Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 258 The Death of Hao Xing Flute!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!What is a heart-to-heart contract?

That is to let a person who does not love himself at all fall in love with himself.


While making others fall in love with yourself, you will also bear a certain price!

This is a mutual contract. When others are forced to fall in love with themselves, they will fall in love with each other hopelessly!

And the person who is the host of the contract will fall ten times in love with the person whose contract she planted.

There is no problem in itself, Qian Renxue loves Chen Xiu, even if it is ten times stronger than before, it's okay.

But here comes the problem.

What if Chen Xiu finds a way to crack it?

That Qian Renxue's behavior can only be described in two words, for nothing!

Not only did the original plan fail, but he also lost himself.

The so-called stealing chicken won't lose the rice, losing oneself and breaking the army, it is her ice and snow smart Qian Renxue!

"No, no way..., um, no!"

"Chen Xiu, you will always love me, right?"


Qian Renxue opened her eyes in a daze, "So it was a dream before..."

"Why doesn't he come to me yet, is there something wrong with the contract?" Qian Renxue said with a sad expression.

Seems to see him.

What is he doing now?

I was thinking about him.

Does he miss me too?

When the concentric contract becomes a conjoined contract, the ability to empathize with one another disappears.

Qian Renxue could no longer feel what Chen Xiu was doing.

But there are times when the heartbeats of the two will gradually fit together. At that time, they can feel each other's thoughts.

At this time, Qian Renxue leaned against the bed, hugged her white legs with lotus root-like arms, and shrank to one corner.

I missed him on the third day of signing the contract.


Black fog forest.



"Get out of here!!"

At this time, the three of the Liming Organization and a little girl were rushing through the jungle!

There are seven twinkling figures behind them!

These people are chasing them!

Those seven people are all soul saints!

They instantly regretted the decision to go deep into the enemy!

"Ye Feng, think of a way, if this continues, everyone will die here!" Li Hong shouted as he ran.

Ye Feng frowned at this time: "I'm thinking about it, damn it, this is the first time I made a mistake in my calculations, this Holy Spirit Church, the methods are too weird!"

At this time, Hao Xingdi suddenly stopped, "Ye Feng, my sister will leave it to you, you go first, I'll take care of it!"

"No brother!"

"I don't want to be separated from you, I will always be with you!"

Ye Feng instantly grabbed Hao Xingdi's shoulder, "Are you crazy!!"

"Even if you stay and how long you can last, the other party is the Killing Seven Stars in the 36 Heavenly Spirits taught by the Holy Spirit! How can you stop it!"

"What I said, I will not abandon any companion, I never break my promise!"

Seeing Ye Feng's serious look, Hao Xingdi was anxious for a while, "What should I do? Did you all stay and die with me?"

"Even if I continue to escape, I will die. Then I might as well stay here and delay a minute for you so that you have a greater chance of living!"

"Ye Feng, this is not a time to be willful, my sister is still young, she can't die here, please!"

Ye Feng also realized his naivety, and if he continued to procrastinate, he would only fail Hao Xingdi's kindness!

The second time.Weichang Novel Network

This is the second time Ye Feng hates his powerlessness in his life!

The first time, when his sister died, he hated his weakness.

I can't do anything, but I still want to do something!

"Ye Feng, you are the captain, you should learn to choose, don't disappoint Hao Xingdi's kindness!" Li Hong roared.

Ye Feng squeezed his fist fiercely and slapped the boulder at his feet.

"let's go!"

Ye Feng took Hao Xingdi's younger sister and left quickly, Li Hong clearly saw the bloody wound on Ye Feng's fist.

He understood that Ye Feng wanted to use pain to let himself remember this lesson!

It was all because of his wrong judgment that Hao Xingdi had to die here!

People always grow up, and no one is born a genius.

Geniuses grew up in hardships, Li Hong could feel that Ye Feng's heart was changing sharply!

However, no matter how sharply he changes, today's things will become his demons!

It's a scar that he can't erase for a lifetime!

"Hao Xingdi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dragged you into the dawn, it was I who killed you!" Ye Feng shed tears of self-blame.

His tears fell on the face of sister Hao Xingdi.

"Brother Ye Feng, don't cry. Brother said that one day he will leave me. We must be strong and turn the pain into strength so that we can avenge him!"

Looking at the twinkling light in the little girl's eyes, Ye Feng finally understood.

It turned out that the little girl in his arms had already had a firmer determination than him!

"Ye Feng, don't cry like a woman. The man bleeds without tears. We will leave today for the time being. In the future, we will destroy the Holy Spirit Cult, in order to sacrifice the spirit of Hao Xingdi in the sky!"

Ye Feng wiped the corners of his eyes and wept tears. "You are right. When we come again, it will be the day when the Holy Spirit's teachings are destroyed!"


Watching his partner leave, Hao Xingdi also let go of his hanging heart.

He showed his martial soul, a flute with seven stars on it.

"Let me, at the last moment of my life, bloom again!"

At this time, the seven figures who were chasing them also gathered together.

"Prison, sin, extinction, injury, you four chase after, never let any one go!"

Whoosh whoosh!!!

The four figures are like ghosts, and in a blink of an eye they passed the Hao Xingdi and rushed over!

Hao Xingdi didn't even have time to react!

what is that?

Why are they so fast?

In fact, what they did just now was Tang Sect’s fascinating knowledge, ghosts and shadows, which was the basic technique in the Holy Spirit Sect.

Almost everyone knows it.

"Damn it, ignoring me, the first soul..."


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came, Hao Xingdi's pupils widened, and his head turned in disbelief.

I saw Tian Ling wearing a mask with the word'kill' on his face, piercing a blood-red long sword into Hao Xingdi's heart!

"What, when?" Hao Xingdi didn't understand, why did he come behind him?

"You're too much nonsense." The Heavenly Slaughter Star drew the blood-red long sword in one hand and turned around to continue pursuing.

Hao Xingdi felt short of breath for a while, and a little breathless.


The next second, Hao Xingdi fell to the ground, a large amount of bright red blood flowed out.

"Ye Feng...I'm sorry, I didn't even...for a minute... I won..."

The consciousness became more and more blurred, and Hao Xingdi smirked by himself.

At this time, a strange laughter reached Hao Xingdi's ears.


"Hao Xingdi, you are too weak, have you really used the abilities you have?"

"Come on, join us, join the glorious evolution, in the name of the Scarlet Holy Spirit, I swear by this, Hao Xingdi, become my dependent!"

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