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When Chen Xiu went to control the clone, Zong Yang had been specially asked.

Let him remind Chen Xiu to return to his body in an hour.

Because of the time difference between the two worlds, one hour here is thirty-five hours there.

"Master, I remembered an interesting thing. I believe you will be interested." Zong Yang smiled.

Chen Xiu leaned on the seat and changed a comfortable position: "Oh?"


Zong Yang slowly stretched out his right hand, and all the five spirit rings on his body gathered here.


Is Zong Yang already level fifty?

Four spirit rings, four purple and one black, appeared on Zong Yang's palm, and then they all merged together.

"Ronghuan." Zong Yang smiled.

Four purples and one black, the fusion of the black ten thousand years spirit ring, did not seem to have any qualitative improvement.

"What technique is this?" Chen Xiu was quite interested.

Zong Yang shook his head, "This is really not a skill, but a kind of talent. I was inspired to perform it after seeing someone put it on."

"Speaking of it lightly, this talent is a bit similar to the combination of martial soul fusion and distraction control."

"Basic conditions are difficult for ordinary people, but there are some people who are born with it. Of course, it is definitely not difficult for you to be the leader.

"I will tell you..."

Chen Xiu waved his hand, "How can it be so troublesome, didn't I have this kind of thing?"

Zong Yang was stunned for a moment, "Yes, the teacher's talent is in harmony with the sky. With this little trick, the teacher is born."

Chen Xiu showed a smile, and immediately afterwards, the Laleyer Orb on her chest flashed with a strange light.

Lies come true!

Chen Xiu snapped his fingers and turned each other truly!Lies of lies are reality!

In an instant, four Ten Thousand Years Soul Rings emerged and slowly merged into one.

In the end, the fusion was still a ten thousand year spirit ring.

It is about fifty thousand years.

Chen Xiu waved the four spirit rings and split again.

"Generally, it's useless." Chen Xiu said with a bored expression.

"By the way, how effective is the newly developed Heart Demon Explosive Body Pill?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's words, Zong Yang slapped the fan in his hand, "At present, the in vivo experiment has been done 36 times."

"But all are experiments on ordinary people. If there are no special problems, they will explode and die within an hour. Of course, you can also use those words to accelerate their deaths."

"Before they died, the potential in their bodies was fully squeezed and burst out in an instant. The only thing wrong is that after the explosion, the energy was too dissipated and only a small part of the residue.

"This is very different from the human body alchemy that we imagined before, but this is only for mortals, and the experiment with soul masters has not yet begun."

"However, today seems to be Shrek Academy vs. Shenfeng Academy. Maybe Feng Xiaotian will be our first experiment."

Chen Xiu slowly got up, "Feng Xiaotian's Heart Demon Violent Pill is specially made. Normally, it should not be so powerful, so that it will not blow people up."

"Forget it, just in case, I'll go there myself."


The elite competition, the promotion competition, the competition scene of the whole continent Advanced Soul Master Academy.

The struggle between Shrek and Thunder Academy was not over yet, and Chen Xiu had arrived a bit early.

However, seeing Dai Mubai and Yu Tianxin Chen Xiu in the competition venue was a little excited.

"Yu Tianxin, don't shame the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family." Chen Xiu smiled.

As if he had noticed Chen Xiu's gaze, Yu Tianxin, who was wearing the uniform of the Thunder Academy, suddenly turned sideways to look at Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly when the other party noticed herself.

"this is!"

Yu Tianxin's pupils shrank, and Brother Tianxuan is here?Funny Pen Fun Pavilion

No, I will never lose this game!

No matter from which way!

I can't lose!

As Yu Tianxin slowly walked into the arena, the referee instantly shouted!

"The next person to play is the captain of Team Thunder! Yu Tianxin!"

"Shrek has now firmly occupied the match point. As long as they win the last game, then Shrek will win the game!"

"Then the battle between the two captains, who wins and who loses? Let us wait and see!"

"Both players are in position!"

Dai Mubai frowned, "It's from the Blue Electric Overlord Sect again!"

Yu Tianxin was not angry, "Why, do you look down on the Blue Electric Overlord Sect?"

As the two stared at each other, a smell of gunpowder permeated before the war began.

Chen Xiu glanced at the spirit power of the two, Dai Mubai was at forty-fourth level and Yutianxin was at forty-three.

There is no advantage in spirit power.

"Your Blue Electric Overlord Sect is really annoying!" Dai Mubai gritted his teeth.

"Ha ha!"

"Dai Mubai, you must know what to do as a human being. The evil comes out of your mouth. You have to pay for what you say!"

When the words fell, Yu Tianxin's hands suddenly turned into a pair of dragon claws!

A pair of dragon wings stretched out after being quilted!

Four spirit rings rose up, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple!

And Dai Mubai was not to be outdone, and let out a roar, his body swelled instantly!

Under Chen Xiu's observation, the battle between the two was like children's squabbling.

Sorry, Chen Xiu is not talking about fighting skills and spirit power.

It's Wuhun!

Whether it is the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex or the White Tiger, Chen Xiu has the same force, but a stronger and more changeable spirit!

Since Yu Tianxin and Dai Mubai were both of the power attack type, their battle was already very simple.

Compete for strength!

However, Yu Tianxin focused on agility, while Dai Mubai focused on defense.

It is an agile warrior with high mobility and explosive power, but its own defenses are poor.

The other is a balanced battlefield, capable of carrying and fighting, slow speed, and standard front row.

"Game start!!"

Following the referee's words, Yu Tianxin stomped on the ground and rushed to Dai Mubai's eyes under the shaking of her wings!

And Dai Mubai did not show any weakness, and directly greeted him with both fists!

"Today I want you to see who is the strongest beast spirit!" Dai Mubai gritted his teeth!

Yu Tianxin smiled contemptuously, "Did you forget, how did you lose to my Big Brother Tianxuan back then?"

"You!" Dai Mubai stared at Tiger Eyes, and Yu Tianxin punched him back for a deviation!

After that, the two of you came and went, fisting to the flesh, and gradually, the two of them shot from the ground into the air!

But Dai Mubai couldn't fly after all, he could only deal with it by relying on his powerful explosive power and the Jade Heaven's heart flying in the sky!

"The wind and the rain come, the clouds cover the sun!"

"Longyou Jiuxiao, Yutianlei!"

"Dai Mubai, remember to me that you couldn't beat Yu Tianxuan back then, and today, you can't beat my Yu Tianxin!"

"The dragon spirit is the strongest beast spirit in the mainland!"

As Yutian's heart fell, both of them were full of spirit power!

Yu Tianxin waved his hand, and a thunder dragon slowly gathered behind him!

Dai Mubai stabilized his figure instantly when he landed, the fourth spirit ability, the White Tiger Meteor Shower, was ready to go!

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