Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 290 Fear is spreading

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soto City.

It was another prosperous night, and the soul masters also Ning Fengzhi started their nightlife.

The two soul masters, each with a wine bottle, blushed, and helped each other out of the tavern.

"I told you..., you, you can drink without me, you can't, you, hiccup!"

"Don't, don't talk!"

"You are, the first, drunk, and still, say a hammer!"

The two accompany each other all the way, supporting each other on the path back to the hotel.

This is a shortcut, the two are second-ring spirit masters, and the land gangsters dare not provoke them.

Click, click.

There seemed to be something eating in the alleys, and the sound of chewing flesh and even bones was very frightening in these empty alleys.

The two dumbly saw a person in front of him, shaking their heads there.


"What time is this, it's time to rest! Why do you want to eat at night! Can't you eat in the morning!"


"Make way, my uncle is upset today!"

The two soul masters walked over cursingly, and the faint smell of blood pierced into the nostrils.

The biting cold wind made the two spirit masters shiver, and they woke up suddenly!

Seeing the picture in front of them, the two soul masters felt their stomachs rush and spit out the wine they had drunk!

"Is it mine!"


The two wanted to spit out their intestines. The bloody scene in front of them was something they had never seen before.

Not every soul master is stained with blood, and not everyone can get used to that bloody humanity punch!

What did they two see?

A person with sharp claws and red eyes, lying on a female corpse, constantly biting and nibbling!

The corpse was bloody, the intestines were torn out, and the internal organs were scattered on one side.


"I fuck!"

The person who ate the corpse suddenly cried, and he turned around weeping, "You say I am a monster? You say I am a monster!"

"You say I am a monster!!!"

"Do not!!"

"I turned out to be a human too, not what I wanted to be like this!!"

"It was that guy who bit me, and then, after I was eating normal food, I felt nauseous, and I just wanted to eat something else..."

As he said, a lot of saliva slid in his mouth along with minced meat and blood.

"It turns out that human flesh is so delicious, no, I am not a monster!"

"I am a human, are you soul masters?"

"Help me, help me, and turn me back into a human being! I will never do anything that hurts the world again!!"

He stretched out his right hand with two pieces of minced meat, hoping to receive the mercy of the two spirit masters.

But the two spirit masters trembled their legs, and kept backing away, "Don't come over, you cannibal monster, you must die!"

"We will report tomorrow, and you must be executed as a monster!!"

He grasped the brain with his sharp fingers, and did not notice that the fingers had pierced the cortex of the brain!

"I, I'm not a monster!!"


"You even said that I am a monster, then you can become a monster with me!"

With that said, he opened his big mouth and rushed directly at one of the soul masters. He bit through the artery of that soul master with sharp teeth!

For a moment, blood spurted, and his face showed a happy expression!

The blood is so delicious!


"No! No, no..." Wu Jiu Wenxue

The soul master's body began to dry up quickly, and gradually became a corpse!

He released the soul master's body, and within a few seconds, the soul master who turned into a corpse opened his eyes instantly!

The red eyes are exactly the same as him!

"Uh, blood!"

The soul master opened his mouth and let out a hoarse roar, and then directly rushed towards his companion of the soul master!

"Don't come, Kahn! Calm down!"



On the tallest building in Sotocheng, three figures stood here, observing the changes in Sotocheng.

"Sir, is this all right?"

The speaker has white hair, red eyes, sharp canine teeth, slender ears, and pale, dead skin

He is the Scarlet Holy Spirit.

Although he didn't understand why the judge called him a vampire, he still accepted the nickname.

Zong Yang also had white hair, and the two stood together without looking abrupt.

He looked at the'X' on the back of his hand, and black energy was constantly pouring into it.

"Yes, that's it. To let them infect more people, the leader needs more fear." Zong Yang said.

Scarlet Holy Spirit nodded, then looked at the male servant behind him, Hao Xingdi!

Wearing a tight-fitting tuxedo, he also has red eyes and pale complexion. The only difference is that he has black hair.

"Flute, use the power I give you to infect more people." Scarlet Holy Spirit raised Hao Xingdi's chin, and the two looked at each other through scarlet eyes.

Hao Xingdi nodded respectfully, "Yes, my master."

A pair of huge bat wings stretched out, and Hao Xingdi jumped up.

Under the scarlet moonlight, killing and fear are constantly spreading.


At the same time, under the same moonlight, two flowers bloom.

A black-haired man in a white suit puts his hands on his pockets and seems to be walking casually.

In fact, its speed has reached a point, causing a qualitative change.

For every inch of land he walked, a lot of golden light appeared.

A legion followed him, also at an amazing speed.

Everywhere we go is territory.

The one who is ahead of everyone is the judgment of God's punishment.

They seem to be very leisurely, but in fact they are hunting down a group of people.

Zhang Liang said: "Guishi Dragon and Snake couple, I urge you to be more acquainted, join the Holy Spirit Cult, and hand over the Dragon and Snake soul bones. The master will not treat you badly."

The two of Gai Shilong and Snake kept their granddaughter Meng behind.

Duke Long: "Bah!"

Duke Long: "At a young age, his tone is not small. You don't want to inquire about it. When my husband and wife broke the title of "Gaishi Dragon and Snake", your father was probably not born yet!"

Snake Po: "I don't care how many people you come here, today, let you learn about our husband and wife's martial arts fusion skills!"

Zhang Liang sighed, "Your entire sect has already been suppressed by us, do you still have to do unnecessary resistance?"

Duke Long and Snake Po looked at the Meng Jingshi behind them, "Still you go quickly and find Tang San, grandparents will hold them for you!"

"I don't, grandparents, I want to be with you later, I won't look for Tang San!" Meng still said excitedly.

Duke Long squeezed his fist, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, "Granddaughter, it's not something you want or not. Now that the sect is in disaster, Tang San has a big background, you go to him, maybe we still have a chance! "

"Grandpa..." Meng still had glittering tears in her eyes, and she knew that it was not time for her willfulness.

"Don't dare, go!"

With that, Duke Long and Snake Po used their spirit powers and directly pushed Meng Yi far away.

"Want to go, can you go--!"


A figure fell in the sky, he had a pair of eagle wings, and the aftershocks of the landing blasted the earth out of cracks!

Duke Long and Snake Po's pupils shrank, "Beastmaster!"

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