Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 256 Hard Fight? (on)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Heaven Dou City, in the hotel.

Shrek gathered here, and the teachers leading the team were Liu Erlong, Flender and Zao Wou-ki, as well as Qin Ming.

For some reason, Liu Erlong seems to be hiding something from everyone recently. He often goes out alone, and sometimes does not come back for a long time.

Flander frowned, "It turned out to be the Weevil Sect ranked sixth among the Seven Sects!"

"You know, the Elephant Armor Sect has already taken refuge in the Wuhun Hall, but the performance of Xiaosan and the others was too dazzling, obviously it made some people unhappy."

"This time, it is definitely the Wuhun Temple who wants to stand up for it!"

Flender was right, the Spirit Hall really wanted to use this to establish its prestige, and the dark box operation was inevitable.

Qin Ming walked over at this moment, "How much do you know about the Martial Spirit of Diamond Mammoth?"

"I've heard from the teacher before that Diamond Mammoth is a top martial arts spirit with extremely high defense power. Its characteristics are mainly reflected in strength and defense." Tang San continued at this time.

"The defensive ability is second only to the Xuanwu Tortoise Martial Soul, but he has a terrifying attack power that the Xuanwu Tortoise Martial Soul does not possess."

"Furthermore, the spirit masters with this kind of martial spirit are generally very large, and I know so much about the specifics." Tang San said.

Qin Ming nodded, "Your opponents are all direct descendants of Elephant Jiazong. Three of them have reached level 40, and the other four are all level 39, which can be said to be very close to level 40. "

Among Shrek, all except Xiao Wu were forty level spirit masters.

The reason was that Xiao Wu didn't eat the Lovesick Heartbroken Red that Tang San gave her.

As for the other four reserve players, at this age, being able to cultivate to more than 30 levels is already very proud.

"So, for the final victory, I suggest that you give up this game. Only the top five in the qualifiers are enough to qualify."

"There is nothing wrong with hiding your strength in the early days." Qin Ming looked at the crowd.

When it comes to avoiding war, Flander's expression is a little tangled, "If I avoid fighting, what about my advertising expenses?"

Qin Ming sighed, "It's up to you to decide."

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Dai Mubai's body.

As the captain, he also underwent great pressure, and after some struggle.

Dai Mubai directly vented his will to fight, "Then fight!"


Heaven Dou City.

Someone like Jiazong was discussing tactics. Among them, their captain, Hu Yanli, patted his sturdy chest, "Grandpa wants us to do that Tang San from Shrek Academy. It's really a fuss."


"The Sect Master despises us too much, letting us fight such a weak opponent."

"Hey, Captain, Sect Master is also kind."

"Forget it, forget it, just take it for everyone to relax!"

All of these elephant sect members are dressed in black, among which the shortest figure is only two meters above.

The tall ones are above 2.5 meters.

Under evaluation, the average person is four hundred catties. Among them, their captain, Hu Yanli, has a weight of five hundred catties!

They have the same hairstyle, shaved on both sides, only the middle hair is combed into a strange ponytail.

At this moment, a young man hidden under the black robe instantly appeared behind the captain Hu Yanli.


"Boss, behind you!"

"How did this guy get in?"

Hu Yanli saw the crowd yelling at his back, and turned his head in doubt.

Sweep it, don’t you see anyone?

Hu Yanli was a little confused and looked down again.

Ah, it was here!

This black-robed man is only a few meters, if Hu Yanli does not lower his head, he will not be seen.

I saw the black robe man slowly stretched out his right hand, his right hand wearing a black fingerless glove.

In the next second, his ten fingers were suddenly covered with dragon scales!

Four dark spirit rings rose one after another behind him!

The black robe behind was shattered, and the two pairs of red gold dragon wings spread out.

The tail of a dragon was hidden.

"What? Little guy, do you want to fight?"

"Hehe, it's so funny, fight with me? Don't look at your size?"

"Wait!" Beautiful Book Bar

"Look at his spirit ring!"

"Don't be careless, he may have come to us to find out the news!"

"Say, which college did you send from!!"

"Dare to eavesdrop on our words, have you heard our plan!!"


"What do you mean by not talking!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, punch first, and ask questions when you punch!"

I saw the black-robed man smiled indifferently, jumped, and threw a whip kick!

Hu Yanli had no martial soul possessed, and he was even more defenseless. This whip leg swept directly onto his temple!

He only felt his brain buzzing, and his whole person fell directly to the ground!


His huge size fell to the ground, causing the entire room to tremble.

"What's the strongest defensive martial soul, I think it's nothing but this?" Chen Xiu's voice came from under the black robe.



"Are you OK?"

These idiots still have time to care about Hu Yanli.

Chen Xiu can ignore them, the fourth spirit ability: Wanjun!

In a blink of an eye, Chen Xiu used the Nightmare Guixu to rush directly to the other team member, and with a fist he changed his hand, he blasted his elbow directly!



"My arm!!"

"Everyone take him down first!"

"Wuhun Possession!!"

After a while, all kinds of screams continued to be heard in the room.


"Ah, my waist! My waist!"

"Big brother! Big brother! Be merciful! Leave me a good arm!!"

"My nose! My nose bone collapsed!"

"Help, who will help us!!"

"Grandpa, I call you grandpa!"

"Don't come over————!!!"


The next day.

The elephant sect master sat in the spectator stand with a black face.

As for why the face is black?

My grandson, as well as the children of the sect, were beaten by others for no reason. Can his face not be black?

Especially, that person not only beat them, but also removed their joints!

All of them are broken, and I'm afraid I won't be able to compete in a short time!

However, this game is also important. Wuhundian has spoken, and they can't even play if they want to play!

Now I can only bite the bullet and force to play!

"Who is it? Can break through the guards and enter the rest area of ​​my Elephant Sect without a sound?"

"Moreover, this person is not only cruel, but also powerful. Could it be that some old monsters did it?"

He knew how strong their Martial Spirit Diamond Mammoth was.

Not to mention being at the same level, even the 50th-level Soul King might not be able to break the defense of Hu Yanli!

If it's a sixtieth-level soul emperor, it's pretty much the same, but if it's a force attack system, how can you avoid layers of guards?

But if it is a sensitive offensive system, how can it break Hu Yanli's defense?

Hu Yanlie, the lord of the Elephant Sect, was puzzled, and in the end he could only think of some powerful old monsters.

I heard that Shrek Academy has a close relationship with Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, could it be him?

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