Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 309 I Love You

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this time, in front of the Dragon Temple.

Yu Tianling is waiting here. According to the agreement, she has been waiting here since 6 o'clock in the morning.

I don't know when she started to fall in love with the younger brother who was weakly related to her. She even revealed her feelings to Chen Xiu many times.

But Chen Xiu refused her coldly, but she still did not give up.

This time, Chen Xiu finally gave her a chance.

Over the years, she has been watching Chen Xiu's efforts and accompanying his growth.

Rijiu's love is not fake. Accompanied by the initial joy, the relationship will eventually usher in a qualitative change. She fell in love with Chen Xiu.

When she learned that Chen Xiu and Ning Rongrong were engaged, she was both happy and sad.

Happily, his younger brother can finally find the one he loves. She really wants to sincerely wish Chen Xiu.

But she found that she couldn't do it, and her heart felt uncomfortable like a needle.

She is very selfish and only hopes that Yu Tianxuan belongs to her alone.

She can't see the people she likes going to be with other women, but she still has to sincerely bless them.

She was so happy when she learned that Chen Xiu killed his wife, and how she hoped that Chen Xiu did it all because of herself.

Those people told her that Chen Xiu had rebelled, and he had united with the people in the Spirit Hall to destroy the family!

Yu Tianling immediately shook her head and denied, she didn't believe Chen Xiu would betray!

She has always firmly believed that he who she loves cannot betray the family, she has always believed.


She is here waiting for Yu Tianxuan's return, and she is waiting for her lover to give everyone an explanation.

at last!

At this moment, Yu Tianling finally saw Chen Xiu, and he and Yu Yuanzhen came to the Dragon Temple together.

"I'm here, Ling'er." His words were so gentle that melted the girl's heart in an instant.

A long thought in my heart turned into tears in an instant and burst out dazzlingly.

Chen Xiu saw the tearful Yu Tianling, and she felt pity for a moment, and hugged her into her arms for fear that she would be hurt a little more.

Chen Xiu said apologetically in her eyes: "Everything is my fault. I lied to you, but I didn't tell you to protect you."

"Ling'er, I have always loved you deeply, afraid that you will be affected, so I pretended to be indifferent to you. All this is to protect you. I'm sorry, Ling'er, forgive me this time. ?"

Yu Tianling had never heard such sweet words from Chen Xiu, and she blushed in an instant.

She just enjoyed the warmth in Chen Xiu's arms and his solid arms.

Sure enough, she still likes Chen Xiu, no matter what outsiders say, she still chooses to believe him.

No one can change this. Fortunately, Chen Xiu also loves her.

Yu Yuanzhen on the side looked at him like this, he didn't say anything, but there was expectation in his eyes.

Yu Tianling had never felt so happy before, because she had been waiting for this moment in the first half of her life.

What Chen Xiu's eyes revealed was unprecedented love.


With the sound of a sharp weapon entering the body, Yu Tianling's pupils widened in an instant.

Chen Xiu held Yu Tianling tightly until Yu Tianling coughed up a bit of blood and died in her arms.

The girl's life ended here, just like that gorgeous flower.

Beautiful and short.

Chen Xiu indifferently drew out the refining sword, turned around and took out the token Yu Luomian gave him, grabbed it in front of the Dragon Temple, and then slowly turned his wrist.


The Dragon Temple collapsed, and the huge dragon skull appeared in front of Chen Xiu again!

This is the Dragon Cave, the essence of the family Dragon Pond is inside.

"It's really ruthless. The loving girl sees her lover and the two hug each other. It's really touching."

"Finally, when the girl was indulged in endless happiness, she killed her with a single blow. This more murderous method really opened my eyes to the old man!" Fate Novel

"My former lover, your sister, who has taken care of you for so long, after you go down with this cut, there is no hesitation, it really makes me feel terrified!" Yuyuan Zhen said with a strange smile.

Chen Xiu didn't look back, "You have a lot of words."

"Don't care, don't care, the old man is just a little emotional." After speaking, Yu Yuanzhen followed Chen Xiu's pace.

The two walked into the Dragon Cave, and then they were going to get the Dragon Pond.

At this time, a figure is constantly moving through the building complex.

Yu Tianxin found that her heart was in a mess, it must have happened to Yu Tianling!

Could it be that Yu Tianxuan is back!

But why doesn't Yu Tianling signal?

Could it be!

"Stupid! Yu Tianxuan is no longer the original him, Linger, you must be fine, I hope Yu Tianxuan still misses the old love!"

Yutianxin has always loved Yutianling in her heart. This is a fact that has never changed.

But because of Chen Xiu's relationship, half of the brothers and half of the women his brothers liked, he chose to quit.

But he has been silently blessing Yu Tianling, hoping that she will be happy.

However, that bastard Yu Tianxuan not only failed to give Ling'er happiness, but also colluded with outsiders and betrayed the family!

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he was, Yu Tianxin's heart had been flustered to the extreme, and his speed had already reached the limit he could reach!

He finally came to the location of the Dragon Temple. The original Dragon Temple was gone, and a huge dragon head suddenly appeared here!

But what he didn't expect was that Yu Tianling was already dead!

Only one cold body is left!

He came late.

Seeing the puzzlement revealed in Yu Tianling's eyes before he died, Yu Tianxin could imagine what Chen Xiu did to her!

"Yu Tianxuan!!" Yu Tianxin hugged his brain for an instant and let out a hysterical roar!

Yu Tianxin rushed into the dragon cave, and Chen Xiu heard footsteps.

Chen Xiu turned his head and saw Yu Tianxin he instantly smiled: "It turned out to be Tianxin, did you see her body?"

"Sorry, I scared you. I knew I should chop her into pieces so that you wouldn't see it." Chen Xiu smiled.

The anger in Yutian's heart had already spewed out, and now he was fueled by Chen Xiuhuo, and he had almost lost his reason!




"You beast!!!"

"Are you still a person!!!"

"Ling'er obviously loves you so much, respects you so much, looks forward to you so much, why are you, why do you want to betray Ling'er, why do you want to betray the family!!" Yu Tianxin's anger vented out.

Chen Xiu was not as angry as him, but showed a kind smile, "Longing is the farthest feeling from understanding."


"Yu Tianxuan, I want to kill you, I must kill you!! I want to avenge Ling'er!!!"

Hearing these words, Yu Tian's heart exploded and directly released his fourth soul ability, "Ten Thousand Thunders and Silence!!!"

In an instant, Wanjun Thunder condensed in Yu Tianxin's hands, exuding an aura of death directly rushing towards Chen Xiu!!

The destructive power at this moment is more terrifying than his usual full blow!

In the narrow tunnel, Chen Xiu was almost inevitable, and was directly swallowed by the devastating electric light.

Yu Yuanzhen retreated directly to the depths of the Dragon Cavern to avoid being affected. This blow would not be good even if he eats it.

However, Chen Xiu completely swallowed this trick!

The whole person was swallowed by this devastating soul power and turned into a flurry of ashes!

Yu Tianxin just wanted to take a breath, but the next second, Chen Xiu's voice suddenly came from behind his ear!!

"Choose a number you like."

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