Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 275 Thirteen Needles

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Feng Xiaotian stared blankly at the direction of Huo Wu's disappearance. He didn't come back to his senses until her figure disappeared completely.

what does she say?

She said to give me a chance to socialize?

As long as I can defeat Tang San, will she be my girlfriend?

Oh my God, I'm going to stand up and become the master!


For a moment, Feng Xiaotian's eyes lit up with endless fighting spirit!

"Shrek Academy, Tang San, hehehe, wait!"

At this moment, a man suddenly walked out of the shadows.


Feng Xiaotian suddenly turned around, "Who!"

Chen Xiu waved her hand, "Don't be nervous, I didn't hear anything."

Feng Xiaotian frowned, "Are you the Yu Tianxuan of Emperor Dou?"

"Oh, my name is well known, why do you all know it?" Chen Xiu smiled.


"Don't be too narcissistic. If it weren't for Yu Tianxin from Thunder Academy, that arrogant guy would go around talking about his two brothers, how could I pay attention to you?" Feng Xiaotian dismissed.

"I advise you not to speak too arrogantly. The last person who dared to talk to me this way has now died outside Tiandou City." Chen Xiu still smiled.

It's just that his smile is so oozing!

Feng Xiaotian shivered, "If you have something to say, what are you doing here?"

Chen Xiu took out a pill from Na Jie in her hand.

"This pill is called Explosive Qi Pill. It is my latest achievement. After taking it, it can increase soul power by 50% within a quarter of an hour. It is currently in the experimental stage and requires an experimental product."

ps: Explosive Pill, original name: Heart Demon Explosive Pill.


"How is it possible, this kind of good thing is simply unheard of, absolutely impossible, even if there is, it must be very costly!" Feng Xiaotian was very unwilling to believe it.

"Although it is an experimental product, this has only a little side effect. It just makes you unconscious for three days and three nights." Chen Xiu smiled.

"So, this student Feng Xiaotian, would you like to cooperate with me to test this explosive body...Ah, what about the explosive pill?"

ps: The side effect is that the body explodes and died after a quarter of an hour.

"Think about it, what if you lose to Tang San? In this way, your beloved Huo Wu will miss you." Chen Xiu's voice suddenly became weird.

It was a kind of strange magic sound, which made people feel reasonable after hearing it, and couldn't help being seduced by his words!


"It is absolutely impossible for me to lose to Tang San!" Feng Xiaotian denied.

"Hey, don't say everything too absolute. Some things will always go beyond your expectations. Be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years. It is better to be prepared for everything."

"The pill is given to you, whether you need it or not, but it's your own business."


The space in front of him suddenly shattered like a mirror, and Chen Xiu instantly disappeared from Feng Xiaotian's eyes.

Only a black pill was left on the table, exuding bursts of black energy.

Feng Xiaotian took a deep breath, and finally secretly put the pill into his pocket.


The next day.

It is another familiar battle, Shrek Academy, against Canghui Academy!

That's right!

It is the Canghui Academy led by the time!

On the spectator stage, Chen Xiu squinted her head with her right hand, watching the game with great interest.

Canghui Academy, why do you always surprise me?

The spirits of these seven people are even compatible with this level. I'm afraid, this is their bottom of the box, right?

Seven martial arts fusion skills!

As the battle began.

It was strange that the people in Canghui Academy didn't even move after releasing the martial spirit.

What's even stranger is that Shrek's gang didn't even move!

On the two sides, you don't move, I don't move, so the stalemate came down.

Chen Xiu felt that she should do something.

Before everyone noticed, Chen Xiu's right hand suddenly condensed a black needle as thick as a strand of hair.

This is the black needle condensed by the soul power of the deadthorn black vine.

This black needle is as thin as hair, and once it is sent out with a shadowless needle, it will disappear directly from human vision.

Unless you master the purple magic pupil or other eye training methods, you can't observe it at all.62 Novel

And the spirit power on this black needle is close to nothing, and it is even more impossible to be detected by anyone.

The next thing Chen Xiu wants to use is the 13 needles of the ghost door.

In this stitch, the first twelve stitches are foreshadowing, and only the thirteenth stitch can be killed.

As for why he is called Guimen 13 needles?

This is because the first twelve needles only need to be in the right position.

Then the thirteenth stitch, no matter where you pierce it, you can cause death!

Even if you are piercing the sky, or Yongquan, as long as the thirteenth needle is hit!

No matter where it is, it will cause death in an instant!

This is the 13 needles of ghosts!

The Canghui Academy under the court was motionless, and Chen Xiu secretly used the thirteen needles of the ghost gate to shoot at the soul master who was closest to him.


There is no wind, or even objects.

No one noticed it, and even the person shot by the needle did not respond.

It just felt like a mosquito was staring at her neck.

One stitch.

Two stitches.

Three stitches.


Twelve stitches!

Okay, next one.

After twelve stitches were given to all members of Canghui Academy, Chen Xiu stopped sending them.

However, now, he has pinched seven black needles in his hand.

Ning Fengzhi frowned beside Emperor Xue Ye, he always felt that something was wrong.

What is wrong?

He couldn't speak again.

The Great Xueye turned his head to look at Xiang Ning Fengzhi, "From your point of view, why have the two sides been so slow to take action?"

Ning Fengzhi said: "It must be Tang San who discovered something wrong, so he didn't rashly let his teammates take action. As expected, the child's mind is calm and he doesn't look like a teenager at all."

Rest area.

Huo Wu kicked the chair in front of him, "Tang San and the others are too arrogant!"

"Being so cautious with a Canghui Academy, but so casual with us, really!!"

At this moment, Feng Xiao Tianpi Dianpidian came up, "Sister Huo Wu, what's the matter with you, who provoke you? My brother will stand up for you!"

Huo Wu glared at Feng Xiaotian, "It's you!"

"Me? Sister Huo Wu, are you kidding me?" Feng Xiaotian said with an embarrassed expression.

"Why not you? If you didn't meet Shrek and didn't defeat them, how could I be so insulted?" Huo Wu said angrily.

As a dog licking dog, Feng Xiaotian naturally cannot refute: "Okay, okay, blame me, can't blame me?"


On the stage.

I saw Canghui everyone holding a gem, divided into seven colors.

The shape is also different, some are round, some are diamond, some are triangle, some are drop shape.

Chen Xiu preliminarily estimated that these gems should be somewhere between high-level and top-level martial arts.

The gem martial soul is definitely an extremely rare martial soul.

It's not how strong he is, but that he is as malleable as Lan Yincao.

They will be different depending on the spirit ring they obtain, they can be power, control, or agile attack auxiliary.

There are more changes than Blue Silver Grass, but it also eats more of the spirit ring configuration. It can be said that the spirit ring is the most important thing in the gem martial spirit.

If the spirit ring is not good, then the spirit ring is not good either. There is no saying that the spirit ring is powerful and you can adapt to the spirit ring.

The captain of Canghui Academy was a little impatient, he had already mocked the Shrek students for a long time.

But Shrek Academy is not moving!

"You are very calm, but this is useless. In the face of absolute strength, all tactics and techniques are futile!" The captain of Canghui Academy mocked again.

Dai Mubai snorted disdainfully, "Do you think your absolute strength can beat us?"

The captain of Canghui Academy smiled, his smile was weird, as if he had been holding urine for two hours before finally opening the gate.

"You will know soon!" As he said, the seven members of Canghui Academy raised the gems in their hands at the same time!

In an instant, seven colorful lights rose into the sky almost at the same time!

Seven pillars of light completely enveloped the seven people!

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Seven Shura Fantasy Realm!" x7

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