You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So my father, old monster, after hearing you talk about parasitic seeds for so long, I haven't seen you mention my father." Tang San said.

Dugu Bo's expression froze, "Little monster, what are you anxious about, am I going to talk about it? Besides, the parasites in your body are also related to what the old man wants to tell you."

"After investigations by me and that old guy, the recent frequent visions all point to a power!"

Although Dugu Bo hadn't said yet, Tang San could think of who it was.

"Holy Spirit?"

Hearing Tang San's words, Dugu Bo was stunned, "How do you know?"

All the conspiracies and bad things on the road recently cannot be called bad things unless the three bloody characters taught by the Holy Spirit are added.

This is fine too.

All shit bowls are now buckled on the head of the Holy Spirit.


Did your hen be stolen?

Did the Holy Spirit teach it?


Then this is a big deal, report it to the empire!


Your family is ruined, your wives are scattered, and your entire family is annihilated?

Did the Holy Spirit teach it?

Is not it?

You can also talk about this big thing!

It can be said that without the Holy Spirit teaching these three words, that means there is no face-to-face, where the report will be the last.

At present, all law enforcement offices have a row of large characters on their doors.

[Any incidents related to the Holy Spirit religion are the highest priority, all ministries and departments attach importance to it at the first level, and can be dealt with first]

Therefore, no matter what you are doing now, when you report, you will say that it was taught by the Holy Spirit.

Anything that loses chickens, dogs or cats is also taught by the Holy Spirit.

Killed, did the Holy Spirit teach it?

It's not just standing on the side, the group behind!

The number of things dealt with every day is more than 30 times, and all law enforcement agencies are depressed.

The Holy Spirit is so leisurely now, who steals your dog and cat all the time, can they not eat meat?

The holy spirit teaches all soul masters not to save face?

Everyone who joins the Holy Spirit Cult has awakened the spirit of martial arts, there is no commoner, and the one who is the most experienced is now a spirit master.

They can't think about doing that kind of sneaky stuff?

The most overwhelming thing is that some wives who ran away with others also came to report!


The wife ran away with the person taught by the Holy Spirit!

Why don't you run with her?

Every day we are forced to do things.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo was also relieved, as if so. Now that we talk about this, who else can anyone besides the Holy Spirit teach?

Wuhun Hall?

Isn't that a charity?

Help the poor to awaken the martial arts, various optimization policies, awakened the martial arts, you can still enter the martial arts hall to practice, and once you have cultivated, you will get a subsidy after registering a soul master.

On the other hand, the Holy Spirit Church is also a charity.

Helping people to awaken the spirit of martial arts, and even infinitely tolerant, no one refuses to come.

Whether you are a poor or a waste, come to us and we will take you to rekindle the dream of a soul master!

It’s just that the Holy Spirit’s reputation is not very good, as everyone knows.

The holy spirit religion is the religion that benefits the world and transcends others to be good.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the Seven Great Sects are jealous of the Holy Spirit Cult.

But the Holy Spirit taught no complaints, and still did good deeds without leaving a name.

It's just that those untouchables who are unwilling to accept the help of the Holy Spirit and can't eat grapes sour, they slander the Holy Spirit everywhere.

I really don't understand what they think.Love Book House

"Who knows what the Holy Spirit Sect is doing? Remember, what I told you before, the old man went to avenge his ten years, and I ran into the Holy Spirit Sect people on the road!" At this point, Dugu Bo clenched his fist instantly.

"You met someone taught by the Holy Spirit, is my father also there?" Tang San asked in doubt.

"Little monster, why are you inseparable from your father all day long, can't you think about the situation of the old man and me at that time?" Dugu Bo said a little jealous.

"Do you know who the old man encountered?" Dugu Bo said.

"Aren't you the leader who met the Holy Spirit Sect?" Tang San guessed.

Dugu Bo took a breath, "Yes, the old man met the leader of the Holy Spirit Church."

"It's really weird. They don't seem to have a spirit power of 80, but the old man just can't see his spirit power."

Tang San said, "Did he use any special soul guide?"

Dugu Bo shook his head, "Impossible, the old man has seen many soul guides in these years, and has never heard of any soul guide that can isolate people from soul power."

"Unless, his spirit power is higher than that of the old man, so the old man can't feel it."

But at that time, the demon at Juhuaguan couldn't even perceive his spirit power.

Could it be that he is level 96?

Do not!

Later that fellow Tang Hao also said, he couldn't feel the spirit power either!

Could it be!

It's level 97!

No, the ninety-seventh-level old man has also encountered one. If he hides with all his strength, he can fool the old man's eyes.

But a super Douluo like Tang Hao's 97th-level spirit power could never deceive him.

Is it level ninety-eight or level ninety-nine!

If it is really 98 or 99, it would be understandable to frustrate the old man to that extent.

But in the next battle, why didn't he go to battle himself?

Is it to hide strength?

is it necessary?

At level ninety-eight or ninety-nine, it might be troublesome for one person to destroy the three of us, but add the two around him!

The more Dugu Bo thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't understand it.

Tang San waved his hand in front of Dugu Bo, and Dugu Bo recovered.

"Old monster, what are you thinking? So absorbed, you didn't respond to calling you for a long time before." Tang San said.

"It's nothing, the old man just remembered something from the past."

Dugu Bo didn't want to say it, so Tang San didn't ask.

"After that, after you met the leader of the Holy Spirit Church, what happened?"

Dugu Bo sighed, "Where is there any more, after seeing the spirit emperor, the old man has already lost his ability to resist."


Let a titled Douluo instantly lose the ability to resist!

Dugubo's words subverted Tang San's cognition!

"Little monster, if you see the Spirit Sovereign unfortunately in the future, don't look at him, close your eyes and run quickly!" Dugu Bo said with a solemn expression.

"Why, what will happen after seeing him?" Tang San's curiosity rose in an instant.

"I don't know what it is. If you see him, don't believe his words and his spirit abilities!"

"His language can lie to you, so can his spirit abilities!"

"After seeing him, the old man found out that people sometimes can't fully believe in themselves." Dugu Bo sighed.

"Does its spirit ability have something to do with illusion?" Tang San couldn't help thinking of Shi Nian, the leading teacher of Canghui Academy.

Dugu Bo shook his head, "It's not an illusion, it's more elusive than that. If he didn't tell me, the old man would think it was just an illusion."

"That is a spirit ability that dominates the senses, allowing your five senses to be completely controlled by him. In short, this trick, the old man did not find any flaws, and in the end it was your father who saved me."

"My father saved you?" Tang San's pupils widened in an instant.

Dugu Bo nodded, "Yes, things can be regarded as twists and turns. At first, your father saved the old man, and then the old man went back to save him because he didn't want to owe favors."

"As a result, I almost changed my life. If it wasn't for a passing title to save the old man's life, you might not see the old man."

Seeing this lively look of Dugu Bo, Tang San also knew that he must be fine.

"So old monster, the six title Douluo you mentioned, in addition to my father and you, plus the two titles that have hatred with you, and the one that saves you, it is the six title Douluo you said. ?"

Dugubo shook his head and denied Tang San's words, "No, no, no, the old man is not a spiritual emperor, and the old man only made an appointment with one enemy."

"Linghuang is also accompanied by two titles, including my enemy, plus your father and the one who saved the old man, it's exactly six people."

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