Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 248: Almost Forgot You

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Two gales whizzed past, and Oslo’s laughter came: "Hahaha, Yu Tianxuan, I don’t believe you are even faster than me..."

When Oslo turned his head confidently, Chen Xiu passed him in a blink of an eye.

Oslo looked stiff, I didn't believe it anymore, I lost everything with him!

This time I am better than my best speed, I don't believe it and lose!

In an instant, Oslo's four spirit rings were fully opened, and an astonishing speed broke out in an instant!

Chen Xiu was leisurely, fanning his wings, he hadn't used the nightmare to return to the void.

"Oslo, I'm just warming up, you don't want to wither, it's very boring." Chen Xiu shouted at Oslo, who was chasing after him.

Oslo breathed a sigh of relief, "Bi Speed, I, Oslo, it is absolutely impossible to lose!"

"If I am today! Oslo, if I lose, I will ask the whole team to go to the Heaven Dou City Five-star Jinhua Hotel!"


Heaven Dou City.

Five-star Jinhua Hotel.

Oslo knelt on the white floor with a look of despair, and the team members walked into the hotel one after another.

At this time, two powerful hands lifted Oslo up.

This is the two brothers, stone mill and graphite.

"Don't give up Oslo!"

Oslo heard the comfort, his eyes were slightly moist, as expected!See the truth in adversity!This sentence is really true.

"Thank you, really you are my Oslo's best brother." Oslo said with tears streaming down his face.

Stone patted his chest with a hearty smile, "Of course, Oslo, you can go in quickly, everyone is still waiting for you to pay."


A lightning flashed through Oslo's heart, well, we will no longer be brothers!

From then on, En cut righteousness!

Just when Oslo looked unwilling, Chen Xiu suddenly appeared behind him.

"Why don't you go in, Oslo great local tyrant, the captain has been waiting for you for a long time." Chen Xiu grinned.

When Oslo saw the culprit appearing in front of him, he had mixed feelings for a moment.

In order not to let himself continue to lose face, Oslo waved his hand, "Go, take it whatever you want, I Oslo is not bad for money!"

Hearing Oslo’s declaration, Chen Xiu instantly smiled with kindness, “That’s how it is, the captain is still considering whether to save you some money, I’ll tell them, you’re not bad, let them Don't worry about you."


Chen Xiu turned to leave, Oslo suddenly hugged Chen Xiu's thigh from behind.

"Big Brother Tianxuan, I was wrong. From now on, you will be my elder brother, and I will look forward to your head!" Oslo pleaded.

Chen Xiu helplessly spread his hands, "What do you mean? You said it yourself. I want to invite everyone to dinner."

"I, I, I..." Oslo had nothing to say for a while.

After that, Chen Xiu kicked Oslo in, and Tiandou Royal Academy was almost there.

Only Yufeng, Bai Chenxiang, still wandered outside the hotel.

After Chen Xiu sent Oslo in with one kick, she turned and came to Bai Chenxiang's side.

There have been a lot of things recently and I almost forgot about her.

The temptation of the Min clan to Chen Xiu is not too big, and the only thing that makes Chen Xiu curious is Shihuan.

After eating the ring, the spirit master can regain the spirit ring.

If Chen Xiu got this secret method, it would be conceivable, and it would be useless.

However, after some improvements, it might be different.

Seeing Chen Xiu coming, Bai Chenxiang took a deep breath, "I thought about it for a long time, I'm sorry, I can't promise you."

Chen Xiu's complexion gradually became cold, "Then do you still remember what I said to you?"

Bai Chenxiang nodded vigorously, "Remember, in fact, I am already going to leave, I am going back to the family."

"In exchange, I will tell you the secret of the food ring!"

Upon hearing Bai Chenxiang's words, Chen Xiu suddenly had a new idea.No. 7 Novel Network

"I remember you like Ma Hongjun, right?" Chen Xiu asked.

Bai Chenxiang just wanted to say yes, but suddenly realized that it was wrong, and shook his head to veto it.

Chen Xiu saw everything in his eyes, and Bai Chenxiang wrote to Ma Hongjun almost every day.

He also revealed his identity. As for what Ma Hongjun thinks, it is unknown.

However, all the letters written by Bai Chenxiang were intercepted by Chen Xiujie and stored back to the post office.

"Is that so? But I heard that after the food ring will lose memory, is this true or false?" Chen Xiuxiao asked.

Bai Chenxiang nodded, "Yes."

So, what if you lose your memory after being hypnotized?

Will the effect of hypnosis disappear?

Come on, experiment!

Chen Xiu's eyes instantly turned pale gold, directly controlling Bai Chenxiang.

After implanting some false memories in her, Chen Xiu secretly planted something again.

Bai Chenxiang had forgotten about the conversation just now, she finally chose to stay.


On Shrek's side, he fought a rolling battle easily and won the qualifiers.

As for who are they fighting against?

By coincidence, it turned out to be the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

This is also the reason why Chen Xiu gave up playing for a refreshing moment.

After all, Shrek had to win, so as to earn enough attention and attract the attention of Wuhun Palace.

If you behave too brightly, I'm afraid it will cover Shrek's brilliance.

And Tang San did not live up to Chen Xiu's expectations, using the ugliest school uniform, showing the most dazzling ten thousand year spirit ring, forced the grid to appear in an instant.

But this is nothing, it can only scare ordinary people.

After all, Bibi Dong himself was a twin spirit, unless Tang San could also show the twin spirit, otherwise it would not be worthy of Bibi Dong's attention.

Perhaps Chen Xiu could also directly announce Tang San's identity.

In this way, 100% may attract people to the Wuhun Hall.

But this was too anxious, and it was not a good thing for Tang San to confront Wuhun Hall too early.

In the unlikely event that Tang San directly killed the Wuhun Hall, Chen Xiu's plan would be greatly changed.

The so-called confession of one's strength and defeat of one's horse, no one knows good fortune.

Let everything go with the flow.

of course.

Occasionally fan the flames!


Because Shrek and his team defeated Tiandou Royal Academy in one minute.

The king of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Great Xueye, instantly became unhappy.

Among them, there is the relationship with Prince Xue Xing.

At first, this group of Shrek students also defected to Tiandou Royal Academy.

But he was driven out by Prince Xue Xing, and now he slammed back strongly, directly hitting Tian Dou in the face.

Emperor Xue Ye didn't resent Shrek. People had defected to them at that time, and it was they themselves who shut them out. Who can blame it?

I must blame Prince Snow Star!

I saw that Emperor Xue Ye stood up with a green face.

Finally, his gaze fell on the lost Prince Xue Xing, then he gave a cold snort and walked away.

In addition to the Xueye Great Emperor, there were two others who were seated with him.

They are, Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Liuli Sect.

And, one of the four platinum bishops of Wuhun Hall, Salas.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and left, and he went to find Tang San.

But Salas stayed in place, thinking about Tang San, a kid with a ten thousand year spirit ring.

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