Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 313 The Emperor Bai Who Cannot See Chen Xiu

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!And when Chen Xiu squeezed his head, two eyeballs jumped out because they couldn't bear the squeezing.

It seemed that he jumped to Bai Xue's side.

Chen Xiu turned his head. At this time, Bai Xue looked at Chen Xiu's eyes instead of fear, but a touch of relief.

There was a slight blush on her face, and she looked lush.

Chen Xiu is unclear, so shouldn't she be afraid of herself at this time?

What is this attitude?

Sure enough, this woman is very strange.

But Da Wuzhu reacted at this time and stood up abruptly, "It's the reverse! It's the reverse!"

"This son is very sinful. I am afraid that the demon star will reincarnate and want cholera to go to the stage. The princess retreats. The old man will wait for the day to punish and destroy this evil animal!"

"I see who dares."


At this moment, a flat voice suddenly came from outside the hall.


The door of the Hall of Blood Relations was kicked open, and the goal was a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a white robe with tiger stripes.

Seeing this person, the priests and elders all knelt down together!

"I have seen your Majesty!" xN

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!" xN

With the deafening sound of worship, Chen Xiu's pupils shrank. Is this person the Baidi?

The spirit power is ninety-sixth rank, but that's all.

If it was just that, Mingfeng could take him alone.

Without waiting for Chen Xiu to think about it, Bai Xue directly pulled Chen Xiu and stood aside.

Chen Xiu squinted at Bai Xue, didn't Bai Di's daughter kneel down?

The Emperor Bai slowly walked towards the center of the Blood Relation Hall, Da Wuzhu took the initiative to move away and knelt aside.

Baidi snorted coldly, and sat on the main seat, "Dai Shengshi, you are so brave to punish the heavens, then you want to replace me and become the emperor of this platinum heaven?"

Da Wuzhu swallowed secretly, thinking that things are in trouble.

"No, dare not!"

"Don't dare?"

"What else can you dare not?"

"In this Baidi City, don't you Dai Shengshi and Dawuzhu claiming to be able to cover the sky with one hand? Why, what else do you dare not?" Baidi said coldly.

Da Wuzhu's expression turned, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your ministers have been wronged!"

"Things are not what you think, look, the beloved is now in a different place, and you are still in charge of your minister!"

Bai Di glanced at the headless corpse on the ground, and then at Chen Xiu, who was 1.8 meters tall.


what happened?

Didn’t the national teacher say that he was an eight-year-old child?

Now it seems that this is eight years old, twenty-eight is almost the same.

Chen Xiu also noticed Baidi's gaze, and quickly released the spirit of Wuhun, becoming a petite and frail eight-year-old child.

"What is your name?" Baidi asked lukewarmly.

Chen Xiu pointed at herself and asked me?

"My name is Dai Xiaobai."

Hearing Chen Xiu's answer, Baidi frowned. I asked your name, so you really only answered the name?

"Then where are you from and where are you going?" Baidi said.


What does this Baidi mean?

Talk to me about philosophy?

Chen Xiu thought for a while, "I always come and go everywhere."


What is this answer?

Baidi was dumbfounded. I just wanted you to tell yourself about your family and life experience. Did you give me this all?

Taking a deep breath, Baidi calmed down his restless heart, "Then why are you here?"

Chen Xiu thought that Baidi wanted to talk about philosophy again, so he thought about it again, "Because I want to come, I am here."

Drag him out and cut it!


The thinking of genius is always different from that of ordinary people. I want to be more tolerant. After all, he is still a child.

Why should I compete with children?

"come here."

Baidi beckoned to Chen Xiu, the expression on his face was as amiable as possible.Love Book House

"I dont go."


Baidi's complexion became stiff, and it was the first time anyone dared to reject him since he became emperor!


Very interesting!

Baixue on the side suddenly understood that they were obviously not on the same channel!

So Bai Xue whispered a few words in Chen Xiu's ear.

Chen Xiu nodded, "Then it would be fine to just say that you are not in your family. Why do you want to make a mistake?"



He is just a child.

He is just a child.

I'm dignified Baidi, don't I want face?

If you don't tell it yourself, you are still waiting for me to ask?

"I Dai Xiaobai has no father and no mother. I was born to be raised. I jumped out of the stone. This way." Chen Xiu thought for a while and said.

Baidi made a decision and said, "Very well, it is no wonder that such talents are so. Would you like to worship me as a teacher? Learn the way of the king?"


With so many life experiences, you have nothing to complain about?

How to feel that Bai Di is as unreliable as Bai Xue always makes Chen Xiu a little baffling.

Da Wuzhu on the side was dumbfounded, Your Majesty, are you confused?

The body of my apprentice is still warm. You just shield the prisoner so brazenly?

Also accept him as a disciple!

Baidi glared at him, the meaning was obvious, and he went to play.

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Before Da Wuzhu finished speaking, Baidi interrupted mercilessly: "Shut up."

"Then you have to have a blood test no matter what, there is no saying that people are jumping out of the stone?" Da Wuzhu said, pulling down his old face.

The Emperor Bai nodded, "This can be, Xiao Bai, come forward and let the blood test to verify your body."

Chen Xiu couldn't understand this Baidi, what medicine did he sell in the gourd?

Do you really just want to accept Chen Xiu as a disciple?

Chen Xiu calmly stepped forward and picked up the dagger, wiped it on his palm, and then looked at the obelisk in front of him.

How do you say this obelisk, a bit like the one used to test fighting spirit.

Three stages of fighting spirit!

But this one is for blood test, there should be no such things.

Chen Xiu put the blood lying hand on the obelisk.


The obelisk trembled, and then gradually turned white from the bottom.

Little by little, the obelisk gradually became completely white from bottom to top!

Everyone in the room took a breath, this aptitude, my God!

There is no one before, and there is no one who has come after. The three masters are up and the six are down!

"This is simply unprecedented!!"

"Oh my god!!"

"Your Majesty, this matter must be recorded in the annals of history!"

"Don't panic, everyone, please come!"

At this moment, an old man with a long beard walked in. He glanced at the pure white obelisk, his old eyes widened instantly!

"How come there is such a qualification!"


"It sucks to the top!"

As the old man's words fell, the entire hall instantly became quiet, terribly quiet.

Chen Xiu showed a face like this. It was really a vulgar haircut.

At this moment, Chen Xiu suddenly felt someone touching his body.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu narrowed her eyes and returned to her body for an instant.

"Master, it's been an hour."

Chen Xiu opened his eyes in a daze, and his eyes were Zong Yang's pale figure.

"The benefit of the time difference, if only that space can be swallowed, then my heavenly space will directly expand to the entity level."

Chen Xiu sighed and looked at Zong Yang, "How is the competition?"

"Similar to our budget, Tang San still maintains a winning streak all the way, and the promotion match should be over soon." Zong Yang said.

Chen Xiu stretched out, "I'll be on the court at the end of the promotion. It seems that I can only control the Baidi City side."

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