Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 289 Another one!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The eighth soul ability, time freezes!"

For an instant, the pillar of fire that filled the sky seemed to be still in the air.

However, this is just an illusion, the pillar of fire is actually still falling, but the speed is much slower.

"The Ninth Soul, Bilin Shenguang!"

Suddenly Dugu Bo sprang out of the woods. At this time, he had already activated his martial spirit body and transformed into a huge Jade Scale Snake Emperor!

His two spirit abilities instantly attacked Mingfeng's ninth spirit ability!

Due to the influence of Dugubo's eighth spirit ability and the freezing of time, Mingfeng's spirit ability has not been stopped, but it has been delayed a lot!

Dugu Bo did not hesitate to use the ninth spirit ability, but unfortunately it only offset part of the pillar of fire!

The faint green spirit power gushed out, and was instantly burned out by the sun's rays.

"Tang Hao, you saved the old man's life. The old man never owes favors in his life. I will pay you back now!"

When the words were over, Dugu Bo suddenly stood in front of Tang Hao!

"Old monster, what are you doing?"

"My dignified Vast Sky Douluo, how can this attack hurt me? Get out of here!" Tang Hao yelled at Dugu Bo in front of him!

Dugu Bo's time solidified and could not hold on any longer, looking at the pillar of fire in front of him, feeling the hot temperature.

Dugubo couldn't help but smile, "Your son, very good, if you die, that little monster will probably be sad for a long time."

"I, an old monster, should have died ten years ago. After living for so long, the old man has already made a profit!"

"Tang Hao, listen carefully, Tang San is the old man and the only friend." Dugu Bo said, closing his eyes.

Little monster, after this time, I wanted to find you.

Unfortunately, no chance.

Okay, just stop here, the old man is tired too.

"Hold the sword in your hand, perform the act of dawn, and slay the evildoers that should be slashed!"

"Dawn's true body, dawn is dead!"

A golden light flashed, and Dugu Bo couldn't open his eyes instantly by the golden light.

Dimly, he only saw a figure standing in front of him holding a long sword in his hand.


Light and fire blend together, and the two forces instantly expand!

Chen Xiu, who was several tens of meters away, clenched her fist instantly, and another one came!

Is it over?

Chen Xiu sighed, "Xuanwu, Mingfeng, stop."

The Heavenly Phoenix nodded, but layers of evil spirit flashed across his handsome face, which showed that he was also very depressed.

Xuanwu Douluo surging underground directly rushed out, and the two Douluos stood on both sides of Chen Xiu again.

Tang Hao also felt that his body was no longer sinking, and he broke through the ground directly.

Dugu Bo touched his body, showing no injuries.

Under doubt, Dugu Bo looked up and saw that it was a blond man holding a long sword that reflected golden light.

Nine spirit rings rose up beside him, and the ones that flickered just now were the seventh and ninth spirit rings.

Wuhun true body, and ninth spirit ability.

Li Yao turned around, and the three title Douluo looked at each other, and Dugu Bo took the lead to speak, "It's a coincidence. The old man made an appointment with someone. I didn't expect to make an appointment with six titles, hahaha!"

At this time, you are still in the mood to joke.

Li Yao thought so but didn't say anything.

"It's not a coincidence, I just came to him, but happened to save you." Li Yao pointed to Chen Xiu and said.

Tang Hao shook the dust on his body, "So, what are you looking for with that guy?"

Li Yao took out a token from his arms, "Ling Sovereign, you can recognize this thing!"

The token in Li Yao's hand is a tiger head token. The tiger head is pure white with the word'law enforcement' on it.1234 novel

Chen Xiu naturally recognized that token, the waist card of the Law Enforcement Elder of the White Tiger Sect.

Chen Xiu smiled and asked, "So, under Li Yao, the famous Dawn Douluo, have you joined the White Tiger Sect?"


Li Yao instantly crushed the token in his hand, "You are still playing a fool here!"

"Your Holy Spirit teaches you to steal the beam and change the column. You have already washed the White Tiger Sect with blood without knowing it, and the remaining six Sects are still kept in your dark!"

"If it weren't for the last law enforcement elder of the White Tiger Sect, he dragged the dying body to send this token to my hand, I am afraid that even me, will be kept in the dark by you!" Li Yao said with an angry expression.


Baihuzong was bloodbathed?

When did this happen?

Dugu Bo and Tang Hao looked dumbfounded, they had never heard of this.

The White Tiger Sect, one of the seven major sects, was silently washed in blood, and even replaced the original White Tiger Sect!

They don't know anything about it, they just think that the white tiger sect has alternated generations.

I never thought that this alternation is more than one generation!

Even the ancestors have changed!

Chen Xiu was wearing a mask and a robe and hat, Li Yao couldn't see his expression.

But as you can imagine, Chen Xiu's face is definitely not so good at this time.

"Under Li Yaomian, do you care too much?" Chen Xiu's voice came.

"The Holy Spirit teaches the wolf's ambition to be clear, no need to say, three days later, I will make this matter public!" Li Yao's words were sonorous, sounding righteous.

"it is good!"

"What a Dawn Douluo, this time, I admit it. We have met in the mountains and rivers. When we meet again the next day, it will be the day when your Divine Sword Villa will be destroyed."

When the words fell, a shadow suddenly expanded on the ground, and Chen Xiu and the two guardians escaped directly into the shadow, without a trace!

"Where to go!"

"The eighth spirit ability, the nine-fold divine light ring!"

Li Yao instantly issued the eighth spirit ability, forming countless auras in the sky, directly piercing all the shadows!

However, Chen Xiu and others have long since disappeared without a trace.

Even the shadow was dispelled and still did not show up.

Li Yao squeezed his fist, "It's tricky. This ability to escape into the shadows is probably the master Kongjue. Even the master Kongjue joined the Holy Spirit's teaching?"

"I'm not surprised. It's just that the Holy Spirit teaches another title. If the three of them come together this time, I am afraid that even if the three of us join forces, it will be too bad for us."

Li Yao: Soul power level ninety-five.

Tang Hao: Soul power level 96.

Dugu Bo: Soul power level ninety-two.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so dangerous, the old man thought he was going to die here, hahaha!" Dugubo laughed.

Tang Hao didn't speak, because his clothes were burnt, he could only go naked.

"Hey, the well-known Haotian Douluo, we have died together. To celebrate our survival in the catastrophe, why don't we have a drink?" Dugu Bo looked at Tang Hao and asked.

Tang Hao decisively refused.

"I have something else." After speaking, he turned to leave.

Li Yao suddenly grabbed his shoulders, "You have also seen that the current strength of the Holy Spirit Cultivation is probably not enough for you and me alone."

"Only when we are united and twisted into a rope can there be hope."

Tang Hao shook off Li Yao's hand. "The Holy Spirit teaching has nothing to do with me. My enemy is the Wuhun Temple. I want to take revenge and don't stop me."

Having said that, Tang Hao teleported forward ten meters in an instant, and after every step he could walk ten meters away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Liming Douluo, Li Yao, I didn't expect the old man to owe two lives today, hey, it's really troublesome." Dugu Bo said.

"Then, in return, you can put forward any conditions. The old man will try his best to help you without violating the old man's principle."

Li Yao turned his head, "I have only one request to tell me all the information of the Holy Spirit Church, including the leader and the emperor."

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