You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Then came the right arm, both legs, and the muscles and bones inch by inch.

All were abolished by the elders one by one, and these pains were fed back into Tang San's brain tenfold!

Gradually, the elders left the ghost and sorrow, leaving Tang San alone here, and told him: We will mourn here for seven days and seven nights, and die in the mouth of the eagle.

Tang San's eyes became hazy, and his violent pain continued to destroy his will.

It made his whole body twitch in the spasm.

In an instant, a slender figure appeared in front of him.

The slender, graceful, long scorpion braid and the pretty face are just Xiao Wu!

There was another person who appeared at the same time as Xiao Wu!

He is the descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Tianxuan, and saw him embracing Xiao Wu's slender waist, showing a wicked smile: "Tang San, I will take care of Xiao Wu for you!"

"Xiao, Xiao Wu..." Tang San wanted to shout, but couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, Tang San was already in the illusion, he didn't understand why Xiao Wu was with Yu Tianxuan!

Yu Tianxuan pinched Xiao Wu tightly so that she could not move, but Xiao Wu's face was full of grief and unwillingness.

"Brother. Brother, save me, save me..." Xiao Wu struggled desperately, but she just couldn't break away from Yu Tianxuan's clutches!

What made Tang San's eyes almost bleed was that the clothes on Xiao Wu's body were decreasing one by one in Yu Tianxuan's hands!

Skin that looked like white jade from sheep fat was exposed, and watching Yu Tianxuan's hand walking around Xiao Wu, Tang San couldn't do anything.

Blood began to drip from the corner of his eyes, but his whole body was shattered. At this time, he could only watch Xiao Wu being insulted in front of him!

Xiao Wu's eyes were filled with despair and hatred, and her despair and hatred were all directed towards Tang San!

"No, don't--!" Tang San wanted to shout, wanted to get up, but he couldn't move at all!

Seeing, Yu Tianxuan's hand has been reaching...

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu~"

"Have you not heard of it, since you can't resist, then enjoy it, I, but very gentle."

Yu Tianxuan's voice was very beautiful, but it fell into Tang San's ears, every word was like acupuncture, deeply pierced into Tang San's heart!

"Do not!!"

Heart-piercing voice resounded crazily in Tang San's heart!

He has fallen into extreme mania, but the picture before him has become extraordinarily clear!

Yu Tianxuan's mocking laughter and Xiao Wu's desperate eyes are constantly magnifying in his six senses!

Immediately afterwards, the screen turned.

Xiao Wu and Yu Tianxuan have disappeared, replaced by Chen Xiu, who is only six years old!

Tang San's body turned out to be six years old.

"Tang San, we are the best brothers, and we must be brothers for a lifetime! Promise me that we will never be separated, okay?"

Chen Xiu stretched out his right hand to Tang San. Tang San wanted to hold his right hand, but found that he couldn't hold it anyway!

In this way, Chen Xiu's complexion gradually became cold, "It turns out that you didn't treat me as a brother at all. Are we even friends?"

Tang San opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Suddenly, the picture before me changed again!

It was the moment when Tang San killed Chen Xiu with the Eight Spider Lances!

Seeing Chen Xiu being carried through by his own spider spear, Tang San quickly withdrew the spider spear and hugged Chen Xiu in his arms.

He wanted to say sorry, but still couldn't say it.

"Tang San, I hate you!"

"After I die, I will turn into a ghost, come to you for my life!"

Chen Xiu's voice continued, Tang San's expression almost collapsed.

The picture turned again, Tang San was shuttled in the woods, and suddenly, a black vine attacked him!

Tang Sandon stayed in shape, he turned his head and saw Chen Xiu standing on the ground with eight spider spears!

At this moment, Chen Xiu's face was hideous and terrifying, and her black hair drifted away with the wind, and she looked like an evil spirit in hell!First Floor Novel Network

"Tang San, I'm back from hell!"


Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena.

Xiao Wu, who was watching the game attentively, suddenly shook her right hand, and there was a fiery feeling in her arms.

With surprise, Xiao Wu put her hands into her arms and took out the lovesick heartbroken that was not bad.

A faint red light was gleaming on the flowers of Acacia Heartbroken Red, and a scorching airflow rushed toward his face.

Bloody light, bloody disaster!

Did something happen to the third brother!

"Three brothers have something wrong, he must have something wrong!" Xiao Wu held Acacia Heartbroken in her hand and ran out without hesitation.


Somewhere outside the woods.

With seven spirit rings wrapped around him, he was constantly urging his spirit abilities.

And Tang San was lying in front of him, his expression pained, his body twitching constantly.

"Oh, you make it hard for me to do this."

At this moment, a voice full of magnetism came, and he was surprised at first, and then quickly turned around to look at the figure on the tree!

"Who!" Shi Nian scolded angrily.

I saw a man with long black hair slowly walking out of the shadows.

It is amazing that Chen Xiu actually appeared in his own body, without using the disguise of Yu Tianxuan.

"Aren't you looking for me all the time?"

"I am the murderer in the serial homicide case that you mentioned." Chen Xiu said indifferently.


Can't feel this kid's spirit power fluctuation!

I was puzzled for years, but I didn't care too much. Seeing that Chen Xiu is so young, he should be only twenty years old.

But how high can the soul power be at the age of twenty?Not everyone is Tang Hao.

"Boy, since I let you see it, I have to ask you to die together." Shi Nian showed a cruel smile.

Chen Xiu smiled and shook her head, "Your fearlessness stems from ignorance."

"I recently created a new spirit ability. You should be honored to be my first experiment."

When the words were over, Chen Xiu simply snapped his fingers, and in an instant, a golden light shot from the center of his eyebrows!

This golden light is condensed by Chen Xiu's mental power, this is a small ray of golden light hidden is Chen Xiu's turbulent mental power like the ocean!

As a point, this mental pressure is like turning the weight of the sea into a drop of rain!

"The name of this technique is, King's Landing in the World."



For an instant, this golden light pierced through Shi Nian's head directly, but did not leave any scars.

Chen Xiu didn't use all his strength. Although he wanted to kill Shi Nian, for some reason, this opportunity was left to Tang San.

Under the impact of Chen Xiujun's presence in the world, he lost control of Wuhun in an instant.

Tang Sanmeng opened his eyes, his eyes had long turned into a pair of purple eyes!

I saw Tang San slapped up, making a half-turn in the air!

The whole right arm was just thrown over in the process of half-turning, and a silent black light had already come to Shi Nian's side!

At that time, due to Chen Xiu's mental impact, he was too late to dodge, and he was directly hit by Hei Mang's brows!


After Tang San made a round, he fell to the ground again.

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