Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 287 Goodbye, Dugu Bo

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His first spirit ability was released after I finished releasing the spirit ability. I shouldn't be influenced by him at this time!


As early as the beginning, I was already caught in his spirit ability!

Chrysanthemum Douluo had different colors in his eyes, "What a terrifying spirit ability. Fortunately, he and I are not enemies, and I don't know what his spirit is.

Ju Douluo witnessed the whole process. Chen Xiu didn't control his vision. He clearly saw Dugu Bo's comical performance.

He shouted, he would pull a back cushion when he died, and then Wuhun Zhenzhen!

Then a person just wandered around there, and didn't look at his spirit ability!

Then another person spit over there, who was still talking to himself.

You can't hurt him by saying something poisonous, you can only use spirit power!

Brother, please put poison!

Who are you spitting, what kind of poison are you?

Are you poisonous?

Well, if that's the case, then don't say anything, but what do you mean by spraying at a tree?

After that, Dugubo laughed silly there again, saying something like the fourth spirit ability.

When this Chrysanthemum Douluo was shown, he almost laughed.

However, when he came over, he felt a chill on his back, which was terrifying!

What kind of spirit is that, playing a Title Douluo between applause!

Control the five senses of people!

This ability is simply too unreasonable!

It can be said that the five senses constitute a living person. The five senses are controlled by others. How terrifying is that?

Think about it, what you see is not true, what you hear is not true, what you smell is not true, what you taste is not true, and what you feel is not true.

So what else is true?

Human beings have only five senses. If one of the five senses is controlled by others, then you are not sure what you are doing.

Maybe you feel like you are lying in bed at home and eating fruit, but in fact you are at school, undressing and jumping on the new island!

How can this ability not be scary?

An emotion called fear was felt by Chen Xiu.

The'XXl' on his right hand suddenly sucked in a black air.

Chen Xiu turned to look at Ju Douluo, "Are you scared?"

"Are you afraid of the power I have? I can feel it. You don't have to try to deceive me, because no one can deceive me."

This guy!

Is the Spirit Emperor?

Ju Douluo shook his teeth, there was indeed a trace of fear in his heart.

He was afraid of Chen Xiu's strange and unpredictable ability and the mystery that exudes all the time.

Ju Douluo found that he couldn't understand Chen Xiu, that was a completely wrong feeling!

Whenever Ju Douluo wanted to know Chen Xiu, his brain would fall into a blank space, even bringing a mental shock!

This is the characteristic of Chen Xiuwu's spirit, absolutely unknowable!

Absolutely indescribable!

No one can try to understand him, no one can!

Because, once you forcefully understand him, your sanity will collapse, and you will fall into endless madness and fear!

Laley's Orb has hidden abilities, but Chen Xiu has not discovered it yet.

Ultimate Wuhun, this is a new height, what he represents is the limit that Wuhun can reach!

If it exceeds this limit, it is an exception!

It was the rank defined by Chen Xiuxin, an extraordinary martial soul.

"Ling Sovereign Lord, please forgive me for the unreasonableness before. We Wuhun Palace hope to cooperate with you." Ju Douluo said with humility.

Chen Xiu must not be an enemy!

The reason is simple, his weird ability to the culmination!

If such a person can't become an ally, then eliminate him as soon as possible and kill him in the bud!

But if the bud has grown, he has grown up?

It is too late at this time, and you can only choose to make friends, or destroy it with all the power!

As for the risks of doing so, it goes without saying.

"I admit your attitude, go back and tell Bibi Dong, I hope she will not make useless attempts." Chen Xiu replied lightly.

Ju Douluo was startled, "Yes, I will definitely convey it to the Pope." Love my e-book

"So, next." Chen Xiu looked at Dugu Bo again.

Now Dugu Bo is panic, he dare not act rashly.

Because it may be useless if moved, although it seems that it has dispelled the spirit ability, but it is very likely that he is still under the control of Chen Xiu's spirit ability!

What to do now, wait for death?

Or, run!

But, can you run away?

No, since it is a spirit ability, it will inevitably consume spirit power!

This is a law that cannot be escaped, but Dugu Bo doesn't even have any information about Chen Xiu.

For example, his level, his martial spirit, all these are unknown!

This weird spirit ability can dominate his five senses.

How to solve?

Is the picture in front of you true or not?

"If it is a soul skill, there must be a way to crack it, think carefully, Dugu Bo, think about it!"

He guessed right, Chen Xiu never closed the mirror.

He actually didn't need to say such things as releasing spirit abilities.

This is just a kind of psychological misleading to the enemy, making them think that Chen Xiu is a spirit ability just released.

In fact, they didn't know that Chen Xiu's first spirit ability had been madly mobilized tens of thousands of times when they first met!

Among them, the consumption of soul power has been shared equally among all the followers.

There are hundreds of millions of followers, each with a seed, and the soul power in them is mobilized by Chen Xiu at will!

Spreading the spirit power of this spirit ability to everyone, it suddenly seemed so small.

Regardless of Chen Xiu's release hundreds of times, thousands of times and tens of thousands, it will be shared equally to everyone, but it is just a little bit.

Ju Douluo didn't know yet, he had been hypnotized by Chen Xiu.

It's just that Chen Xiu didn't interfere with his five senses, but it was still in a state of spectacle.

There is no solution to this trick!

Unless the mental power is higher than Chen Xiu, or the mental power is completely immune, otherwise, there is only one way to prevent it!

Jing Hua Shuiyue's only weakness is only known to Chen Xiu.

That is, people must see him release his spirit abilities with his own eyes.

There is no need for a soul master to know that Chen Xiu has used a soul ability, they just need to see it.

And this spirit ability is intangible and qualityless, and each release will not produce any special effects.

Everyone will be dominated by Chen Xiu unconsciously.

Unless someone knows Chen Xiu's soul abilities, he will cover his eyes with something when he doesn't see him, so that he can avoid Chen Xiu's spectacle.

He also covered his eyes in the subsequent battle, because once he opened his eyes, he might be facing Chen Xiu's mirror image.

This is the only weakness.

Once you are in the mirror, it will be too late even if you close your eyes. Your five senses are already dominated.

But no one knew, Dugu Bo guessed this possibility.

But it was useless, he had already hit the mirror.

Next, it's time to test a feature.

Soul skills, real.

"There will be an iron sword in my hand that can pierce through the bodyguard."

As soon as Chen Xiu waved his hand, his soul skills were activated, and an iron sword appeared in his hand.

Ju Douluo's eyes widened, what kind of spirit ability is this?

Conjured an iron sword out of thin air?


Where is his spirit ring?

Why can't he see the spirit ring, there is no sign of his spirit ability release!


I haven't looked at his spirit ring from beginning to end, this guy, maybe he has hypnotized me long ago!

Thinking of this, Ju Douluo's complexion instantly turned bad.

Chen Xiu didn't care about him, but came to Dugu Bo with the iron sword.

But Dugubo didn't respond. In his eyes, Chen Xiu had been chasing him behind his back, while he was constantly running.

It's really sad.

"Goodbye, Dugu Bo."

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