Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 269 Spirit Power Pill and Blood Refining Method

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the ocean of countless soul beasts, Chen Xiu and Qian Renxue laughed like talking, completely ignoring them, and the scalp of these soul beasts was numb.

After that, Qian Renxue randomly selected three spirit beasts, without absorbing them, these three spirit beasts sacrificed.

This is the so-called soul beast willing to give you a soul ring, achieving the effect of 100% soul power absorption.

All this is because of Chen Xiu, the soul beast was dim sane a hundred thousand years ago.

Chen Xiushen cherished the emperor's luck, as long as he said a word, these soul beasts would willingly sacrifice.

The absorption process went smoothly. Qian Renxue's initial plan was seven days and seven nights, but she didn't expect it to be completed in one day.

After Chen Xiu returned to the Holy Spirit Cult, Qian Renxue returned to the palace, and the two had an agreement.


Holy Spirit teaches.


Chen Xiu still didn't follow the usual way, but got out of the shadow.

Just after Islam, a gray-haired old man found Chen Xiu in an instant.

I saw the old man wearing a monocle, holding a glass ball in his hand, and hurried over.

"Master leader, it's a success! It's a success!"

"The pill that you asked us to study before can indeed produce pill, and the effect is very good!" The old man said excitedly.

That's right, this is the latest department of the Holy Spirit Church, the Medicine Hall, responsible for alchemy.

And the one who forges the refining sword is the refining hall, and they are responsible for creating some simple soul guides and the hidden weapons on the Xuantianbao record.

The old man hurriedly brought Chen Xiu's pill, which was originally called Zhenqi Pill, but now he went to the village to follow the common customs and changed its name to Soul Power Pill.

The effect is also well understood, it is to increase the soul power of the soul master so that the soul power in the soul master can directly reach the full state, thereby forcibly breaking through a level of realm.

"Have you experimented, and what is the effect?" Chen Xiu looked at the master of the medicine hall.

"Experimented, drug resistance will develop after swallowing ten pills in a row, and then swallowing drugs will be greatly reduced. At present, the highest level can be practiced to the sixth grade, the teacher, is it mass production?" the master of the medicine hall asked.

Chen Xiu took the pill from the master of Yaotang and said, "Yun."

"Yeah! Master, with this pill, the overall strength of my Holy Spirit Sect can be improved by one point, and I will still be working hard to crack the other pill in the future!" The master of Medicine Hall said.

Chen Xiu said, "Thanks."

"What the leader says, these are what we should do. For the sake of the religion, the old can give everything." The master of the medicine hall said sincerely.

Chen Xiu nodded, and then observed this soul power pill. There were four pill patterns on it, which should be the fourth rank, that's right.

The grade of the medicine pill also corresponds to the spirit ring of the soul master. Chen Xiu asked them to refine these four grades.

It's a pity that it can only be refined to the sixth rank, that is, the level of the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor.

If you can reach the eighth rank and the ninth rank, then the strength of the Holy Spirit Cult will really skyrocket!

Among them, there are several members of the elders who can be promoted to Title Douluo, but they have been stuck at level 89 and cannot move.

More stubborn than stubborn bronze.

It is conceivable that for every level of the pill's grade, it pays ten times more rare materials than before!

Even if the resources of the whole church are exhausted, they can barely make a Nine Rank.

It's a little bit more than the gains, everything still needs to be steadily played, too haste is not beautiful.

After the Holy Spirit taught the establishment of the Medicine Hall and the Refining Hall, some elders became enthusiastic.Reading network

The pill recorded in Xuan Tianbao's record is not easy to refine, but some common pill is still very good.

For example, pills such as Guyang Pill and Hehuan Pill were sought after by the elders of the Beast King.

When Chen Xiu came to Jiaowai, the ruins of Shenghun Village had been turned into a large smelter.

At the very center is a huge and incomparable stove. The hot temperature has dried up the land, the river has dried up, and the trees, flowers and plants cannot survive.

There are mortal blacksmiths and soul masters here, and the two hands are mixed together, hammering a huge piece of profound iron together.

The profound iron used to be huge, but after constant beating and tempering, the volume of the profound iron has been reduced by half.

But it is still too big and needs to be refined.

Seeing Chen Xiu's arrival, a big man with a strong physique came to Chen Xiu with his upper body naked. He was the hall master of the refining hall.

Like the previous Dantang hall master, both of them are Contras and part-time Holy Spirit Sect elders.

The only Clear Sky Hammer spirit that Chen Xiu found before was given to him, but a little disappointed Chen Xiu's expectations, the new spirit that was fused was still top-notch.

I saw the hall master of the refining hall, wrapped in eight spirit rings, walking over with a huge hammer in his hand.

His skin is yellowish but rich in metallic luster, and the muscles on his body are huge, giving a strong visual impact.

"Master, according to our progress, it will take at least one month to start quenching the sword. This meteorite is really magical. The ordinary hammer will be bounced directly by it. Only with the spirit can it be hammered!"

While talking, the hall master of the refining hall put down his sledgehammer.

I have to say that it is really hot here, even if Chen Xiu has cold poison in her body, she can still feel a bit of temperature.

The Hall Master of Medicine Hall has been using his soul power to resist the temperature, but a lot of sweat can still be seen on his forehead.

"Thanks for your hard work." Chen Xiu patted the Liantang Hall Master on the shoulder.

For an instant, the hall master of the hall refinement was flattered and shook his head repeatedly: "No hard work! No hard work! Whatever the master said, these are what we should do!"

"It's just that, the leader, what you said before, is the blood sacrifice of ten thousand people really established? The old man does not want to deny the leader, but the old man has never heard of blood refining in his life, I am afraid..."

Seeing the hesitation on the face of the hall master of the alchemy hall, Chen Xiu smiled indifferently, "When a fierce soldier is born, he must drink human blood. Think of it as a sword!"

This section of the formula is not recorded on the Xuantianbaolu, this is the words left by the sword elder.

And the sword elder was the one who held the practice sword and was beaten by the head of Guanyin with tears.

This elder had an idea, that is, blood refining, to produce a peerless magic weapon, and even surpass the peerless hidden weapon in the top three of the Xuantianbao record!

But it failed in the end.

Tang Sect has always claimed to be the great master of Shuzhong, how can he do such an evil thing?

At that time, the Tang Sect was in full bloom, and if this elder didn't kill six elders and countless disciples in succession, Tang Sect would not fall to this point.

And what was the purpose of that elder's murder, was it really because of hatred?

This is no longer known, whether it is his conspiracy or arrogance, these have nothing to do with Chen Xiu.

However, the mantra left by the elder made Chen Xiu's eyes bright.

If it was just the original refining sword, it would indeed cut iron like mud, and it could also break the qi of the body, but it was a mortal soldier after all.

The protection condensed by Title Douluo's spirit power, after all, has a certain deviation from the body protection qi.

If you can really forge the magic sword that the old man said, then maybe you can really break the titled Douluo's body protection qi!

Of course, if it fails, the previous project will be abandoned.

Therefore, Chen Xiu still has a second-hand preparation, the magic soldier holy spirit!

Using her body to assimilate the Demon Sword into her body, in this way, the power of the Demon Sword will be overturned!

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