Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 276 Seven-in-One Fusion Technique

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!With the seven rays of light rising, the seven members of Canghui Academy disappeared instantly!

"What's going on?" On the viewing platform, Emperor Xue Ye was taken aback.

"This, is this the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique?"

On the side, Ning Fengzhi shook his head solemnly, "No, it should not be. In my memory, no one on the mainland can complete the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique."

"They shouldn't be the martial soul fusion skill, but the seven-in-one fusion skill, how to operate it, I guess it should be related to the spirit ring."

As the mainland's first auxiliary soul master, Ning Fengzhi had a clear understanding of Wuhun.

Although Ning Fengzhi couldn't be sure now why such a seven-in-one martial arts fusion skill appeared, he also vaguely guessed.

They must have reached a certain degree of fit, and they have barely combined themselves through the spirit rings they obtained.

Everyone in Shrek remained motionless, Tang San narrowed his eyes, and when he opened them, his eyes had turned into a pair of purple eyes.

Tang San observed the changes of the seven through the purple magic pupil.

Similar to what Ning Fengzhi had guessed, the martial arts of the seven had not completely blended.

Instead, the spirits were forcibly brought together through a certain consistent spirit ring.

and many more!

what is this!

One stitch.

Two stitches!

Three stitches!


Twelve stitches!


Who did it?

Look at the position of the twelve needles, can it be the 13 needles of the ghost door!

Is someone trying to frame us?

Do not!

Is it to help us?

Who is so kind?


Not right!

My focus may be wrong!

Why would anyone here use the thirteen needles of the ghost door?

Xuantianbaolu·Forbidden Profound meaning: 13 needles of the ghost door!

Tang San always adhered to the door rules, even if he stole the Xuantian Treasure Record, he didn't secretly practice the forbidden technique and profound meaning in it.

The thirteen needles of the ghost gate were created by an elder of Tang Sect. The needle method is extremely vicious. Once the first twelve needles are dropped, the thirteenth needle will instantly cause death no matter where it is struck!

Later, the elder betrayed Tang Sect, and the stitches he created were also listed as taboos.

Tang San remembered the mantra in the first half of this acupuncture technique, it was a killing mantra about acupoints!

"Baihui fell to the ground, Weilu did not return to the hometown, Zhangmen was hit, ten people and nine were killed, the sun and the dumbmen must see the King of Yama, and the broken spine without bones, and died under the knee."

Tang San didn't know the formula in the second half of the sentence, only knew that this acupuncture method had to control each acupuncture point to a subtle level.

It can't directly cause death at once, and the twelve needles must be controlled exactly at the third point of the body.

Someone has said that it can cause death directly, so why is it so troublesome?

This is the viciousness of Guimen 13 Needles!

The first twelve needles are just a foreshadowing, as long as they hit the spot, it will be too late even if the silver needle is pulled out, it's useless!

No matter where it is afterwards!

Once the silver needle falls, the middle needle will definitely die!

With the method of launching with a shadowless needle, it kills people invisible, planted and blamed, and is extremely light.

Thirteen needles of ghosts, no solution!

The only way to crack it is not to be stuck by him!Tianhe Novel Network

Tang San understood at this time that the opponent in front of him was already on the death list of others!


Now that someone had paved a bridge for Tang San, should he go up again?

With just one light stitch, you can easily kill any soul master in front of you!

After hesitating, Tang San still didn't do anything.

There are clear regulations in the contest that no weapons other than Wuhun and Soul Bone can be used.

Once found, disqualify directly!

This is still a qualifier, even if Tang San and the others lose now.

But if you are caught cheating, then the problem can be serious!

"Fools of Shrek students, you should feel honored, because you are the first opponent to taste our Seven Asuras!"

"You will disappear in your own pain, goodbye."

The colorful rays of light instantly magnified, covering the entire arena in an instant!

The arena is circular, and the beam of light is also circular. At this moment, the sky-lit colorful light has enveloped the entire game!

The blurred light was full of strange atmosphere.

The Shrek Seven Devils were swallowed instantly!

On the spectator stage.

Flender was dumbfounded. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were so powerful after they used the martial soul fusion technique, which he has never remembered!

Flander did not have the vision of a master, he thought the martial arts fusion skills of these seven people were too bad!

Xiao San they will die!

Flender stood up sharply from the audience stage, and was about to jump down!

At this time!

A snow-white hand was placed on his shoulder, "Boss Fred, calm down, do you believe in the three?"

"Calm down! I..." Flender turned his head suddenly, only to find that the person calling him was Liu Erlong!

"Sister Long, are you back? Where did you go before?" Flender quickly turned around.

That's right, Liu Erlong, who has been missing frequently, came back. This time, she seemed to be back to her previous state.

"It doesn't matter where I go, Boss F, you have to believe Xiao San, he is Xiao Gang's disciple, and he will never fall so easily." Liu Erlong comforted.

Flender still didn't sit down: "But didn't you see the seven-in-one martial arts fusion skill? Xiaosan and the others will die!"

Liu Erlong shook his head, "As far as I know, the so-called Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion is just a seven-in-one Fusion technique."

"There is an essential difference between the two. If it is really the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Boss Fu, even you, I am afraid it will not be able to handle it."

"However, it's a pity, it's just a fusion of skills after all, this kind of flawed product that relies on the skills of the spirit ring and the similarity of the martial soul to be forced together."

Flender looked at Liu Erlong dumbfounded, "Sister Long, how do I feel like you have changed?"

Liu Erlong smiled slightly, "Boss Fu, what are you talking about nonsense? This is what Xiaogang told me before."

Flander swallowed and sat back in his place.

Do not know why.

He always felt that Liu Erlong was a little bit wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Finally, I thought about it, maybe it was my own illusion.

Tang San stood quietly, listening to laughter coming from all directions.

"You are too naive, thinking that closing your eyes can block the Seven Asuras illusion. For this day, we have waited for too long and too long, finally! Finally!"

"a ha ha ha!!"

Except Tang San, all Shrek closed their eyes.

Tang San sighed, "Do you think that this simple illusion can control me? Compared with the past, your illusion is far different."

"You!............, where is the teacher in the year?"

Tang San smiled indifferently: "You want to find him? It's a pity, I will keep you alive, so you won't see him anymore, but maybe someone will take you to see Shi Nian."

The Canghui Academy captain's voice came again, "Don't be kidding, you are just bluffing!"

Tang San shook his head, "After all, the illusion is just a visual lie, and I can see through this lie."

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