Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 277 Death, Here Comes

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Tang San's body suddenly moved, kicking six feet behind him in an instant!

These six kicked to the back of their companions, but these six kicks were not them, but the invisible enemy behind them!

The screams sounded almost simultaneously!

Tang San's body fell from the air, and the purple of his eyes suddenly brightened!

In an instant, the seven-color light soaring into the sky was directly broken!


The voice of the captain of Canghui Academy came.

Tang San suddenly turned around and threw a punch at his back!

"Impossible, is this the motto of your Canghui Academy?"

After that, the last member of Canghui Academy with Tang San's crimson right arm was directly knocked off the stage by him!

Seven-person fusion skills, but so!

On the spectator stage.

Emperor Xue Ye exclaimed: "It turned out that Tang San and the others won!"

Ning Fengzhi nodded aside, "After all, they are not real martial arts fusion skills."

The Platinum Bishop Salas clenched his fists, "Tang San!!"

"Very good, you slapped my Salas in the face again, very good, Tang San, let's take a look!"


With the end of the game.

Everyone in Shrek pretended to be injured. Outsiders seemed to have fought a hard fight, but it couldn't be easier.

Canghui students were helped back to the rest area, and weakly cursed Tang San as shameless along the way.

"Damn it, the teacher's death in those years is absolutely inseparable from that Tang San!"

"We will report it later, we must strictly investigate this Tang San!"


"Tang San!"

"Even so easily broke our Seven Shura illusion!"

Push open the door of the lounge.

Entering the eye is a man in black robe, he is sitting on a chair waiting for everyone.

He wore a mask with a bloody pattern and couldn't see his face clearly.

He is holding seven black needles in his right hand, rubbing them repeatedly on the fingers of his right hand.

Everyone at Canghui Academy walked in with an arrogant expression, "Who are you so special?"

"Come here to be presumptuous, do you want us to loosen your bones?"

"Why, can't you speak?"

"Do you want us to teach you how to talk?"

All the Canghui students were angry, and for a while they directly cast their anger on the black-robed man.

However, the black robe man didn't care at all, just sent out seven black needles casually, and then passed through the seven in a blink of an eye.

The seven were not aware, so they only saw the black-robed man suddenly appear in front of them, and then ignored them and walked over.

The seven wanted to reach out and hold the black robe man, but their bodies suddenly stiffened.

Only six faint words came from my ear.

"Reaper, here comes to collect people."


In an instant, the pupils of the seven members of Canghui Academy suddenly dilated, and they fell to the ground one by one without a word.

The spirit power of the Seven Dao Wuzhu benefited, and they were all sucked in by the right hand of the black robe man.

Immediately afterwards, the black robe man disappeared.

Only seven corpses intact were left in the house.


The next day.

Shrek Academy.

"Little San, have you heard that the people in Canghui Academy are dead." Oscar whispered to Tang San.

Tang San nodded, "I guessed it a long time ago."


"You have already guessed what the hell it is, it's impossible!!" Oscar suddenly associated this incident with Tang San!

Could it be Xiao San?

Tang San shook his head, "Although I know it, I didn't do it."

Yesterday in the arena, Tang San saw the twelve needle eyes.

Since someone got the thirteen needles from the ghost gate, would that person just let everyone in Canghui Academy go?

The answer is simple, certainly not!

"That's it."

"The dean asked me to bring you something, and when someone comes to ask questions later, you will say that you don't know, understand?" Oscar said.

"I see." Tang San nodded.Shuhuangsw Bookstore


Heavenly space.

Today, Chen Xiu is going to make a big move!

"Is it finally going to start? This kid is finally trying to break the limit of Super Martial Soul!" Ye Zixiao said excitedly.

I have been with Chen Xiu for a long time, and I have seen any martial arts, and Ye Zixiao also has a strange attachment to martial arts.

At this time, under the gaze of the three, Chen Xiu was surrounded by seven gems.

The seven colored pillars soared into the sky, Chen Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, and the seven colored pillars instantly merged into one!

"Can't fail, the energy of another world must come as much as possible."

This time, Chen Xiu was really cruel, and the combination of these seven gems was another spirit martial soul!

The seven color pillars rose into the sky, and quickly merged together under the stability of a large amount of outside energy.

Within a quarter of an hour, the martial arts fusion is complete!

Disappointed Chen Xiu, the fusion spirit was called the Seven Asura Orb.

It's just that the level of the super martial soul hasn't been greatly crossed.

The seven gems martial souls are nothing more than that.


How could Chen Xiu be so willing?

If you add a super martial arts spirit!

Super martial soul, nightmare!

The same spiritual system, can the two blend together, can they break the limit?

Chen Xiu looked at the only otherworldly energy left, cruel, come on!

Ye Zixiao's pupils shrank, "This kid, he really made up his mind! No otherworldly energy is left!"


The seven color pillars soaring into the sky were instantly swallowed by nightmare!

The two merged in a blink of an eye!

Extremely unstable, extremely collapsed!

Chen Xiu used all the energy of the outside world, just for a glimpse, a new height!

It took a lot of time for the two to blend together, and Chen Xiu waited here for almost a month exhaustively.

This long wait, this miraculous moment!Ye Zixiao and Xiao Hongyan, as well as himself witnessed together!

Unprecedented in history, breaking the limit of the mainland has never had a powerful martial arts soul!


With a crisp sound, the whims of the sky suddenly shrank into a ball!

A glass ball with only eyeballs!


A glass ball the size of an eyeball fell in front of Chen Xiu.

Ye Zixiao: "This thing?"

Smiling Hongyan: "Is that the ultimate martial soul you said?"

Chen Xiu's complexion is a bit solemn, isn't it because the integration fails and is degraded?

Using Heavenly Martial Spirit to insight into Martial Spirit, Chen Xiu also got only five words: Fantasy is reality.

Ultimate Wuhun: Lalaiye Orb.

In the next second, the orb named Lalaiye got into Chen Xiu's chest in an instant!

It happened to be inlaid between his chest, exuding a strange and hazy breath.

"That's it, I understand, fantasy is reality."

In the next second, Chen Xiu left the heavenly space and returned to the outside world.

The same after returning to the outside world, Chen Xiu's chest was still inlaid with the eyeball-sized Laleier Orb!

In an instant, a strange message flooded into Chen Xiu's mind!

Countless images flashed before Chen Xiu's eyes!

A huge stone pillar protruding from the sea.

Then what caught Chen Xiu's eyes was a coastline composed of silt, wetland, and huge moss-grown rocks.

Oh, Laleille—the body of a nightmare!

Extremely terrifying!

Its evil and huge form was built by unknown existence!

The ruler in charge of the ocean and its dependents are sealed here, hidden in a slippery crypt covered with moss.


There is no ladder for people to climb, and miasma is constantly rising from this twisted building complex soaked in seawater.

Under its refraction, even the sun appears so distorted.

At first glance, the surrounding rocks seem to be convex, but when you look at it, you will feel that it is actually concave!

And those twisted edges and corners on the stone seem to hide sinister threats and anxious emotions.

what is this?

Chen Xiu felt that her sanity had been severely impacted for a moment!

But because of his strong mental power, he can barely withstand the corrosive force that induces people to go crazy all the time!

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