Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 278 Ultimate Martial Soul!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ultimate Wuhun: Lalaiye Orb.

The first soul skill: Jinghuashuiyue.

The second spirit ability: truth.

The third spirit ability: false.

The fourth spirit ability: anti-world.

Fifth spirit ability: currently there is no additional spirit ring.

While killing the chief of Meng Shen Ji, Chen Xiu also sucked his spirit power by the way.

This made his spirit power directly break through to level fifty, but he didn't rush to attach a spirit ring.

Chen Xiu still retains four spirit rings, all of them ten thousand years.

After repeated experiments, he discovered the first characteristic of Laley's Orb.

That is the irreplaceable spirit ability!

Except for the first spirit ability, no matter how Chen Xiu replaces the spirit ring, ten years or ten thousand years, all spirit abilities are the same, only the power is different.

It is said that the ten thousand year spirit ring has a god power of 1‰.

One hundred thousand year spirit ring has 1% of the power of the gods

The million-year spirit ring is 10% of the divine power.

What if it is a tens of thousands of years spirit ring?

Is it 100% power of the gods?

Chen Xiu realized that this is a martial soul that masters the rules after understanding her own spirit ability.

What is mastering the rules?

The rules are the rules of the world, and what the Laley Orb controls are the rules of truth and falsehood.

I am afraid that the ten thousand years spirit ring will not be able to exert its full power.

Chen Xiu's martial arts and soul skills are incomprehensible, he has this absolutely unknowable characteristic.

Apart from Chen Xiu, no one can try to understand this martial soul, including all his soul abilities.

Not even Ye Zixiao!

"Reverse reality." Chen Xiu whispered.

In the main hall.

Zong Yang saw Chen Xiu wake up, and quickly walked over.

"Master, did you succeed?" Zong Yang said.

Chen Xiu touched the orb on her chest, and then looked at Zong Yang: "You have worked hard to cultivate to the forty-eighth level of spirit power."

Hearing Chen Xiu's words, Zong Yang gave a wry smile, "My soul power is nothing but the water purification platform, which is piled up by the soul power of others, how..."


Zong Yang's expression became weird, and he instantly felt his soul power solidified!

This kind of solid feeling doesn't seem to be a result of cultivating soul-absorbing all the way!

This kind of stability is exactly the same as what a soul master has cultivated step by step!

Thinking of this, Zong Yang looked at Chen Xiu with excitement: "Could it be that this is your new Martial Spirit of the leader!"

Chen Xiu smiled lightly, then slowly raised her left arm.

In an instant, a silver-white light was emitted, and Chen Xiu used the soul bone.

In the next second, a fake clone identical to Chen Xiu appeared in front of him.

"You are a real existence." Chen Xiu looked at the clone.

After speaking, Chen Xiu condensed a black needle with his right hand and shot it directly at his clone!

The clone was shot in the chest, it felt like it was nailed by a mosquito, and then it was gone.

The corner of Chen Xiu's mouth split into an arc, "It's a success! With such martial spirits, my holy spirit teaches why it is necessary to hide the head and show the tail in the only way!"

"However, the two sentences just now drained all my soul power."

"It seems we have to wait for a while, after that matter is over!"

Chen Xiu took out the Fulong Tower Wuhun from the heaven and threw it directly to his clone.

"You go to the Beast King elder to accompany you to the Star Dou Great Forest to absorb the soul beast and strengthen yourself. Don't come back if you don't pile yourself into the flesh and become holy." Chen Xiu looked at the clone.

Doppelganger No. 1 clicked, "Yes, ontology."

After speaking, many shadow warriors emerged from the shadows, dragging the clones and fleeing into the shadows.

After the clone was gone, Chen Xiu looked at Zong Yang again: "Give me your soul power."

Zong Yang didn't hesitate, and in a blink of an eye, he passed all his soul power to Chen Xiu through the dead thorn seed in his body.

Chen Xiu recovered 90% of his spirit power, and in an instant he released another clone and turned it into an entity.No. 5 Novel Network

He is the second clone.

"If you stay in the teaching, don't stop until you become a Title Douluo." Chen Xiu looked at the second clone.

Clone No. 2 nodded, "Oh, the body."

After speaking, the shadow warriors rose from the shadows again, and they dragged the second clone to the best mimicry environment.

After arranging these two avatars, Chen Xiu looked at Zong Yang again, "I will take you to a fun place."

Chen Xiu pointed at Zong Yang's eyebrows, and the scene before the two of them flickered.

In a blink of an eye came the heavenly space!

At this time, the heavenly space has undergone earth-shaking changes!

And this time, Ye Zixiao realized that he couldn't modify it!

The heavenly space seems to have undergone some changes, the most obvious of which.

It is the handover of reality and reality in the heavenly space!

Strictly speaking, the heavenly space is still constituted by mental power, but it has entity and knowability!

In other words, Chen Xiu's Heavenly Martial Spirit has been upgraded.

Everything is gray, as if back to the beginning, it is very monotonous here.

Zong Yang looked around here, there was mist under his feet, but he could vaguely see the floor.

There was chaos all around, and endless mist filled this place.

Zong Yang looked around, and a very huge round table suddenly appeared here!

Twenty-one chairs fell around the round table.

It was like in ancient times when King Arthur summoned knights for a round table meeting.

It's amazing. There is a number and a picture on the back of each chair.

Zong Yang suddenly saw Chen Xiu. At this time, Chen Xiu was wearing a white robe with a gold pattern and just sitting on one of the chairs.

It was strange that Chen Xiu's body seemed to be made of smoke, and no trace of flesh was visible.

Here is full of bizarre and illusory colors.

Zong Yang was looking at his hands, exactly like Chen Xiu, as if they were made of smoke, full of illusory colors.

At this time, three people were seated on the twenty-one seats of the round table.

Zong Yang walked over and saw the chair Chen Xiu made, and the number behind it was'XXI'!

The pictures behind him made Zong Yang feel familiar.

The four horns are lions, flying eagles, angels and sacred cows, and in the middle is a maid dancing in a laurel wreath.

She was holding a magic wand in one hand, and it seemed to be a key, cheering for those who stepped to the end, or a kind of call.

this is!

Zong Yang's pupils shrank, "World!"

He recalled, he scanned the pictures on each chair!

This, this is the Tarot card!

The leader is this?

Chen Xiu turned her head slightly, "You should be seated."

That's it.

Zong Yang smiled slightly and swept around among the many chairs. It was best to come to the tenth chair,'X'

This is the wheel of fortune!

On the picture.

Above the wheel of fortune is the sphinx symbolizing an angel, and below is the devil.

It is surrounded by goddesses, swans, and poisonous snakes that symbolize various situations in fate.

It echoes the world, which is why Zong Yang chose this seat.

As soon as he was seated, Chen Xiu slapped his hands twice, "Welcome, the wheel of fortune."

"Teach..., no, the lord of the world, where is this place?" Zong Yang swept around and found that besides himself and Chen Xiu, there were actually two people!

They were sitting in the seats of the queen and the king, and they seemed to be a man and a woman.

Chen Xiu did not answer Zong Yang. Instead, the king spoke: "You are young, it is impolite to ask questions before the deadline."

The words of the king puzzled Zong Yang, but immediately after that, he understood what the king meant!

One after another, figures appeared one after another in this illusory space!

They chose their respective seats, but there were still many seats vacated.


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