Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 310: A Small World!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!My name is Dai Xiaobai, and I am a clone of the ontology. There is only one goal for me to survive, and that is to inquire about intelligence.

Now I have successfully sneaked into the Baidi City, um, well, it doesn't seem to be the Baidi City, but a city near the Baidi City.

There is nothing wrong. According to a woman, Baidi City is just the most central capital.

But there are countless cities outside the Baidi City, and there are also land, rivers, mountains, sun and moon here!

You can call yourself a small world here.

After communicating with the ontology, I realized that the time flow rate here is different from the outside world.

Compared with the outside world, the time flow rate here is almost 35:1.

That is, spend a day outside, here is thirty-five days.

One year outside, thirty-five years here.

It’s been ten years outside, thirty to fifty years here!

No wonder the people here have almost forgotten about the Douluo Continent. It turns out that this place is already confessing how many generations have passed since Emperor Bai died.

Dai Xiaobai was lucky to be picked up shortly after entering from the crack.

Then there is the previous story.

The woman didn't doubt Dai Xiaobai's identity, and even took the initiative to bring him back to Baidi City.

I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse, that woman turned out to be the daughter of the contemporary Bai Di!

That is, the only daughter of Title Douluo here.

However, the name here is different from the outside world. Those who can cultivate to the titled Douluo realm are called Baidi here.

Here is a full interpretation of the behaviorism of the supremacy of strength.

Here, whether it is a commoner or a nobleman, as long as they can practice Title Douluo, they will become the new Baidi!

Because there have never been several titles in a generation, there have been no loopholes in this rule.

The cultivation method here is the same as that of the outside world, which is also to obtain a spirit ring every tenth level.

The only flaw in the beauty is that there are too few soul beasts here, all of them were raised in captivity before Baidi was alive, and now they are in short supply after so many generations.

It is said that the first spirit ring of contemporary Baidi is only ten years old.

But then I don’t know why, all the spirit rings of the contemporary Baidi turned into black ten thousand years later!

Therefore, the contemporary Baidi is also called the first emperor in ancient and modern times.

After Chen Xiu got the news, combined with what she knew, without guessing, he knew that the contemporary Baidi must have mastered the inheritance of the gods!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this strange space is filled with creatures called Bai Ling.

This creature is as small as dust, spreading in every inch of air, and people will inhale it in the body when they breathe.

This kind of thing evolved from every inch of spirit power after the death of the original Emperor Bai!

People don't know what it does, they only know that it is everywhere and can block sound. Others seem to be harmless to people.

But a wild fruit called Bingguo seems to have the effect of restraining Bai Ling.

As long as he eats it, Bai Ling will not be sucked into his throat, so the human voice can be emitted normally and the ears can hear it.

So, under normal circumstances, Bai Ling blocked your ears and throat?

Chen Xiu seemed to smell a trace of conspiracy, and this routine was a bit familiar.

Well, becoming a god was betrayed by others, and after death, the spirit power spread all over Baidi City. It was also about the inheritance of the gods, and things were definitely not that simple.

Moreover, the version of the story circulated in this world is that the first generation of Baidi burst into death due to problems in his own practice.

But the murderer circulated outside, the brother of Baidi, has become the savior here instead!

After the death of Baidi, he was the second generation of Baidi.

It is also because of him that the tradition of being named Baidi from generation to generation is left behind.

What's more interesting is that Bingguo was also planted by the second generation of Baidi!

The second generation of Baidi was very ambitious, and blocked all the news of Douluo Continent outside.Love Book House

This has led to generations of people forgetting the outside world and thinking that this is the only world.

However, the second generation of Baidi never expected that this place was really isolated from the world!

He exhausted his whole life without finding a way out!

Finally, he died of old age.

It is currently known that the first contact with the outside world started with the third generation of Baidi.

A group of humans without the characteristics of a white tiger, claiming to be descendants of the Baidi, broke into here.

However, they were subdued by the third generation of Baidi, and later the group succumbed, willing to call them the direct descendants of Baidi, and others willing to serve as servants.

They claim that there are two worlds in total, calling Baidi and others the main world, while their world is a pseudo-world.

They claimed that they needed the help of Baidi and others, and wanted to invite them to the pseudo-world to help the descendants of Baidi who were left behind.

Baidi agreed to this, after all, he was also curious about the outside world.

But the unexpected thing for everyone, all the native residents of Baidi City, can't even cross the gate between the two worlds!

Chen Xiu guessed that this might also have something to do with Bai Ling.

Later, as Baidi was unable to go out, he could only continuously send rich supplies to the outside world every time he appeared.

"Very well, the people of Baihuzong really regarded the people here as fools." Chen Xiudan smiled.

Obviously, at the very beginning, the Baihuzong gang had the same plan as their Holy Spirit Sect.

Take away everything here, everything you can take away!

However, after discovering that there was a titled Douluo here, the Baihuzong group was obviously lost, and they even told a big lie!

The Douluo Continent is said to be a pseudo-world, and their small world is the real world.

He also said that the descendants of the Baidi outside were suffering, and I hope that the contemporary Baidi will be invited to sit out.

The people here have nothing to do with the world, and all of them have a pure heart. After a while of praise from the White Tiger Sect, they finally believed.

Baidi even decided to visit the outside world in person to help the descendants of suffering!

After all, they were born from the same root. Since the same blood is flowing on their bodies, since they have the strength, they still have to help them.

The White Tiger Sect's abacus is also very good, if Bai Di is fooled out, then their White Tiger Sect can have a Title Douluo!

However, both parties did not expect that the Emperor Bai could not get out!

In the end, Bai Huzong retreated to this time, seeking benefits, after all, there are countless resources in Baidi City.

A lot of spirit bones are here, but people don't use them, and a lot of rare spirit grasses are here, but people don't refining them.

This is all thanks to the second generation of Baidi!

He blocked the news of Douluo Continent, and also blocked the inheritance of various spirit masters.

But in the end the meditation was left behind by those with a heart.

It's just that no one knew how to use some spirit bones and what they were.

And those spirit bones were all piled in one place.

Hall of Valor.

As for where did these spirit bones come from?

Rumor has it that during the reign of Emperor Bai, there were three titles in the country, and sixteen Contras were unprecedentedly strong.

And Baidi is good at wild hunting, often mobilizing a large number of people to slaughter soul beasts!

Among them, from ten thousand years down to millennium, no one is let go!

It was because of this behavior that Baidi received a large number of thousand-year and ten-thousand-year soul bones.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, Emperor Bai gave all of these spirit bones to his men.

After the death of Emperor Bai, his loyal ministers were also trapped here.

They died of old age and their bones were cremated, but there were always a few bones that couldn't be burned, and they were all put in the Hall of Heroes.

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