Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 250 Qian Renxue's careful thinking

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tang San refused Qian Renxue's invitation after learning the news of his father.

But Qian Renxue didn't care. She had a little thought at first to prevent Chen Xiu from being killed by Tang San after he hadn't beaten Tang San, so she might have a back hand.

However, after some thinking, Qian Renxue shook her head. How could Chen Xiu fail?

He is such a savvy person, so what can he do to keep things up?

As for Chen Xiu, there is no room for sand in his eyes. As long as Qian Renxue is a little bit strange, he might keep a hand for you in secret.

In fact, Chen Xiu did this, including the three major rulings.

Everyone had the seeds of the dead wattle black vine on their bodies.

This is even more affectionate for the leader of the White Lotus Sect, Chu Bailian, without his White Lotus Martial Spirit.

Even if Chen Xiu spreads the Seed of Dead Jing, there are some special methods to wipe it away.

However, the dead wattle black vine fused with white lotus has the function of growth and parasitism!

Now that the Seed of the Dead Jing, once planted, is equivalent to being tied to the host's life.

And it will grow up with the host, and eventually spread over the whole body gradually, which is beneficial and harmless.

Of course, this is relatively speaking. One of his harms is that Chen Xiu can control these seeds with one thought!

Or return to the body, or directly explode!

If it returns to the body, then all the soul power of that soul master will also be swept away and returned to Chen Xiu's body!

It was exactly the same as what Chu Bailian did back then.

It's just that Chen Xiu has more sophisticated means than him!

If Chen Xiu was mobilizing Wanxiang while withdrawing the seeds!

Then, everything including the host's Martial Soul will be forcibly pulled out!

The seed just planted has not yet taken root and sprouted, and if Chen Xiu sucked it away, he would not be able to absorb anything.

Only when the seeds gradually grow and become one with the host.

Only then can it be uprooted and suck all the spirit master's spirit and spirit power back into Chen Xiu's body!

This is the loan shark, and these seeds are not useless, they can exchange spirit power with other seed hosts.

In other words, one hundred seed hosts can pass on their soul power to a soul master, and let him drive his soul skills crazy!

And this is just one point, other subtle benefits will not be mentioned for the time being.

Why did Chen Xiu recruit those mortals?

Why upgrade their martial arts?

Is Chen Xiu that kind of bad guy?

Do not!

These people are nothing more than his left hand.

Ninety percent of the poor in the Douluo Continent, with a population of hundreds of millions, Chen Xiu took pains to help them upgrade their martial arts. Is there such a good thing?

If you want it, you must pay first. This is the iron rule!

Just as Qian Renxue guessed, Chen Xiu prepared more than just a lot of backhands, it was innumerable!

In about three years, the seeds in these human bodies will grow!

By the time!

As long as Chen Xiu initiates a big sacrifice, although 90% of Douluo's poor will die because of it, Chen Xiu doesn't care.

Once he retrieved all these seeds, let alone a level ninety-nine limit Douluo, Chen Xiu even had the confidence to fight the gods!

Of course, unless it is in a desperate situation, it is impossible for Chen Xiu to launch such a large-scale sacrifice.

After all, this is his life-saving method, unless it is a matter of life and death!


Tiandou Royal Academy.

Everyone slaughtered Oslo yesterday, and today they are still urging Oslo to compare with Chen Xiu, so they will go to Jinhua Hotel again.

However, Oslo is determined, I don't!

Say nothing to compare with Chen Xiu!

There can be no bets to compare!

"Okay, everyone, take a break, and continue after an hour, and, Tianxuan, cough cough, please pay attention outside." Yu Tianheng said with a look of embarrassment.

Chen Xiu smiled leisurely and released the fox girl in the maid costume.

Just now, Chen Xiu leaned on the chair in the shade, with a magic soldier in the left hand and a fox girl in the right.Bashan Love Novel Network

One little loli, one fox ears, and the other two girls were wearing maid outfits.

The two brothers, graphite and stone mill, are very envious.

Oslo was also jealous, drawing a small circle in secret.

And Chen Xiu was even more excited. Just now, she asked the fox girl to feed herself grapes with her mouth.

The impact on these young girls was more than great, and Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan were better.

After that, Yu Tianheng couldn't stand it anymore, so he said.

After all, look at that maid with beast ears, her face flushed, she was drawing silk with Chen Xiu just now!


We are training there, okay?

Although you are the trump card, you are not so leisurely, right?

Seeing everyone's bitter eyes, Chen Xiu stood up with a bored expression.

"Forget it, I will go shopping in Tiandou City, don't be depressed, I will come back to bring you gifts." Chen Xiu turned around and said.


"I want the latest violet lipstick!"

"I'll do it whatever."


At the mention of gifts, everyone instantly became excited.

But Chen Xiu didn't even listen to them, and left with the two maids.

His master of the Holy Spirit Church, he actually lived with them here.

It's really interesting!

Just when Chen Xiu looked bored, his body suddenly stiffened, and his heart began to accelerate gradually.

In an instant, Chen Xiu's panting began to become hasty.

Chen Xiu changed her color and quickly covered her chest!

Seeing this, the two maids hurried up to help.

"the host!"

"Are you OK?"

Chen Xiu frowned, and a few drops of sweat dripped down her forehead.

What does it feel like?

Chen Xiu couldn't tell, he had never experienced such a feeling.

For a moment, Chen Xiu suddenly thought of something!

"Thousand! Ren! Snow!"

"That concentric agreement, she really still conceals it!"

Chen Xiu was taken to dinner by Qian Renxue before, and when she left, she signed a concentric agreement, which she thought was just an insignificant thing.

did not expect!

With a move, Chen Xiu quickly urged the ring on her hand, which was given to him by Qian Renxue again, so that the two could communicate at any time.

After a long time.

Qian Renxue responded to Chen Xiu, "Yes, why are you calling~"

It was a tingling voice, but Chen Xiu's expression was extremely cold.

"Are you deliberate?" Chen Xiu said coldly.


"You are so embarrassed to ask, what am I doing on purpose? Do you think I can't feel what you do?"

"I am sincere to you, but you return me that way?" Qian Renxue's voice came.

Chen Xiuqiang resisted his anger and gritted his teeth, "Okay, okay, okay, Qian Renxue, you have done a good job, please relieve it for me!"

Qian Renxue also felt Chen Xiu's anger. For a moment, her tone became a little aggrieved: "You signed it yourself. Once the contract is concluded, you can't go back."

Chen Xiu took a deep breath and forcibly stood up.

Seeing this, the fox girl hurriedly asked, "Master, where are we going?"

Chen Xiu's expression was extremely cold, but she simply said four words:

"Heaven Dou Imperial Palace."

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