Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 264 Remnant Dream Martial Soul?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Thunder, Kamikaze, Blazing Fire, and Tianshui are also called the Four Element Academy.

Coupled with the like Jiazong of the soil genus, the five element academies were formed.

Except for the Elephant Sect, the background of the Four Elements Academy is extremely profound, far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

Speaking of Thunder Academy alone, behind the three sects of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!

It's a coincidence that Yu Tianxin, who was in the Third Young Master of Landian, went to Thunder Academy. Chen Xiu might meet an acquaintance if he tried again this time.

However, if the old guy Yu Luomian knows something, everything is not beautiful.

Therefore, Chen Xiu had some new ideas.


After the competition began, Tang San had been practicing desperately, and he had never stopped for a moment.

Among them, Tang San had already taken control of the Three Orifice Imperial Heart, which was distracted and controlled, and could already do one mind and three uses easily.

This distraction control is very magical, not just as simple as drawing a circle with one hand and a square with one hand.

This is equivalent to the spirit master dividing his mental power, allowing him to concentrate on doing two things at the same time, and both can do well.

However, human beings have limited spiritual power, and it is very painful to split the spiritual power too much.

There is no record in the soul master world so far.

This distraction control mystery is infinite, and it is closely related to the spirit master's release of soul skills.

A soul master who doesn't control by distraction can only release a soul ability in an instant.

There are many spirit masters who seem to have used a lot of spirit abilities at once, but in fact, this is just the speed at which they release them.

One spirit ability followed by another spirit ability, the rapid release can make ignorant people think that they released these spirit skills in an instant.

Li Hong is a typical example. His spirit abilities are released quickly, and it seems that outsiders can release three spirit abilities in an instant.

But after all, this is just false, a soul master who truly controls distraction can truly achieve simultaneous use of soul abilities!

Ning Fengzhi, the supreme master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, mastered the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, and could release seven amplifying spirit abilities at once.

However, Ning Rongrong only mastered the Heart of the Three Apertures, and could only release three spirit abilities at once.


This is just release.

It can maintain the increase for seven people at the same time, among which the consumption of mental power is enormous!

With the full increase, Ning Rongrong could only increase the Shrek's 7 seconds!

As for a certain person who has condensed all-or-nothingness, he used to release his spirit abilities one by one.

But now, if he had nine spirit abilities, he could release nine spirit abilities at once.

If he has ten thousand spirit abilities, he can release ten thousand spirit abilities at once!

Of course, this can also be converted, it can be converted into, activating the spirit ability 10,000 times in one go.

Here I would also like to mention Classmate Qian Renxue, her first three spirit abilities have already been released at will.

It can be triggered thousands of times or hundreds of times, but the interval between each time must be at least 0.01 second.

And if Chen Xiu did this, there would be no gap in between, and he could summon a flood of fire and rain in an instant.

This is the mystery of distracted control.

Of course, Chen Xiu's omnipotent incompatibility has been separated from the level of distraction control.

When the spirit is divided, there is still a relationship that is divided, which is called a real distraction.

At this moment, Tang San was walking on the way back to the academy, but he didn't know why, the road today seemed a bit long.

When I looked up, it was obviously very close to the college. How come I haven't arrived after walking for so long?

Could it be that I walked too slowly today?

Tang San frowned, speeding up his pace for a while.


Two steps.51 Pen Fun Pavilion

Three steps.


Two hundred steps.

Something's wrong!

Tang San slowed down, the light in his eyes suddenly became vigilant.

Everything around seems to have not changed, the pedestrians in the past are endless, but he finds himself standing still!

No matter how you go, Shrek Academy is always so far away from him!

It's like a mirage.

Tang San continued to walk forward, two hundred and one, two hundred and two, until, six hundred and five steps!

According to common sense, six hundred and five steps should have gone to school, but now it seems that he is still far away from Shrek Academy.

A trace of cold killing intent faintly spread, and the surrounding suddenly became quiet.

The scene in front of me also seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and everything became unclear at this moment.

At this time, an old voice came:

"As expected to be Shrek's best disciple, his vigilance is really strong, but unfortunately, it is too late."

That was an old man in white clothes, this man Tang San had even seen!

It is the leading teacher of Canghui Academy!

At that time, Flender told Tang San that he was a seventy-two level soul sage, and in those years, Wuhun was a Can Meng.

Can Meng is related to fantasy realm and is extremely difficult to deal with, even Title Douluo is not willing to entangle him!

"It turned out to be a teacher from Canghui Academy. I don't know if you are stopping me here. What advice do you have?" Tang San said.

Years ago smiled indifferently, "It's nothing to teach you, I just hope you disappear."

Tang San sneered, "Do you think Canghui Academy can defeat Shrek Academy by killing me?"

"Then kill another one. Hasn't someone done this before, your opponents of Shrek all the way, don't you still know?" Shi Nian said lightly.

Tang San's eyes gradually cooled, "Could it be that you are the serial murderer?"

Hearing Tang San's words, he shook his head year after year, "No, no, I won't help you Shrek. Although the murderer has someone else, but today, old man, I will get rid of your genius for the murderer."

Tang San looked around dimly, "Are you going to shoot here?"


"Since I'm going to kill you, I'll be fully prepared. Look again, are you still in Heaven Dou City?" Shi Young Qing snapped his fingers.

The sound of snapping his fingers is very crisp, there is a wave of ripples in the air, and the surrounding scene has changed greatly in the dim eyes.

This should be in a small forest outside the city, Tang San judged.

Tang San reacted so quickly that he took out Zhuge Liannu in a flash, aiming at the time.

Pulling the trigger, sixteen sharp crossbow arrows sank into Shi Nian's chest in an instant.


"It's useless, you are still in my illusion. No matter what means you use, it is impossible to attack me." Shi Nian's voice came from all directions.

Tang San hurriedly sat down to adjust his mental strength, and for a while, Lan Yincao instantly wrapped him up.

"Is the old man's illusion so easy to resist?"

When the words were over, the scene before Tang San's eyes changed rapidly, and it had already gone to the ghosts.

"Tang San, what crime should you be guilty of stealing from your own school?"

"Tang San, see where you go!"

"Tang San, you have a heinous crime, you will bear the highest criminal law in this school!!"

In an instant, an elder raised his right palm and directly shook Tang San's left arm!

Tang San screamed, his entire left arm broke every inch, and the pain was magnified ten times in an instant, and it was directly reflected in Tang San's mind!

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