Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 274 Dream Machine, Crazy!

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The space is shattered like a mirror again!

Mengshenji suddenly climbed up from the ground, and he touched his chest in a cold sweat.

However, he found that his chest was intact, and the teachers around him looked at him curiously.

"What's wrong with the chief Mengshen machine?"

"Before, a person used soul skills indiscriminately there, and then another person said to himself."

"But the scene just now is very vivid, it feels like it was really pierced by someone, that expression is too similar!"

"Chief Mengshen, what kind of talent are you?"

"Could it be that the chief Mengshen machine, went to learn acting?"

"But the previous one is too similar, just like the real one!"

"The kind of perplexity and shock in my own eyes pierced by a sword, the chief of Dreams Machine can be described as vivid and vivid."

Hearing the comments of the surrounding teachers, there was no expression on Mengshenji's face. At this time, his face was pale and terrifying!

The whole body was standing upside down, at that moment, he really felt death!

What is this ability!

It was terrible, if the other party really wanted to kill him, he would definitely not have the power to fight back!

No, this matter must be reported!

"No way."

"Chief Mengshen machine, you can't tell this matter, otherwise, we will, ha ha."

"Yes, Mr. Dreamshinji, you can't speak out~"

The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the teachers' faces began to be seriously distorted!

That kind of twisted face!

The eyes squeezed out of the sockets, the tongue became longer and longer, the joints of the body were constantly twisting, and the flesh on the face bulged out little by little.

They can no longer be called humans!

too frightening!


"Master Dream Machine, join us!"




All kinds of weird laughter kept coming in my ears, and Mengshenji realized it at this time!

He is still in Chen Xiu's illusion!


"Don't torture me anymore!!"

"Let me die, let me die!!!"

Mengshenji suddenly took out a dagger inlaid with gems from his arms and pierced it into his chest!


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came.

Mengshenji's body fell, and he showed a relieved smile.


It makes Dream Machine even more fearful!

The space in front of you is shattered like a mirror again!

Mengshenji discovered at this moment that he had no dagger in his hand, and his chest was unscathed!



"Can't I even die!!"

Mengshenji was in tears for an instant, and he was crying like a child just full moon.

"Please, let me die!!"

At this time, the teachers gathered around, "Chief Mengshenji, what are you talking about?"

"What's not dead?"

"What happened to you?"

"Chief of Dream Machine?"

"Chief of Dream Machine?"

Mengshen stood up fiercely, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes, "Okay, since you want to play, then I will play with you! Go to death!!"

The eighth spirit ability, the black demon strangling the formation!!

In an instant, the sky dimmed, and there was no trace of light!Biquge Book Bar

Countless black monsters emerged on the ground. They grabbed all the teachers present and ground them all into pieces with a gallows!

The blood sprayed on the hideous face of Dream Machine!

Make him look like a ghost from hell!


"Come on, you keep coming!!"

"I haven't killed myself yet!!"

The blood flowed slowly, and Dream Machine heard the screams of the teachers, and his complexion gradually became crazy.

At this time, a student passed by here and was scared to pee for an instant!


"The chief of Dream Machine killed someone!!"


the next day.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

A heavy news spread all over the Tiandou Royal Academy in an instant!

Dream Machine, crazy!

Thirty-two teachers and 104 students have been killed, and they are currently in a state of absconding fearing crime.

According to eyewitness reports, the chief of the Dream Machine has been yelling: "You come out!!"

"You continue to change, why are you the same!!"

"Don't you like to play? The old man will play with you, come out!!"

At present, the whole school has notified that whenever you see the chief of Mengshen Ji, please report it as soon as possible and protect your personal safety.


At this time, outside Tiandou City.

The chief corpse of Mengshenji was here, his corpse was terrible and blood flowed.

And his face is even more hideous and terrifying, it is not difficult to imagine what he experienced before his death.

"It really brought me a lot of pleasure, Chief Mengshenji. Your martial arts and your soul power, I have accepted them together."

The Blazing Academy rest area.

Coincidentally, Tang San was quenched by fire poison, not only did he exempt himself from fire, but also his martial spirit!

Blazing Academy suffered a terrible loss, and those who caused Tang San to fight would have no face to go out to meet people.

And the captain of Blazing Academy, Huo Wu, is another beauty.

The figure is similar to Xiao Wu, with dark red long hair hanging straight down her waist, delicate features, and white face.

She is also a rare beauty.

There is such a licking dog who has always liked Huo Wu, his name is Feng Xiaotian.

Wearing a blue and silver patterned team uniform, he was the captain of the Kamikaze Academy representative team and the control spirit master in the team.

"Huo Wushuang, we will avenge you in a few days." Feng Xiaotian said.

As a senior dog licker, you can't lick Huo Wu directly, you should start with Huo Wu's brother Huo Wushuang.

But Feng Xiaotian talked with Huo Wushuang on his mouth, but his eyes kept floating on Huo Wu.

Everyone understands what he feels at ease.

Huo Wushuang snorted coldly, "We can't, can you do it?"

Feng Xiaotian chuckled: "Brother Wushuang, you know I didn't mean that. Our Four Element Academy has the same qi, we grow together and overcome each other. Then Tang San can avoid fire, but not necessarily wind?"

"Although the Thunder Academy can restrain us, but Shrek Academy can't. The battle between soul masters has attribute restraint to determine the victory or defeat, so you don't need to be too depressed."

After hearing Feng Xiaotian's explanation, the faces of everyone in the Scarlet Fire Academy became a little better.

At this moment, Huo Wu suddenly said, "Feng Xiaotian, do you really want to associate with me?"


Feng Xiaotian's eyes widened. Although he had always had this idea, as a licking dog, how could he say it?

"Is it right?"

Huo Wu didn't seem to notice that the eyes of the people around him gathered on him.

Feng Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Huo Wushuang next to him, this is Huo Wu's brother.

But Huo Wushuang was also shocked. He didn't understand why his lovely sister would say such things!

"Are you still a man?"

"Yes, yes, no, don't you even know how to speak?" Huo Wu was obviously a little impatient.

Feng Xiaotian nodded quickly, "Yes, I have always liked you!"

Has Licking Dog finally turned over?

Huo Wu nodded to him, "Well, as long as you can defeat Team Shrek and defeat that Tang San, I promise to associate with you, brother, let's go."

After speaking, Huo Wu led his team members away, leaving Feng Xiaotian alone in the chaos in the wind.

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