Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 285 Spirit Emperor

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Tang San thought about it for a long time, and there was absolutely no fluke in this victory!

They shouldn't have won!

The journey went smoothly.

Too many coincidences are no coincidences!

Tang San knew that Chen Xiu was still alive, and that Chen Xiu was a rebirth in this world with him.

He hasn't practiced that ghost 13 stitches, but that doesn't mean that Chen Xiu hasn't practiced!

Is Chen Xiu helping herself along the way?

Without him, could he really win so easily?

Various suspicions arose in Tang San's heart, but at the same time, he blamed himself.

If this time, he values ​​his opponent and prepares for it in advance, how can he end up in that dilemma?

At that time, Tang San rolled his eyes and went into a coma. When he woke up, Shrek had already won!

The victory was too abrupt, how could Tang San not care?

According to Xue Wu's spirit power at the time, she should still have more energy.

But he was already exhausted, and the last operation of the Profound Tiangong was his last struggle.

I don't know why, after waking up from this awakening, the imbalance of Yin and Yang in my body was solved!

Isn't this what he wanted to use before the golden body condensed by two fairy grasses in the eyes of Binghuoliangyi?

Why is it so?

One month before the next official competition, Tang San decided to retreat!

In these days, Tang San reflected a lot.

Since the day he became a soul master, he has always stood at the pinnacle of his peers.

Lan Yincao is not a powerful spirit, but under the guidance of the master, his strength is always no worse than those of the same age with powerful spirit masters.

Over time, Tang San had even forgotten his own problems with Blue Silver Grass.

I have always placed myself in the same position as those soul masters with powerful martial souls, and even have a sense of superiority.

However, when he calmed down and thought, he found out.

If he didn't have the faculty brought by the Tang Sect, without the fierce fire apricot, and the ten thousand year spirit ring, what would he have left?

Lan Yincao may not be worth training at all, the waste martial soul is after all.

If I change my spirit ring to another spirit ring, I can definitely do better!

"I, should I choose a more powerful Wuhun."

Just when Tang San was confused, he couldn't help but recall the figure of Dugu Bodu in his mind.


I still have a poison skill, and there may be further development on this Douluo Continent!


Somewhere in the forest.

An old man is slowly walking towards the agreed place.

Long dark green hair, eyes and nails, all over his body is horrible.

It is Du Gu Bo!

Standing in front of him was a guy who was neither male nor female.

From a distance, she looked like a woman with long orange hair, pinching orchid fingers.

However, upon closer inspection, he discovered that he looked like a non-female, and he was indeed a demon.

"Chrysanthemum Pass, ten years ago, the old man will come to settle accounts with you today!" Dugu Bo said with a sullen look.

Ju Douluo smiled lightly and let out a strange but harsh laugh.

"Old Poison, if you didn't happen to meet Prince Xue Xing's inspection team, and Prince Xue Xing used the power of the empire to force me and the old ghost to retreat, you would have died long ago."

"Today, I think you have lived enough. It just saves me to find you!" Ju Douluo smiled strangely.

"Heh!" 1234 novel

"That's also the old man and me. I shouldn't be fate, Juhuaguan, today the old man wants you to pay for the things you did in the past!" Dugu Bo pointed to Ju Douluo's nose angrily.

Now that the poison in the old man's body has been relieved by more than half, his own strength has been increased by at least 30%, and he has the courage to chase the soul.

Ju Douluo, today you will definitely die!

Apart from anything else, the two of them are about to do it right away!

But when the two of them didn't notice at all, the space in front of them actually appeared cracks.

As a titled Douluo, his mental power is no better than that of ordinary people, so he realized what he felt for a moment!

"Someone used Mirage to the old man!" Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo stopped at the same time!


"The despicable man who hides his head and reveals his tail, hasn't appeared soon!" Dugu Bo's voice was amplified by his spirit power, and his voice spread throughout the forest in an instant.

Chrysanthemum Douluo also stopped, "The two masters are duel here, dare someone interrupt?"

"Old Poison, let's kill him first, and it won't be too late to start."

Dugu Bo nodded, be regarded as acquiescence.

Ha ha.

"Jinghua Shuyue, broken."


The space in front of me was like a mirror, fragmented inch by inch.

An abrupt figure suddenly appeared in front of the two!

The gold-patterned white robe covered his body, only half of his face wearing a gold-patterned mask was exposed.

"I've always been here, but from beginning to end, you didn't find me." Chen Xiu smiled.


The pupils of Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo shrank. When were they here!

As Title Douluo, they didn't even feel it!

Moreover, can't see this guy's spirit power, is it also a title?

"Who are you?" Dugu Bo looked at Chen Xiu and asked.

He didn't attack as soon as he came up. After all, Chen Xiu's methods were a bit weird, which made him afraid to act rashly.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly, "No talent, it is the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, so is the Spirit Emperor."

Holy Spirit teaches!

Hearing these three words, Juhuaguan smiled contemptuously, "Who I was at the time, it turned out to be the Holy Spirit Recycling Station that gathered a group of stinky fish and shrimps, and the people who came to it were not rejected."

"Dare to interrupt the duel between the two of us, I will take care of who you are, even if you are the king of heaven, we will still take you."

With that, Ju Douluo blinked in front of Chen Xiu in a blink of an eye, punching in the face!

Chen Xiu did not dodge, and in an instant, a solid and powerful palm grabbed Ju Douluo's fist!

Dugubo frowned, and his figure flickered directly on top of Chen Xiu's head, with a kick in front of him!


In the next moment, a slender hand instantly caught Dugu Bo's foot!


With any warning, two figures suddenly appeared!

The coercion belonging to Title Douluo was released without any cover!

Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo were instantly repelled!

Chen Xiu hadn't moved from start to finish, and there were already two more people beside him quietly.

The man on the right is handsome, with long fiery red hair and a tall and tall white robe with a pattern of fire and phoenix.

An old man on the left looked radiant, his muscles were like steel, and he was wearing a white robe with black tortoise patterns.

Two titled Douluo!

One is ninety-sixth level, one is ninety-two!

Seeing the surprise in Dugubo's eyes, Chen Xiu smiled lightly: "Why, are you surprised?"

Ju Douluo swallowed a sip of water, and the costume calmly said: "I didn't expect that your Holy Spirit Sect still has something. The Spirit Hall hasn't taken care of you before, and it has caused you to swell."

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