Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 286 The Five Senses Domination!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is." Chen Xiu said, and the two titles around him instantly released Wuhun!

On the right side of the title, two pairs of red wings stretched out from behind, and the splendid tail hovering in the air like sparks.

Mingfeng's long hair instantly turned into flames and burned, and flame ripples appeared in his pale golden eyes.

At the center of his eyebrows, a blood-red lotus mark made him look like a god.

The nine spirit rings rose one by one, hovering upward.

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, nine ten thousand year spirit rings!

Immediately afterwards, the old man on the left also released his martial soul!

His body began to grow gradually, and his limbs began to swell!

His figure skyrocketed to more than four meters, and then, a large number of prismatic scales grew on his body.

A huge tortoise shell with dark black lines appeared behind him with a blink of an eye!

The old man's limbs turned into standing claws, and a thick black snake stuck its head out of the turtle shell!

Xuan Snake opened his four-petaled giant crocodile, revealing two sharp fangs!

This is the legendary Xuanwu where the snake is one!

The same nine spirit rings rose one by one, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, nine ten thousand year spirit rings!

In an instant, the eighteen ten thousand year spirit rings added together gave out endless black lights, making the world appear so dim!

Dugubo and Juhuaguan were completely dumbfounded. What is the concept of the Quan Wannian Spirit Ring?

Ten thousand years and thousand years are a dividing line, all spirit rings, ten thousand years ago are equivalent to the level of a mortal.

After ten thousand years, he gained one-thousandth of his power.

Titles determine their strength, not only their spirit power, but also the number of ten thousand years spirit ring.

A normal Title Douluo has five ten thousand year spirit rings.

And some special Title Douluo possess one hundred thousand year spirit ring!

What is the concept of one hundred thousand years?

It is equivalent to mastering one percent of their divine power, which is equivalent to their 100,000-year spirit ring!

Of course, ten thousand year spirit rings also have levels, such as ninety thousand years, which can be said to be very close to one hundred thousand years.

But what does this 10,000-year gap represent?

The 90,000-year-old soul beast, even though he was very close to one hundred thousand years, did not have the wisdom.

Even ten 90,000-year-old soul beasts may not be able to beat a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

Therefore, some titles with one hundred thousand spirit rings are the best among titles.

For example, Thunder Douluo Yuluomian, he once lost three consecutive titles with one enemy three!

There is also a certain Haotian Douluo with a hundred thousand year spirit ring.

Of course, the 100,000-year spirit ring is not Chinese cabbage. Although Chen Xiu has two, he doesn't care at all.

Because it's useless!

He can't use it, only when he waits for his eight-ringed spirit Douluo to absorb the 100,000 year spirit ring.

A normal person can absorb a hundred thousand year spirit ring when it is the Nine Rings.

And Chen Xiu used fairy grass, the fourth ring can absorb ten thousand years, and the eighth ring can absorb one hundred thousand years.

Don't mention Tang San to me, he is a hundred thousand years after the fifth ring.

He is obviously on the hook, OK?

Seeing the two titles next to Chen Xiu, Dugubo and Ju Douluo both thought.

Can't fight!

Can't fight!

These two spirit masters attacked and defended. Fortunately, the 92nd-level ones can use poison to deal with him. After all, the Xuanwu Tortoise Martial Spirit is a defensive Martial Spirit.

But, look at the one next to him, with a spirit power of ninety-six, which is a full force of four!

And the phoenix is ​​the nemesis of the snake!

His martial spirit, the Jade Scale Snake Emperor, was suppressed by the phoenix in every aspect.

Not to mention Chrysanthemum Douluo, without Ghost Douluo, his own strength is not very strong.

For a time, the two had retired.

Chen Xiu looked at Ju Douluo, "I have the intention to join forces with Wuhun Hall, and I hope that Ju Douluo will bring these words to Bibi Dong."

Ju Douluo Yueguan was instantly happy when he heard this!

"Hahaha!" 49 e-book

"Old Poison, I'm sorry, it seems that you are the only one who suffers." Ju Douluo gleefully said.

Since the Holy Spirit teaches these two titled Douluo, why not cooperate with them?

Chrysanthemum Douluo quickly responded to Chen Xiu, "Ling Sovereign, Master Pope, she definitely hopes to cooperate with you, but there are outsiders here, should we?"

not good!

Dugubo stepped back, Ju Douluo's meaning was obvious!

Let's kill Drug Douluo first, and discuss cooperation matters together.

Chen Xiu also has this intention, "Also."

"Hehehe, Dugu Bo, let's see how you run this time! I don't believe that someone will save you this time!" Juhua Guanxie said with a smile.

Dugubo frowned, what should I do?

In this situation, there are three titles, and one whose strength is unknown, ten dead and no life!

Is the old man really going to die here?

Do not!

The old man is not reconciled!

Even if it's a last-minute fight today, the old man will have to do it!

Thought of this.

Dugu Bo looked at Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu waved his hands to the two guardians, "It's been a long time since I have moved my muscles and bones, Title Douluo, just right to practice my hand."

Seeing Chen Xiu stepping forward, Dugu Bo would not let go of this opportunity!

The seventh soul skill, Wuhun true body!

Dugu Bo's figure stretched suddenly, turning into a green scale snake king tens of meters long!

"Boy, even if the old man is dead today, he will drag you to death!"

After that, the green scale snake emperor that Dugu Bo transformed fiercely spewed a cloud of cyan poisonous mist!

Chen Xiu just couldn't avoid it, and even took a breath.

"Is your poison only this degree?" Chen Xiu smiled.


Impossible, except Tang San that little monster, no one can ignore his snake venom like this!

Unfortunately, Chen Xiu has just condensed a golden body not long ago, and it is not harmful.

"Damn it, since this kid can ignore my poison, it seems that he can only abandon my strengths and attack with spirit power!"

Thinking of Dugu Bo, the fifth spirit ring by his side instantly shone!

"Fifth spirit ability, poisonous ray!"

The Jade Scale Snake Emperor opened his big mouth, and suddenly a green spirit power ball quickly condensed in his mouth!

Chen Xiu raised a finger, "To deal with you, I only use one soul skill."

"The first soul skill, beautiful and beautiful."


Dugu Bo felt a white light flashing in front of him. He didn't know what it was, but as Titled Douluo, he could feel a little strange!

"Is this an illusion? Use illusion on Title Douluo, hahaha! Boy unless you are Title Douluo, it is impossible to threaten me!"

Hearing Dugu Bo's ridicule, Chen Xiu turned her wrist.

"The illusion is nothing but a trick to deceive the eyes. My mirror is not an illusion, an ignorant little bug."

"After you watched my release of spirit abilities, your five senses have been dominated by me. From this moment on, you can no longer believe in yourself."

"Because, your senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch may all be felt by me. You feel that you let your martial soul go, but in fact I made you feel it."

"You feel that you used your spirit ability, but I actually made you feel it. Actually, you didn't do anything."

When the words were over, there were a lot of cracks in the picture before him!


The picture in front of him suddenly shattered, and Dugu Bo suddenly opened his eyes, and he realized that he hadn't let go of Wuhun at all!

Never let go of spirit skills!

There is no consumption of his own soul power!

Even the real body of Wuhun didn't turn on!

how is this possible!!

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