You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Star Dou Great Forest.

Chen Xiu and Qian Renxue are here again, they are already familiar here and can't be familiar anymore.

"Why do you choose Star Dou Great Forest every time, Xue'er, do you love this place so much?" Chen Xiu turned around and asked.

Qian Renxue shook his head, "No, it's just that I only bound the Star Dou Ten Forest."

"My mirror, it only has this spirit ability. Although it is not a tasteless one, it is not helpful to the battle."

Qian Renxue's Mirror of Illusory Realm was a bit similar to the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit, both of which had only one spirit ability no matter how many spirit rings were attached.

It's just that the healing effect of Nine Hearts Begonia increases every time a spirit ring is added.

It is equivalent to strengthening this spirit ability all the time, but unfortunately the effect is single, only healing, although it is tyrannical, but it doesn't even have the ability to detoxify.

It is equivalent to only being responsible for the treatment, not for removing the negative state.

And Qian Renxue, what the spirit ring enhanced was not the hollow skill.

It's her Wuhun store, and each additional spirit ring store will unlock higher-level items.

But the price will be very high, so the lower the quality of the additional spirit ring, the higher the store price.

And if it were replaced with a high-quality spirit ring, such as a Wannian one, a discount would be formed.

The specific details are not yet written.

After that, Chen Xiu and Qian Renxue looked around the mirror for a long time, and they were considering what spirit ring to attach to the mirror.

Logically speaking, this should be regarded as a weapon spirit, and after all, it should be ten thousand years. Qian Renxue needs three ten thousand years spirit beasts.

Chen Xiu didn't need to go out to look for it, because he possessed a kind of ability that could make the soul beast take the initiative to send it to the door.

Chen Xiu took out the Fulong Pagoda martial arts spirit. Qian Renxue had never seen this martial arts soul. For a while, she curiously asked, "What kind of martial arts is this?"

"This is Fulong Pagoda, you can't waste the corpse of the spirit beast after obtaining the spirit ring, you can still use it as a waste." Chen Xiu smiled.

"Hani, I found that every time I see you, there will always be some strange martial arts in your hand. Your martial arts ability is not as simple as copying, right?"

"Could it be that your black vine was also copied?"

Qian Renxue's curiosity reached the culmination. Chen Xiu just responded with a smile, and then touched Qian Renxue's little head, "Xue'er, being too smart is not a good thing."

Qian Renxue was depressed for a moment, "Tell me what does it matter? Really, I told you all of my martial arts characteristics, and you didn't tell me about you."

Even if you don't tell me, I can clearly know all the characteristics of your Wuhun.

Chen Xiu didn't say this sentence.

In fact, even Zong Yang didn't know Chen Xiu's martial arts ability, they only knew a rough idea.

No one really understands Chen Xiu's martial arts, ps: Ye Zixiao is not a human being.

Chen Xiu understood a truth early, your best brother and woman may betray you.

and so.

Show one hand, keep one hand, and never let others know you, and others will not dare to attack you.

And when you are touched by others, everyone knows your weaknesses, and you will experience everyone's enemies.

There are so many cases in front of us, countless immortals and demons in history have experienced brothers betrayed, women betrayed, treasures were seized, and turned into waste.

The usual routine is, good brother, approaching you because of your treasure or something on your body.

And he can't figure it out, so he introduces you to a beautiful woman and puts you two together.

Later, by virtue of this treasure, you became the suzerain of which big sect, or a generation of immortals, and that woman also became your lover.

You trusted that woman and told her all your secrets.

Then the next day, it was the story of being stabbed back by the lover, poisoned by the brother, grabbing the treasure, cutting off the limbs, and throwing down the cliff.

Chen Xiu fully learned his lesson, even the person he trusted the most, was not told all of his secrets.

Yes, Chen Xiu loves Qian Renxue very much, but love must be separated from power and profit.

If you really love her, then you cannot benefit from her.

If you really want to benefit from her, then you absolutely do not love her.Biquge standby station

Ordinary people can't do it, but the wonderful Chen Xiu combines the two.

He was forced to fall in love with Qian Renxue, but he did not forget his original intention, which was to gain benefits from Qian Renxue.

"Xue'er, I hope you can understand my painstaking effort. I won't tell you, it's for your own good." Chen Xiu comforted Qian Renxue afterwards, and the two of them gave me a kiss for a while.

Qian Renxue also gave up the idea of ​​exploring the secrets of Chen Xiuwu's soul.

Next, Chen Xiu and Qian Renxue drew a distance, and a wave of pressure spread out from him.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but want to kneel in front of Chen Xiu for an instant. The suffocating coercion made Qian Renxue think of Emperor Xueye at a serious time.

Although Emperor Xue Ye was completely incomparable with Chen Xiu, Qian Renxue was always keenly aware of some similarities.

This is Chen Xiu's.

Emperor luck!

That is, the emperor's spirit!

This kind of aura is only found in Emperor Rui Beast Sanyan Jin Ni!

And Chen Xiu stole its aura and possessed the same ability.

The beast comes out, the beast surrenders!

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps in the Star Dou Great Forest.

A large number of soul beasts poured in from all directions, they were responding to Chen Xiu's call!

Qian Renxue was dumbfounded, and she was completely motionless.

After a quarter of an hour, the densely packed spirit beasts all knelt down or lay down in front of Chen Xiu.

Oh no, they were surrounded by Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu turned around and looked at Xiang Qian Renxue, "Come on, Xueer, choose three satisfied spirit beasts, let me count, there are 80 thousand years in total, it's okay."

Seeing those soul beasts with no desire to resist, Qian Renxue felt that she had come to the vegetable market for a moment.

When will the spirit ring be hunted?Turned into a vegetable market?

Chen Xiu.



Sihuan is so terrifying!

Gradually, Qian Renxue looked at Chen Xiu's gaze to a certain extent.

Qian Renxue threw directly on Chen Xiu and hugged him from behind, "Hani, you are great, do you want someone to reward you at night?"

Chen Xiu raised her eyebrows, "For example?"

Qian Renxue's complexion suddenly became ruddy, "Maid."

"this one?"

"Don't disturb my practice, I love to practice." Chen Xiu slapped Qian Renxue's arm and motioned her to get off her.


But Qian Renxue did not let go, just like a koala, hugging Chen Xiu from behind, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, can you still practice?"

"You must be looking for your two maids, one big and one small, who belong to both loli and maid, huh."

Although Qian Renxue drove the ball to hit people and repeatedly rubbed Chen Xiu's back, he still did not fluctuate.

Chen Xiu grinned, "Then what if my soul power breaks through to level 46 tomorrow?"

"How is it possible? Didn't you just break through two days ago? You thought that the breakthrough was drinking water, so easy to say."

"If your spirit power can really break through to level 46 tomorrow, I will listen to you in the future, and I will do whatever you say, but on the contrary, you know." Qian Renxue smiled.

"This is what you said, let's, one word, it's settled."

For some reason, Qian Renxue had a bad feeling, and she suddenly regretted her decision.

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