Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 266 Refining the Demon Sword!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing Tang San's sudden movements, Chen Xiu narrowed his eyes, and he knew what Tang San had made.

That was the Yan Wang post, the top three in the hidden weapon rankings, and it was more than enough to kill a soul sage.

Shi Nian's complexion suddenly stiffened, and the whole person suddenly stopped moving. He pointed to Chen Xiu on the tree with his right hand, but couldn't say a word.

With a bang, Shi Nian's body fell to the ground, and blood flowed across the seven orifices.

The whole body was filled with a layer of strange black, black blood spread on the ground, and the body of the year turned into black smoke!

Even the bones are no exception!

Chen Xiu beckoned, and the remnant dream of the martial soul of the years was instantly sucked into the heaven by Chen Xiu.

I have to say that this martial arts made him use too scumbag, and he was blind to such a good martial arts.

Sure enough, there are no waste spirits, only waste spirit masters.

You can't use good martial arts from a wasteful spirit master.

And if you give Chen Xiu the wasteful spirit, he can turn waste into treasure for you, so is it just a wasteful spirit master?

Tang San straightened up, he looked in the direction he pointed out before, and directly saw Chen Xiu!

For an instant, Tang San had mixed feelings, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Did you save me?"

Seeing Tang San found out about herself, Chen Xiu snorted and left.

And Tang San was too weak, so he could barely lean on the tree, let alone chase Chen Xiu.

And after Chen Xiu's figure disappeared, his voice suddenly reverberated in the woods, "Tang San, I will only help you this time. Don't die in the hands of this kind of fish. Your life is mine. ."

Tang San just leaned on the tree like this, he still vaguely remembered everything in the illusion.

Chen Xiu...

In fact, even if Chen Xiu didn't help Tang San, he could still get rid of the environment by himself.

But he must realize that he is in the illusion, and then actively turn on the purple magic pupil.

The Xiao Wu that appeared at the beginning had already deeply stimulated Tang San, but he was still able to resist.

But for some reason, when Chen Xiu appeared, Tang San fell into the illusion.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Tang San took out a piece of Longzhi leaf plug from the Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag.

Just when he was about to return to Shrek Academy, a burst of colored light burst out of the pool of black water after his death!

A strong surprise came to his mind, he knew the poisonous and corrosive nature of Yan Wang's post.

Not to mention clothing, even hard gems will be wiped out by that intense toxin.

What is it that is not corroded by the venom?

Tang San walked over, his pupils widened a bit when he saw the glittering object.

That is a soul bone!

About seven inches long, the front end is slightly curved, and the front end is three inches, like a phalanx. This should be a left arm bone!


The other end of the forest.

Chen Xiu didn't go too far, because he found a sneaky soul master.

"It seemed like I killed that time just now. You are wearing a Canghui Academy uniform. So, you have something to do with Shi Nian. Do you want to consider revenge for him?" Chen Xiu stared directly at this name indifferently. Soul master.

"Big! Big! Your lord!"

"It was the old man who asked me to wait for him here, and the little man was also forced to be helpless!" The soul master said with trembling legs.

Chen Xiu could clearly observe through his eyes that he was lying.

"Do you know? There are always self-righteous idiots who think they can lie to me, do you know what their ultimate fate is?" Chen Xiu asked with a smile.

In an instant, the soul master here knelt in front of Chen Xiu.

He also knew that Chen Xiu couldn't be fooled, and he wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy for an instant.

"Dirty, I, I, I, I...!"

Chen Xiu frowned, "A big hammer, why are you the Monkey King?" 536 Literature

"Sorry, sir, I was wrong, Shi Chen is my dad, my name is Shichen!" Shichen tremblingly said.

"The name is good, but unfortunately it doesn't suit you."

"It's great, it's another remnant martial arts soul, Ye Zixiao, isn't this the spiritual soul master you dream of?" Chen Xiu spoke to the heavenly space.

"Hey, it would be nice if I could meet that year earlier." Ye Zixiao said with a slight regret.

Chen Xiu said, "Do you regret it?"

"That's not true. If I met him earlier, I would tell him that I must stay away from you, lest I don't know how to die later." After Ye Zixiao finished speaking, Chen Xiu ended the conversation.

That's right, Chen Xiu has been focusing on the years.

Chen Xiu's own spirit power is not too high, and the only thing that excels in him is mental power.

Therefore, Chen Xiu wanted to find a martial soul with spiritual attributes.

In the end, it was almost the same as Ye Zixiao said. Spiritual martial arts are as rare as spirit masters.

But it was Chen Xiu who met!

However, the level of this remnant martial arts spirit is too low, and Chen Xiu is worried about how to upgrade it. No, the best materials will come.

Father and son, the success rate of martial soul fusion must be very high, right?

A quarter of an hour later, a scream came from the forest.



Wuhun, nightmare, freshly released.

The first soul skill: enter a dream.

The second spirit ability: illusion.

The third soul skill: Jinghuashuiyue.

The fourth spirit ability: infinite fear.

The fusion of perfection and spiritual power gave Chen Xiu an unprecedented surge in strength, although he only had a forty-fifth level of soul power.


Unless the mental power is above him, even some Title Douluo can't hurt him.

This is true. Chen Xiu's third spirit ability, Jing Hua Shui Yue, can completely control the five senses of a pair of hands, which is equivalent to an instant hypnotic effect.

But he couldn't hurt Title Douluo either, it was mutual.

Therefore, Chen Xiu ordered someone to build a weapon recorded by Xuan Tianbao.

Yes, it is not a hidden weapon, but a weapon!

The Xuantianbao record not only records all the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, but also records some peerless weapons included in the Tang Sect.

One of them talked about the practice of magic sword. It was originally a sword embryo cast by meteorite from overseas, but it was accidentally obtained by Tang Sect. It re-tempered its blade through 7,749 kinds of poison.

On the day of the sword, the poisonous light splashed three feet away, and the blade sharpened like iron, breaking through the qi of the body!

Later, he was acquired by an elder inside the door, but he violated the rules of the door and spread the Tang Sect's skills outside, causing his disciple's line to be abolished and expelled from the Tang Sect.

Even he himself has to be tortured!

The elder was not reconciled, so he killed the six elders and countless children of Tang Sect with the practiced magic sword, and was finally beaten by the head of the time with Guanyin tears. His life and death are still unknown.

Even after practicing the Demon Sword, it was nowhere to be found, and it was even removed from the Xuantian Baolu from the Tang Sect. So far, the descendants of the Tang Sect did not know of such a murderous soldier.

And how did Chen Xiu know?This is already an unknowable secret.

And Tang San kept making Tang Sect hidden weapons, why didn't Chen Xiu make them?

Not because he looked down on it, but because Chen Xiu left all his poisonous weeds on the magic sword!

Hundreds of blacksmiths gathered in the Holy Spirit Cult before, but they didn't meet Tang San's request to create hidden weapons!

It is Chen Xiu who wants to forge and practice the magic sword!

Fortunately speaking, although meteorite iron on the Douluo Continent is rare, it can still be easily acquired through the Chamber of Commerce.

Relying on the huge intelligence network and financial resources of the Holy Spirit, there is very little that they cannot get at present.

Now, in the former Holy Soul Village, the casting of the magic sword has already begun.

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