Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 294 Come, the boy made this bowl of chicken soup

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Tang San was still in retreat, three days later, he didn't eat or drink, nor did he cultivate.

The diligence and enthusiasm of the past had long since disappeared, and a trace of decadence flashed across Tang San's eyes.

Lan Yincao is really not a good martial arts soul, he is not worth training at all.

Now that the teacher is dead, no one can help himself to solve the problem.

Although he had set the goal of poison and perseverance, Tang San felt that his future was dark and he could not see a trace of light.

Tang San looked at his left hand. Perhaps, I should take advantage of my youth and give up Blue Silver Grass and choose Clear Sky Hammer.

The two martial souls are so different, the twin martial souls are still at risk.

If I attached Blue Silver Grass to the Nine Rings, but failed to attach a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, then what should I do?

At that point, there is no retreat!

While you are still young, quickly change to repair the Clear Sky Hammer!

Tang San's brain almost always heard the voice that made him give up Blue Silver Grass.

This was his own thought, Lan Yincao was simply a waste of Wuhun!

But the Clear Sky Hammer is the inherited martial spirit of the Clear Sky School, the leader of the Seven Great Sects!

The more he thought about it, the lower Tang San's confidence in Lan Yincao became.

His heart was like turning over the river, all kinds of chaotic thoughts made him feel crazy.

"Could it be that my efforts over the years are really in vain?"

"I really want to give up Blue Silver Grass?" Tang San looked at his right hand and said with a confused expression.

At this time, no one could give him any advice.

If it was before, the master would definitely tell Tang San the most correct way.

But now...


The door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

"Little monster!" The green figure suddenly appeared in front of Tang San.

Seeing Dugu Bo appeared, Tang San's anxious heart couldn't help calming down.

Standing up, Tang San couldn't help but shake before taking two steps.

Dugu Bo quickly stepped forward to help Tang San, "Little monster, what's wrong with you?"

Dugubo looked at Tang San suspiciously. Tang San's appearance was a bit scary at this time, his hair was messy, his school uniform was all wrinkled, and his eyes were bloodshot.

It's all decadent.

"Old monster, are you back?" Tang San reluctantly forced a smile.

Seeing Tang San's appearance, Dugu Bo helped him sit back on the chair.

"Little monster, looking at you like this, is it possible that you were also bitten?" Dugu Bo said with a weird expression.

Tang San was puzzled, "What did you bite?"

Dugu Bo smiled, "It's nothing, that is, a strange disease that I heard recently was spread very badly in Soto City. Those guys are like crazy dogs, biting people everywhere."

"Then finish biting people. Those who have been bitten are just like you. Their faces are pale and their pupils are flushing with blood. Moreover, it is said that they are still powerful after being bitten. Several mortals even killed soul masters."

Hearing Dugu Bo's description, Tang San shook his head and couldn't help but wake up a bit.

"Are you talking about zombies?" Tang San asked in confusion.


"What is that?" Dugu Bo had never heard of this term, just like Hades.Global Novel

This little monster can always pull out some words he has never heard before.

"Zombies refer to stiff corpses, but they can still move like human beings. Generally they refer to the living dead." Tang San said.


"You said those people are dead? Wait, that's the case! Little monster, you did me a big favor again, hahaha!" Dugubo said and burst into laughter.

"Um, I didn't say that those people were dead or that they were zombies, just that they were a bit similar, don't check your seats." Tang San didn't understand what was so funny.

Dugu Bo leaned back on the chair and raised Erlang's legs.

"Hey, it's not that there is a troublesome old guy who has been pestering me. If he hadn't saved the old man's life, it would be a quirk that the old man would be caught by him to see someone biting someone."

Dugu Bo let out a long sigh, he finally found time to run around in the past two days.

"Little monster, leave me alone, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Tang San also sighed, "Old monster, if the spirit power of my peers and I were both cultivated to level 70 and above, and the spirit body was activated, would I still lead them like I am now? ?"

Dugu Bo touched his beard, "Why would you ask like this?"

Tang San covered his face with his hands, his expression very painful, "I don't know what to do. As the level increases, Lan Yincao's weakness becomes more and more obvious."

"The reason why I am ahead of my peers now is only relying on some of my own little tricks and soul bones. Without these, I would never be able to walk on this road."

"I think, if I change the Clear Sky Hammer now and attach the same spirit ring, it will definitely be stronger than Blue Silver Grass!"

As a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo was naturally very shrewd. From Tang San's brief words, he already understood the problems Tang San faced.

Waved his hand to stop Tang San from speaking, Dugu Bo's expression suddenly became serious.

"Little monster, I'll give you a piece of spiritual chicken soup."

"Lan Yincao is a waste martial arts soul, and it is the most famous waste martial arts soul. Even most people don't have the opportunity to cultivate, and you are naturally full of soul power."

"My granddaughter inherited my martial spirit, but innate spirit power is only 7th level, but you are 10th level. This shows that your blue silver grass is not ordinary."

"You don't have to rush into the powerful martial arts. The Holy Spirit taught those crazy people to be true. Martial arts are very important, but they are by no means as important as they say."

"The power of a soul master is not only in the spirit of martial arts. Think about the old man Dugu Bo, who possesses the top martial spirit Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, coupled with the cultivation of Title Douluo, it is the only one in the world."

"Such me, but was teased by a guy who hadn't even reached the ninetieth level between applause!"

As he said, Dugu Bo suddenly clenched his fists, and he could see the anger in his heart.

But Tang San was taken aback, Dugu Bo was a titled Douluo.

Who can play him between the applause!

Moreover, the opponent didn't even reach level ninety!

"Old monster, you are Title Douluo!" Tang San said in surprise.

In Tang San's cognition, Title Douluo was already the best.

The famous Poison Douluo actually confessed his loss to others!


"After the soul master reaches level ninety, every level is a heavenly moat!"

"Ten years ago, at that time, the old man was lucky enough to become a Title Douluo, but because of that, he offended the Spirit Hall and was chased and killed by two Title Douluo!"

"At that time, I was only at level ninety-one, and those two were both at level ninety-four. The old man was beaten in embarrassment and had no power to fight back. In the end, they were chased and killed by them like a wild dog. Five thousand miles!"

"This shame, the old man is unforgettable!"

"Now, with the guts of your son and mother to chase their lives, I wanted to find those two to avenge the blood feud ten years ago!"

"But I didn't want to. I met an uninvited guest on the way, and after that, six titles including me were involved!"

"Your father, it's in it."

Hearing the word father, Tang San's pupils widened in an instant, and he almost stood up.

"My father!"

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