You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Little monster, do you just want to know the news of your father?" Dugu Bo looked at Tang San directly.

Tang San nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I haven't seen my father for eight years."

Dugubo's eyes were erratic, "It's been eight years, that guy is really cruel, but the old man thought for a while, your father should have been secretly protecting you."

"You've been here in the past few years, and it's going to be smooth, I think some of it is due to your father."

Tang San nodded, "Yes, the teacher once told me that I can also vaguely feel it myself."

Speaking of this, Dugu Bo stopped for a while, "Little monster, how old are you this year?"

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo with a strange expression, "Fourteen, what's wrong?"

Dugu Bo's expression suddenly became tense, "Hurry up and stretch out your right hand, let me take a closer look."

"What's the matter?" Although Tang San was puzzled, he still extended his right hand in cooperation.

Tang San stretched out his right hand, and before he could respond, Dugubo grabbed his right arm and raised his sleeves.

I saw spirit power overflowing from Dugu Bo's arm, and the arm that pinched Tang San became harder and harder.

Dugu Bo is a titled Douluo, and his power is so exaggerated. Just holding Tang San's arm so lightly made his entire right arm run out of blood.

The blood vessels of Tang San's right arm gradually protruded, and his skin gradually turned white.

Then, a blood vessel began to jump up and down!

This blood vessel seemed to be alive, gradually changing from the original cyan color to blood color, and then to pure black!

Dugu Bo's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the soul power of his hands became two thin needles to directly pinch the part where the blood vessel was beating.

In Tang San's puzzled gaze, Dugu Bo suddenly said, "Little monster, it may be a little painful for a while, so bear with it."

Tang San nodded.

Dugu Bo suddenly released Tang San's right arm with his hands suddenly, his left hand directly pinched something in that blood vessel and pulled it out!



A black vine was pulled out of Tang San's blood vessel by Dugu Bo!

The blood was accompanied by the squirming black vine, and was pulled out by Dugu Bo!

The momentary pain caused Tang San's brain to be in shock for a few seconds, and when he reacted, blood was already gushing on his arm!

Tang San was not surprised at all, instantly took out the bandage in the moonlit night of the Twenty-Four Bridge and wrapped it around the wound.

Combing with spirit power, the wound was blocked within a few seconds.

And the black vine pinched by Dugu Bo is very slender, amazing in length, and very sensual, just like a tentacle.

Its root is a seed the size of a yellow rice grain!

It is hard to imagine that such a small seed can sprout in the human body!

Even grow with flesh and blood!

Dugu Bo is also a bit thrilling. If it hadn't been for Li Yao told him the other day, he wouldn't know that there was such a thing.

It can be said that the method is what Li Yao told him, but it is the first time that Dugu Bo has practiced it.

Tang San covered his bandaged wound and looked at Dugu Bo.

I saw that Dugu Bo pinched the fleshy black vine in his hand, slowly losing his life, and gradually stopped struggling.

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"What the hell is this and why is it in my body?" Tang San's eyes revealed confusion.

Dugu Bo installed the dead black vine into his storage soul guide.

"This kind of thing, the old man doesn't know what it is, but an annoying old guy told me that 90% of the people on the mainland, including the soul master, have this thing in their bodies."

"It should be a certain kind of plant, a plant parasitized on flesh and blood, and the parasitized person has no feeling at all. I don't know the specifics. The old man only knows that this parasite will suck the nutrients in your body and the energy in the flesh and blood. "

"This kind of parasite will die once it is removed from the body, do you know why I asked your age?" Dugu Bo said.

Tang San pondered for a moment, "Could it be that I was born with this kind of thing, or is it all of my age?"

Dugu Bo waved his hand, "It's not that there are people of your age, but that the whole continent, regardless of men, women, children, and children!

"But this kind of parasite is in the shape of a seed at the beginning, if you know it, you can even force it out of the body."

"However, the most terrifying thing is that you don't know it. It grows in your body wantonly, and finally affects your whole body. Anyway, the old man has never seen the whole body parasitic."

As he said, Dugu Bo suddenly paused, and then slowly stretched out a finger.

"But there are some special cases, and they have grown together with these seeds!"

"The old man has seen it with his own eyes a few days ago. Those rich and powerful learned that there is this kind of parasite in their body. Because they were afraid, they took some potent elixir indiscriminately. The medicinal properties directly stimulated the vines to grow wildly. ."

"Finally, without exception, they all died, and the black vines pierced their blood vessels and grew countless barbs."

Dugu Bo's tone was very dull, and Tang San could even feel the fear that he couldn't help but express in his words.

"But don't worry about the little monster, this shouldn't happen normally, it's just that group of people doing it themselves."

"This black vine grows by absorbing the energy of flesh and blood, so different people grow at different levels."

"After an old guy's investigation, old people like us grow very slowly after being parasitized, while little guys like you grow very fast."

"Fortunately, this black vine does not grow deep in your body. If I ask you again a year later, I am afraid that the white-haired person will send you this black-haired person." Dugubo joked.

"But your head is obviously green, where does the white hair come from?" Tang San vomited leisurely.

Dugubo frowned, "Tsk, brat, is the old man telling you about the problem of hair or not?"

"It stands to reason that this kind of black vine should take a year or two to take root in your body and sprout all over your body, but the one you just pulled out of your body seems to have just grown for a few months."

"Little monster, have you done anything recently?" Tang San thought about it when he heard Dugu Bo's question.

Tang San pretended to be stupid on the surface, but he knew it in his heart.

There is such a thing in oneself, it is definitely not a matter of months!

It's probably going back to two years ago!

So, what makes black vines grow so slowly?

Tang San had the answer in his heart, he had eaten the fire poisonous weeds in the eyes of Bing Huo Liang Yi, and fell into the hot Yangquan again.

After all, the black vine in his body is also a plant, and it is not surprising that he can absorb the essence of the tonic.

But what about poisoning?

Or the nemesis of plants, the ultimate fire poison?

Tang San had already found the problem. It turned out that this so-called fire poison had rescued himself on another level before he knew it.

This feeling of buckling one after another gave Tang a feeling of fortune.

Rejoice in my luck.


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