You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After that, under the introduction of Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi started his solicitation plan.

"Boss Dai, the eldest brother of our Shrek Seven Monsters, nicknamed the Evil Eye White Tiger, he is seventeen years old this year, and he is currently at the 45th level in the Battle Soul Sect." Ning Rongrong introduced.

That's right, after Tang San's stimulation, Dai Mubaicha didn't think about food, and just practiced every day!

Finally, on the day the game started, he broke through to level 45!


Tang San didn't feel embarrassed to practice when he saw him working so hard.

He was afraid that he would accidentally pass Dai Mubai again...

"I admire you very much. You have such achievements at the age of seventeen. It really amazes me. I wonder if you are interested in coming to my Qibao Glazed Tile Sect after the competition?" Ning Feng asked with a smile.

Dai Mubai shook his head, "Uncle Ning's kindness is appreciated by the younger generation, and I will definitely visit Qibao Liulizong if I have the opportunity in the future."

Ning Fengzhi stared at Dai Mubai for a while, then nodded thoughtfully.

That's it!

He was the prince of the Star Luo Empire, no wonder he was so familiar.

But Ning Fengzhi did not say anything.

After that, Ning Rongrong began to introduce others: "He is Oscar, the second child of our Shrek Seven Monsters. He is 16 years old this year, and he is a Level 41 Food System Soul Sect. Moreover, he is still born with soul power Oh."

When Ning Rongrong introduced Oscar, he specifically mentioned innate soul power.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help taking another look at Oscar, and he also understood his daughter's intentions.

But he still didn't say it.

After Ning Fengzhi praised the Oscar again, he did not throw an olive branch!

This is quite connotative.

However, Oscar was also a thick-skinned, and he actually took the initiative to say: "Sect Master Ning, I have always admired you very much. I am also an auxiliary department. I wonder if it is possible to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect after graduation in the future?"

Everyone understands Oscar's intentions, and this is for his daughter.

There was joy on Ning Fengzhi's face. As for the thoughts in his heart, we couldn't figure it out.

"I can't ask for it, I am willing to come as many little monsters as you like." Ning Fengzhi smiled.

He didn't refuse, because it had more meaning.

After that, Ning Rongrong looked at Tang San again, "I won't introduce you to the third brother, you are all familiar enough."

Seeing Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong laughing, Tang San couldn't help but feel a trace of envy.

If my father knew what he accomplished today, would he be proud of me?

as well as.....

Xiu'er, wait for me!


After Ning Fengzhi threw an olive branch to everyone, he stopped Tang San.

The other people in Shrek Academy are gone, only Tang San is left.

And Ning Fengzhi, on behalf of Tang San, walked into the most prosperous area of ​​Tiandou City, Emperor Street.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, "I'll take you to meet someone, he might know the news of your father."

Upon hearing that it was related to his father, Tang San immediately agreed.

After that, Ning Fengzhi led Tang San into an antique teahouse.

When I came to the lounge on the second floor, there was only one person, who looked twenty-six or seven years old.

Good-looking, blond, this person is no one else, it is Qian Renxue!



"Uncle Ning, you are here." Xue Qinghe said respectfully.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, "Qinghe, how many times have I told you, don't use this." Wen Bi Zhai novel

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "How can you do it? You are an elder and Qinghe's teacher. If you are disrespectful to you, my father knows that I am afraid I will discount my legs again."

Xue Qinghe, who was so kind on the surface, thought of some bad things in her heart.

Tang San!

Tang San!

Finally met.

Ha ha.

"This is Brother Tang San, right? Uncle Ning often mentions you, admiring your name for a long time." Xue Qinghe smiled.

Tang San was startled, he instantly understood why he felt that the young man in front of him was familiar.

I remember when they first came to Tiandou, the four princes of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Beng, came up to look for abuse and were beaten up by them.

Tang San was still impressed now, and this Xue Qinghe was somewhat similar to that Xue Beng.

Combined with his name, Tang San guessed his identity in an instant.

"It turns out that it's your Royal Highness, Tang San is polite." Tang San said with a slight bow.

Xue Qinghe exclaimed: "If it hadn't been for Uncle Ning to tell me, I would really hardly believe that you were only fourteen years old, and I was just an ignorant boy when I was your age."

"If you don't dislike it, just call me eldest brother, you don't have to mention the word prince."

Tang San couldn't help being surprised, were he and that Prince Xue Beng really the same father?

Why is it so bad?

The prince is modest and reasonable, which is simply an advantage, and the four princes are simply dull and unsightly.

"Okay, let's take a seat." Ning Fengzhi smiled.

Tang San and Xue Qinghe nodded and took their seats at the same time.

Tang San hurriedly asked as soon as he took his seat: "I heard that Brother Xue, you know the news about my father?"

Of course I know.

Xue Qinghe smiled secretly.

Xiao Tang San.

I can't play Chen Xiu, I can't play you yet?

I saw Xue Qinghe nodded, "That's it. My father has always been an idol that I worship. At that time, I had heard about Vast Sky Douluo many times."

"As for the last news I got, it was the reason why my father chose to withdraw from the spirit master world. It seems to have something to do with the spirit hall."

Chen Xiu, I can help you, don't you say that I just stand without effort.

When he heard of Wuhun Hall, Tang San was anxious instantly.

It's Wuhun Hall again!

Father, Xiu'er, is it all because of Wuhun Hall?

"Big Brother Xue, can you be more specific!" Tang San was a little impatient.

Xue Qinghe smiled secretly.

"When I got the news, about fifteen years ago, according to time calculations, you should have not been born at that time."

"The Hall of Spirits seems to be looking for something, and that thing seems extremely important to the Hall of Spirits. The Hall of Spirits even sends four platinum bishops, even the Pope is involved."

"I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, but judging from the fact that Wuhun Hall is pouring out of the nest, it must be an extremely important thing."

"And this thing seems to be in my father's hands. For that thing, the Spirit Hall went to negotiate with Clear Sky School. Not long after that, news came out that my father had left Clear Sky School."

"And lead your mother to travel to the mainland. At that time, your father was only a Contra cultivation base, and he probably hasn't been promoted to Title Douluo."

"Not long after that, there was news that your father had a duel with the people of the Spirit Hall and was wounded."

"And when your father left, it is said that there was a titled Douluo's cultivation base, and only then can my father become the youngest Titled Douluo today."

Hearing this, Tang San couldn't help asking: "Where is my mother?"

Xue Qinghe shook his head and said: "It is said that he died in the hands of the Spirit Hall. There are also rumors that the Pope of the Spirit Hall was injured so badly in that battle that he died suddenly."

Wuhun Hall!!

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