Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 245: Mercy from the Devil

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I know, I know all." Ye Feng didn't know.

He is not a fool. It is impossible for the three of them to overthrow the Holy Spirit, but the organization needs a goal!

A goal worth fighting for!

The more remote this goal is, the better!

Ye Feng's idea is very simple, let everyone have a common goal, so that they can unite everyone's hearts!

I don't know, you have never heard of such a sentence, in a sect, everyone can believe in God, and even give everything for God.

But they don't need God to appear in front of them, they only need the sustenance of a soul, and they don't need God to appear in front of them.

For example, in their mythology, their god is imprisoned, and everyone is fighting for this goal and twisted into a rope.

The unity of unity is united, their strength is broken, and they have a common goal, which is faith.

However, they don't need God.

If they really rescued the god in their mouths, then this sect will soon collapse.

Without a goal, the heart will disperse, and the desires in the individual's heart will be rapidly multiplied.

To sum it up in one simple sentence, Christianity does not need God.

God is just a lie used to deceive believers.

It can be said that in the entire religious religion, only the leader is not a god.

Mythology exists solely to serve the leader.

When God really appears, even if the leader believes in his identity, he will be imprisoned and announced that he is pretending to be God, or even put him to death.

And Ye Feng did not have selfish intentions in doing so, because the greatest evil in the world at present is the Holy Spirit!

That is pure evil!

He established the oath he made at dawn to punish the wicked in the world, and this Holy Spirit religion will also be his greatest enemy in this life.

If he cannot accomplish the task of destroying the Holy Spirit, then he will pass on this goal to his descendants.

Until one day, the Holy Spirit teaches destruction!

The greatest evil in the world is eliminated, then Dawn will complete their mission.

Even if it ceased to exist in the end, even if it became history, he still fulfilled its mission.

And since Ye Feng dared to be the number one person in the world and was the first to carry the banner of opposing the Holy Spirit's teaching, then he was already prepared.

If he can't overthrow the Holy Spirit in his life, then give it to his son, if his son can't do it, then give it to his grandson!

Even though I die, there are sons and grandchildren, sons and grandchildren, grandchildren and grandchildren, sons and sons, sons and grandchildren, and descendants and grandchildren.

Ye Feng has a benevolent heart, a heroic heart, and he has the spirit of a foolish man moving mountains.

I firmly believe in my heart that he will do it!

If the Holy Spirit is destroyed, the dawn will eventually become history.

History will criticize right and wrong. Ten thousand years later, if someone remembers them, whether it is failure or success.

They are all heroes.

"This goal may seem unattainable, but it is definitely not impossible. If some things are not done because of difficulties, then these things will not be completed in a lifetime."

"Don't take good and small things and don't take evil and small things. Now that the big evil is now, do we have any excuses to escape?"

"There is always someone to do it, regardless of the difficulties and dangers ahead, regardless of the size of tomorrow, I Ye Feng, I am willing to contribute my life to the dawn of the common people."

"The Holy Spirit is immortal, and the dawn will last forever!"

Listening to Ye Feng's remarks, both of them were moved. Even Hao Xingdi's younger sister began to admire Ye Feng a little.

"So, count me!" Hao Xingdi said with red eyes.

"The Holy Spirit teaches me a genocide hatred, and this hatred is a hatred that does not share the heavens. In this life, as long as my Hao Xingdi still has a breath, then the Holy Spirit teaches don't think about a good day!"


Holy Spirit teaches.Beautiful novel


Today, there are dense clouds, thunder, and a few inadvertent flashes of lightning, as if to announce that a storm is coming.

Chen Xiu put her hands on the roof, overlooking the dark clouds above the sky.

Now, the three major rulings were standing behind him, and the two four-phase Douluo were also standing beside Chen Xiu.

"The sun is covered by dark clouds, and the earth is out of the sun's watch. There are always small ants who want to take the opportunity to do something."

Chen Xiu turned to look at Zong Yang, "Remember, what I said to you?"

Zong Yang's sleeves were blown by the wind, but he still took out his fan, and then said in a hurry:

"Go forward, go forward by all means, you and I are all bugs looking up at the stars in the gutter. Now that we have embarked on this path, there will be no chance to regret it again."

"So, go ahead, even if you step on the dead mountain and the sea of ​​blood, you can't stop, if you stop, it's time to sleep peacefully..."

Chen Xiu nodded, and asked, "Are we walking high enough?"

"This..." Zong Yang hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Chen Xiu shook her head and turned her back to Zong Yang again, "Not high enough, I have to go higher and higher. Now, I can only look up at this sky full of stars."

"From now on, I will step on all the stars."

"If a mountain is still higher than a mountain, then I will occupy a higher mountain, and if there is a sky beyond the sky, then I will ascend to a higher sky."

Chen Xiu talked, her eyes were fascinated, and he was not talking, letting the cold wind blow his robe.

Zong Yang observed through his heavenly eyes, and magically discovered that Chen Xiu's emperor's luck had added one more!

"Master, Sai Gao."


The next day.

Heaven Dou City.

A shadow enveloped the earth, thunder bursts, dark clouds rolled, and heavy rain had fallen all night.

The rain had already soaked Mo Qingxuan's clothes, but she did not respond.

Kneeling in front of the ruins in this way, her eyes were numb, and she showed signs of collapse.

In just one night, my parents and sister were all dead overnight.

Only oneself'lucky' escaped, and then another fire broke out in the house, and the house was burned down.

If it weren't for the heavy rain last night, you might not even be able to keep the house nearby.

In the wreckage of the house, Mo Qingxuan also found half of the burnt letter.

Since the letter had been burned, Mo Qingxuan could only analyze the following points.

One, these people are competitors in the father's business.

Second, this person paid the money, but the subsequent incineration disappeared, but after thinking about it, what did he do?

At this time, Mo Qingxuan's thoughts were lost, and her family had passed away, leaving her alone in this world.

And revenge?

Ha ha.

It's even more impossible.

Just when she wanted to kill herself, she suddenly remembered Chen Xiu's warm smile at that moment.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Qingxuan shook his head: "What on earth am I expecting? It was an accident..."


A hand was placed on Mo Qingxuan's shoulder, and then a familiar voice came: "I said it before, we will see you again."

Mo Qingxuan turned her head back with excitement. That was Chen Xiu who she wanted to see in all her dreams!

I saw Chen Xiu stretched out her right hand to her, "Actually, I am not a Jade Tianxuan. My true identity is a demon. Are you willing to make a small deal with me, a demon?"

Mo Qingxuan instantly held Chen Xiu's right hand, "Take me away, I have seen enough of human sin, if you are really a demon, then take me to hell."

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