He must first suffer from his mind, his muscles and bones, his body hungry, his body is empty, his behavior is chaotic, so he is moved to endure, Zeng Yi It can't."

"And I, Chen Xiu, it's God, girl, let me help you."

........Liu Jiu Literature Network

Fasno Province.

Ron City.

Three men and one woman, visit here.

They are, the mainland's strongest auxiliary Wuhun, the holder of the Immortal Nine Heart Begonia Wuhun, Ye Feng.

And, Li Hong, the eldest son of Liming Douluo, a genius who had cultivated to the 50th level of spirit power when he was only ten years old, the martial spirit in his hand has the characteristics of restraining dragon martial spirits.

At the beginning, Chen Xiu narrowly defeated Li Hong because of luck. At that time, his martial arts spirit was the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, which happened to be restrained by him.

If it was now, even if Li Hong's martial spirit restrained Chen Xiu, he could not help Chen Xiu's golden sacred dragon.

Finally, Liming’s new member, Hao Xingdi, is 22 years old and has a soul power of 68.

He is also a genius of the Hidden Family, his martial soul is the same as his name, called Hao Xingdi.

One characteristic of their family is that children before the age of six have no names.

Only after the age of six, after awakening the spirit of martial arts, they will have their own names.

All the inherited martial spirits of their family are named Hao Xing.

Hao Xingdi's younger sister, her martial soul is Hao Xingqin, so her name is also a one-character qin.

Once, the Haoxing family was hailed as the No. 1 Martial Spirit of the Douluo Continent!

The first generation patriarch of the Hao Xing family, Hao Xing Chess and Hao Xing Douluo, once set up a world chess game and controlled six titled Douluo in one fell swoop, and became famous for a time.

Today, the Haoxing family has been annihilated.

They have been avoiding the world for too long, because they don't ask about the world, and there is no pressure, and their cultivation has begun to slow down.

The person with the highest spirit power is Hao Xingdi's father, the seventy-two level soul sage.

Therefore, this Haoxing family was destroyed by the Holy Spirit teaching overnight.

Only Hao Xingdi took his young sister and escaped from the secret tunnel.

As for the martial spirits of the Hao Xing family, Chen Xiu was in control of all of them.

However, it is not as strong as Chen Xiu expected. Although the control effect is excellent, it is not necessarily so strong.

In the end, these Haoxing martial arts were thrown aside by Chen Xiu.

However, what Chen Xiu didn't know was that Hao Xing Wuhun had a characteristic called'Star Inheritance'.

This so-called'star heritage' is more complicated to explain.

Here is an example, the first generation of the patriarch of the Hao Xing family, after the death of Hao Xing Douluo, his martial soul will be transformed into a star and passed on to his next generation.

And this star can greatly enhance Wuhun!

If Hao Xing Douluo's son dies, his martial spirit will also be transformed into a star and passed on to the next generation.


The star that Hao Xing Douluo transformed will also be transferred to the next generation, which is two stars.

When Hao Xing Douluo was alive, he was the only one in the family, and now the family has only reproduced for three generations.

Therefore, there are not many celestial inheritances, so the spirit of martial arts is very weak, and the clan was destroyed by the Holy Spirit.

And this Hao Xing flute is the great-grandson of Hao Xing Douluo.

There are seven shining stars in his martial soul!

This is because Haoxing Douluo itself had four stars back then!

This was handed down from generation to generation. In order to prevent the family inheritance from being broken, Hao Xingdi had to escape with his sister.

"Now, all the evil spirit masters in this world are gathered in the Holy Spirit Cult. Our current primary goal is to disintegrate the Holy Spirit Cult." Ye Feng said to everyone.

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Li Hong showed a wry smile: "Impossible, my father is running around, just to deal with these evil spirit masters, and then he can barely maintain the current situation."

"But the evil spirit master is still rampant, and wanting to deal with the Holy Spirit Cult is no less than fighting against a large sect alone. With the strength of the three of us, it is simply as difficult as the sky."

Ye Feng nodded, "I know."

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