Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 263 Seven Martial Spirit Fusion Skills?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Excalibur Villa.

At the mountain gate.

Li Hong bowed his head and knelt here, Ye Feng wanted to come forward and kneel with him, but Li Hong just let him stand aside.

Following Hao Xingdi's death under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Ye Feng and Li Hong took his sister Hao Xingqin all the way.

Li Hong, please invite his father out of the mountain!

As for why the mountain is mentioned?

Li Yao, who had done so many good deeds for the dawn common people before, did not get rewards, but was spurned by others.

Disheartened, Li Yao returned to the Excalibur Villa, and it took some time to retreat.

Li Yao saved so many poor people, but no one appreciated him.

Because everyone who was grateful for him died.

Because of Li Yao, people who could have died died instead.

The evil spirit masters are too powerful, and the common people dare not hate them, because they are afraid of causing murder!

So they had no choice but to blame Li Yao, shirk all the guilt on him, and blame him frantically!

In this way, their fragile hearts can be liberated!

And Li Yao never kills people for no reason. Just like what he said, the person who should be beheaded will never be killed because of the hatred in his heart.

Because of his attitude, the civilians thought he was a bully, so everyone blamed him and accused him at the same time!

This is the so-called ambition of a villain, and the horizons of mortals are not necessarily high.

Seeing that the titled Douluo, who is high above him, dare not say anything under their accusations, their hearts and pride are broken!

Look at those great people!

One by one sees their lives like ants!

But now, they found a catharsis, and Li Yao was kind, not only did not get any return, but was scolded by everyone.

This is not an age of peace, evil spirit masters have emerged, and the mainland is extremely chaotic.

Countless people were grateful to Li Yao for the good things he did. At that time, the commoners knew how to be grateful.

Now, civilians believe that Li Yao should serve them for granted!

If Li Yao does not come to help them, then Li Yao is incompetent!

In the end, the frustrated Li Yao returned to the Excalibur Villa, and was unable to retreat ever since.

"Father, Li Hong, an unfilial child, please come out!" Li Hong kowtowed.

He exerted great force, and the ground was bluestone steps again. At this moment, Li Hong's forehead was knocked.

Ye Feng couldn't bear to look at the side, raised his hand, and finally put it down.

Hao Xingdi died, and they also escaped by chance.

"Big Brother!"

At this time, Li Rongxin rushed over with Li Chen.

"Little girl?"

Li Hong looked up at Li Rongxin.

Li Chen on the side sighed: "You don't need to call, my father has been in retreat, and he will leave after three months."

"The third child, no matter what, I must ask my father to come out of the mountain!" Li Hong said with a firm face.

After that, Li Hong knocked on his head one step at a time, every time with great force, blood had already crossed his face.

"Father! Now that the Holy Spirit teaches itself as a disaster for the common people, do you really watch it!" Li Hong shouted loudly.

Li Rongxin hurriedly stepped forward to help Li Hong, "Big brother, don't be like this, father also has his problems."

"Father, we have found a stronghold of the Holy Spirit Cult. As long as you go out, you will surely destroy the Holy Spirit in one fell swoop!!" Li Hong pushed Li Rong's heart away, he wanted to avenge Hao Xingdi too!

Hao Xingdi is dead, why is it not painful or angry in his heart?

Although the three have not been together for long, they have already made an oath to live and die together!

But now, Hao Xingdi is dead, but they survived!

This made Li Hong's heart very tormented, and he wanted to avenge Hao Xingdi day and night!

I want to dream!


Li Hong's pupils widened, then looked at Li Chen who had punched himself with a puzzled face.Fantasy Novel Network

"Be more sober, Li Hong, how old you are, and bother your father. Have you forgotten what you said to me back then?"

Li Chen stepped forward and grabbed the corner of Li Hong's clothes, "You told me back then that you want to go out and get rid of the name of Li Yao's son, and you want to get out of your own name!"

"Have you forgotten all?"

"Your present posture is worthy of what you used to say!"

Li Hong stopped speaking, he was unable to refute.

Yes, I am too weak.

In the end, I could only come back and beg my father, what to say to break the world, what to break?

Seeing Li Hong with a numb look, Li Chen sighed: "Li Hong, I don't know what you have experienced, but I still said that. If you think you can do it, then go to the world."

"If you think you can't, come back, you still have us."

With that, Li Chen's martial soul suddenly appeared in the air!

It was a vain and simple long sword, everything seemed ordinary, but there were hidden secrets.

"Don't forget, our seven martial arts fusion skills."

Seven swords combined!

Li Hongmeng raised his head, yes!If you use that trick!

Do not!

not enough!

He is still too weak, even if he uses the combination of seven swords now, he can only threaten the soul saint, not enough to fight the Holy Spirit Cult!

Unless, he can become a Contra, or even a Title Douluo!

The fighting spirit rekindled in Li Hong's eyes.

"I see, thank you, brother."

"Father, what you haven't done, let me do it!"

With that, Li Hong got up, and Ye Feng quickly came over to help him.

Li Hong: "Ye Feng, I want to become stronger!"

Ye Feng: "We are together."

Hao Xingqin: "I also want to avenge my brother."

Seeing the three people leave, Li Chen shouted at them: "Brother, if you need it, we will always be here."


After that, a few days passed in a hurry.

With the help of Chen Xiu, the Shrek team was as powerful as a bamboo, and it was easy to win a streak all the way, showing the strength of a complete crush.

It can be said to shine!

And the Holy Spirit Sect also ushered in a brand new title Douluo!

Yufeng Douluo, Li Feng, officially joined the Holy Spirit Cult.

Qian Renxue also joined at the same time.

Chen Xiu subdued Qian Renxue, which is equivalent to subduing Li Feng.

As for the two Douluos, snake hair and porcupine porcupines, after all, they were still in the Spirit Hall, and they were only ordered to protect Qian Renxue.

In addition to maiming a group of spirit masters along the way, Chen Xiu also killed a group of spirit masters.

Chen Xiu didn't mean to blame Shrek, and started completely randomly, which also caused a high warning from above.

Now, the atmosphere of the competition is getting more and more tense, and the official also announced the news.

There was a murderer who committed a serial murder case. Today, the schools that have suffered are as follows: Elephant Sect, Xinghuo Academy, Purple Star Academy, Auckland Academy, etc...

Chen Xiu didn't care what they were saying, and he still started when he saw the interesting martial soul.

After all, nothing can stop him.

As for Shrek Academy, although the murderous name spread, but some comments also spread.

After all, Shrek's opponents were in bad condition every time, either seriously injured or sick.

How can this not be suspicious?

With the help of Chen Xiu, Wuhundian also fully noticed everyone in Shrek.

The plan was proceeding in an orderly manner, and everything came as Chen Xiu expected.

However, Shrek Academy actually ran into Thunder Academy, which is a bit interesting...

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