Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 257 Fighting Hard? (under)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Everyone in Shrek walked into the arena with anxiety.

And Tang San also researched a new style of play, cosmic sky flow.

Before the war, everyone's heart was unspeakably nervous. This feeling was like entering the examination room of the college entrance examination!

This unprecedented tension!

And Tang San, as the leader of the team, even undertook tremendous pressure.

After his selection, Tang San still chose to retain part of his strength instead of letting all Shrek players play.

It's just that their opponent seems to be out of state...

It seems, it's still a bit miserable?

Looking at those Weevil Sect students who were more than two meters away, Tang San and others were puzzled.

"Are these people beaten up? Why do they have bruises and swollen faces?"

"Look at the few on the side, their waists can't stand up, and they don't know what they did last night."

"Your waist is nothing. Look at the strange walking postures. It's so strange, isn't it?"

Everyone in Shrek was dumbfounded, what was going on?

One of their opponents seemed to have just gone through the battle, and all of them were injured.

And the injury was very serious, reaching the point of fracture!

Even if there is a healing spirit master, it is not enough to repair their injuries.

Because the injury was too serious, it shows how cruel the person who started it is.

If there were the martial spirits of Jiuxin Begonia, maybe they could still milk them back.

But the heirs of the Nine Hearts Begonia Martial Spirit are dead, and the next generation has not yet been born, so there is no need to think about it.

And everyone in Shrek still did not underestimate the enemy, this must be the new tactics of the Elephant Sect!

What a cunning Elephant Sect, even pretending to be injured, so that we can underestimate the enemy!

Who doesn't know that your martial arts are famous for defense?

I can only say that your tactics are so bad that they can't fool the clever Slaters at all.

At this time, on the viewing platform, Emperor Xue Ye looked at Hu Yanlie in a puzzled manner, "How come these disciples of yours are not in the same state? Is this your new strategy?"

Hu Yanlie looked embarrassed, "Uh, no, it's just that they fell and fell yesterday."

It would be too shameful if it was said that it was beaten by someone, and you don't know who beat it!

"After a fall, did they fall together? They all broke fractures?" The Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, Saras, said in a bad mood.

Now the Lower Four Sects are secretly attached to the Spirit Hall. This time, the Spirit Hall personally ordered the Elephant A Sect and asked them to attack Shrek Academy.

But, look at the disciples of the Elephant Sect, they were beaten like this before the game started!

"This, I, I..." Hu Yanlie couldn't think of any explanation for a while.

This makes people beat for no reason.

People fight it and don't know who the enemy is or why.

It seems that they haven't messed with anyone recently, right?

"What am I, Hu Yanlie, I think your disciples are a bunch of straw bags, rubbish, and your Elephant Sect is nothing more than that?" Platinum Bishop Sarah said with a strange air.

Hearing Sarah's curse, Hu Yanlie instantly clenched his fists and dared not resist.

I can only bow my head when I send it to others!


Then came a simple opening statement.

The battle begins!

"The first son of the Elephant Sect listened to the order, using the first spirit ability, the bronze wall and iron, ah, the arm hurts."

"Ah, use the first soul, copper wall and iron wall!" Hu Yanli roared, and forcibly released the first soul ability.

However, he was released, but his players felt severe pain when they moved.

Not to mention the release of Martial Soul, two of them have fallen to the ground just now.

"Captain, I, I'm dead, I, I withdrew."

"You come back to me!!"

"Team, Captain, I, I have also gone, my nose is still deflated."

"You just left, don't you feel ashamed!"

"Captain, my waist is broken, I can't stand up anymore, I'm leaving too."

"You! You guys!"

Hu Yanli watched his players leave the field one by one with a look of hatred for iron and steel.


"I'll go with you..."

In this way, before the fight started, everyone in Shrek won.

It's really a hard and bloody battle.

Looking at the Welcomer Sect's child who had just left the scene, Tang San scratched his head with some doubts, not understanding.Novel Baby Novel Network

What's happening here?

What about good tactics?

After that, the host came up and gave an awkward explanation.

"Shrek Academy wins!!"


"That's it, and then we won." Oscar spread his hands.

The corner of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, "Really, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to win..."

Ning Rongrong: "Teacher Qin Ming, this doesn't seem to mean that?"

Oscar: "Oh, don't say anything, Teacher Qin Ming also wants to ease the embarrassment."

"It's a pity, my little secret small sausages are both affordable and full, but they are useless. It's really sad."

Everyone was still thinking about surrendering yesterday, but they didn't expect that the plot would take a turn for the better, and the other side would give up directly!

What's happening here?

Could someone help them in secret?

And Tang San, looking out the window alone, for some reason, he always felt that someone was controlling all this in secret.

His feeling has always been very accurate, even more precise than a woman's sixth sense.

The previous inductions have been fulfilled one by one. What about this time?

Who is it again?

Help him secretly?

Is it good for him or bad for him?

Or is it both?


Heaven Dou City.

Everyone in the Tiandou Royal Team was shopping, and it was amazing how everyone turned around Chen Xiu!

Even Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan are the same.

"Big Brother Tianxuan, are you tired? Why don't we go and sit in front?" said Dugu Yan boasting Chen Xiu's arm.

"Don't bother, I'm not tired yet. If you are tired, take a break. I will treat you today." Chen Xiu smiled.

"Good!" x4

Yu Tianheng was a little boring, and he also understood that it turned out that Dugu Yan liked Chen Xiu.

He wanted to quit consciously, but he didn't expect Chen Xiu to take the initiative to say something special to him.

"Tianheng, I have always regarded you as my own brother, my eldest brother, so don't say those things, how can the relationship between us be blocked by outsiders?"

Chen Xiu's words made Yu Tianheng very warm, and suddenly there was a kind of relief in his heart.

What is her lone goose?

I have a brother enough!

After that, the two brothers, graphite and stone mill, stepped forward with excitement and directly squeezed the lone geese away.

The three hooked up their shoulders and looked like good brothers.

Graphite: "Big Brother Tianxuan, when shall we have another real man's duel?"

Shimo: "Yes, our brothers have been looking forward to it for a long time, and we didn't have much fun last time!"

Seeing the excited two brothers, Chen Xiu also showed a brave smile instantly, "Since the two are interested, let's have a good fight this afternoon!"

Graphite: "I like such bold people like Tianxuan, hahaha!"

Stone Mill: "We brothers, we admire Big Brother Tianxuan!!"

Dugu Yan watched these two guys squeeze him away, feeling very depressed for a while.

Oslo shouted: "Hey, hey, Big Brother Tianxuan is not just yours, Big Brother Tianxuan and I still have things to talk about, you two rough guys let me go."


"I don't know who it is. I bet with Big Brother Tianxuan a few days ago. Are you not convinced?" Shimo said with a sneer.

"I! Why am I not convinced? If I can't help the wall when I pee, I will obey my big brother Tianxuan," Oslo replied unwillingly.

"Okay, okay, don't you all say that I have a treat, Xiaoao, you cost you money last time, this time it is Jinhua Hotel, I will invite you." Chen Xiu smiled.

Oslo's face couldn't help but reddened, "Whatever Brother Tianxuan said, don't say it's an invitation, even if it's ten times, I am willing!"

"Really?" x5


One one one one one one one one one one one one one

I am guilty. I confessed. Seeing that everyone voted for so many monthly tickets, I should actually add more, but because of a small reason.

This led to the updates that I owe you all the time, well, I'm just lazy...

I am honest!

However, I am a person with a very good conscience, so let me watch three times a day for now.

After that, there are no special circumstances, usually three changes every day.

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